Massive Action Gamer
CRank: 5Score: 74480

Back in the PS3 days, when we still didn’t have party chat, we all just used Skype. Sure, it worked and it definitely mitigated the problem, but getting Party Chat on PS4/ Vita turned out to be a god send. Social features directly through the console are far more useful, especially for games like Destiny.

I feel like the whole 4K thing is completely overblown as well. Yeah, it’s cool, but it’s still something that home consoles are from achieving as the standard resolution...

2423d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Some of these things are inevitably going to happen, namely video streaming services and VC.

Me, personally, I just want achievements. PS has had trophies since 2008, while XB has had them since 2005. Just about about every gaming service has them now. They’re not necessary, but they are cool.

2423d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest, I’d love to see another MAG. Best multiplayer of Gen 7, imo. Also, though, that game was way too ambitious, and we probably won’t see that attempted again anytime soon.

2424d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, they have more weekly content this time around, but it can still all be done same day, especially if you have a good raid team.

2424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to disagree; this game’s endgame is where it fails. The majority of the exotics don’t have quests, and the ones that do are pretty damn easy. You basically just farm for them, making the process of getting most too fast. The dev team was stupid and thought players would be sucked into the crucible this time around. Hopefully the Live team fixes all of that for us.

2424d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job missing the point and exposing yourself as a sorry little cuck. That’s gonna get you places, I’m sure.

Saying cultural appropriation sucks is not equivalent to “I hate anyone that isn’t a white male!”. That’s your own pathetic insecurity. It’s saying that we don’t need shoved down our throats everywhere we go because we already get it: Racism = bad, diversity = good. It’s not hard to learn, and we damn sure don’t need every piece of our entertainment to be a god d...

2424d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Probably the worst cesspool on the internet to search for any sort of rational thought.

2424d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

This is literally just like the whole “Tracer is a lesbian” thing. Who gives a flying f*ck. This warrants neither response of “oh you’re so great and amazing and inclusive, Blizzard!”, or “screw you, you cuck ass SJW’s!”. The only response this deserves is “ok”, as in NO ONE CARES.

2424d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It’s funny how he had to list a bunch of old games that no one cared about at launch, let alone now. Also, Age of Empires? Last I checked, that was only coming to PC, and it made all the Xbox fans cry at Gamescom because MS cares more about that than their own dying console brand.

2424d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, both of you just showed how much of tools you are lol

Like I said, come end of the year, everyone will be laughing at your pathetic damage control when no one is buying the 4K Netflix box

2424d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Metro Exodus isn’t confirmed to be native 4K; they weren’t even running it on X at the Xbox press conference. Also, you listed shadow of War twice. Doesn’t matter, the majority of AAA games on X will checkerboard 4K. X is a fake 4K console with no exclusives.

Gonna laugh so hard when PS4 and Switch bury that $500 “compromise 4K” console this holiday season.

2424d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

What a garbage trailer for a games console. Movies and CGI. Totally a show of power. That song was used better in the Power Rangers movie lol

“True 4K”

I guess checkerboard rendering is true 4K now?

2425d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

Never said you were; simply pointing out that I hear that statement the most from XB fans.

2425d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It’s not perfect, but it’s the best we’ve got since MS refuses to give out any real numbers.

Just remember, back in the 360 vs PS3 days, Xbox fans used to treat VGC like it was the gospel. Still not sure why it’s suddenly become “unreliable” to them.

2425d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

A $500 system never sells well in the long term; just ask PS3 and launch Xbone. People really overestimate how much gamers want you powerz It’s not just power; it’s power + software + convenience of price. If that weren’t true, Switch wouldn’t be killing XB1 right now. Also can’t forget the power of marketing. If you think Sony having marketing for CoD and Star Wars this year isn’t going to seriously hurt X, you haven’t been paying attention.

2425d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Kneon You’re right, but that argument would only work if we were still in XBO’s first year. All you have to do is compare PS4’s AAA library to XBO’s, and you’ll see the problem. Sony invests in the long term; they’ve been doing so since PS1. MS spent years taking the route of throwing money at third parties/ doing hostile takeovers of developers, that now they have nothing to show for it. Their internal studios can’t produce anything of quality that isn’t the same 3 IP’s that people have bee...

2425d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 Elite was getting ready to launch at 4 years for 360. It’s about to be a bloodbath for XBO.

2425d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely getting Wolfenstein 2. ACO not sure; haven’t played an AC since Brotherhood, but this one does look pretty good. SMO, buying, but sometime next year.

2425d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a fan of multiplayer trophies, but these seem fairly doable. Should definitely be able to platinum this.

2426d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


2426d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment