
CRank: 5Score: 18230

Not long ago I would have passed off a comment like yours as a fanboy conspiracy theory, but the sheer volume of "Is the PS3 Doomed?" or "Should Sony Cancel the PS3?" articles, just reeks of FUD marketing.

While we may laugh at how ridiculous these uniformed opinions are, there is obviously a general consensus growing in the mainstream media that the PS3 is doing much worse than it actually is. You have to hand it to MS, they are good at what they do.

5736d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

You should think before you type-

"I'm sure if devs spent more than half an decade(give or take) on games for the 360 they would blow PS3 titles out of the water."

Too Human says hi.

5739d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

How many times can I say that I am dying to play this. Febuary cant come soon enough. I will probably be pre-ordering form EB/ Gamestop for the demo. I dont want to ruin any of the experience but I simply cant wait any longer.

5740d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was pretty clear that I was talking about you 'mate'. If you are going to put yourself out there and present yourself the way you have in the past then stand by your convictions. You are a rabid fanboy, your past trolling comments speak for themselves; if that embarasses or offends you, then stop.

With that said, there hasn't been alot of info about this game so I appreciate the pics, and its that kind of stuff that brings me to N4G, so thank-you.

5741d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Despite all the fanboy crap above me (and even though 360 man is usually a rabid, annoying fanboy- thanks for the pics) I am very intrigued by this game. I wish we had a little more info about it.

I am a little concerned with the way the info is trickled out in such little tidbits, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing a lot more this year as the release approaches.

5741d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL I truly didn't think you could be any more of a loser than you already were and then you wrote this:

"Dude/man I know every step of this console generation/war(no goldfish memory, paint another picture when no ones looking... HERE) lol

I'm not hated here on N4G's because I'm some rabid fanatic attacking with out reason, its because I the mutha fucin Nostradamus of gaming lol."

You have outdone yourself again! Get a life; its people li...

5742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I originally came to this site to receive gaming news, and since this site is rarely providing that service anymore, it wont be long before I stop visiting this site entirely. I doubt I'm the only one feeling this way.


5743d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was about to rebut the ridiculous and omissive points of your augment but thankfully took a second to glance at your comment history. The last 20 comments you made (the only ones I glanced at) had PS3 in the first sentence or paragraph, were filled with skewed anti-PS3 logic, and the majority were in PS3 threads and obvious attempts at trolling.

You have the gull to question other members maturity when you are a troll with an obvious, deep rooted obsession, who spends the maj...

5743d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 FUD Force came out in droves for this one, there are even some new accounts that were created for this article.

The funny thing is that Sony showed a jump in its stock due to the report of reduced production costs of the PS3. So I guess Wall St. doesn't agree with the Wall Street Journal.

Its amazing how many of these trolls complain about PS3 fans in 3...

5743d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

says the fanboy eho wrote that "far Cry 2 has better graphics" than KZ2; and look who agrees with you...

5749d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've considered locking mine up for just that fear.

5751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 launched Nov 06 didn't it.

EDIT:@GEC- It launched in March 07 everywhere else though. I was just confused regarding your comment about waiting until after the first year to purchase one.

5751d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

From some of the posts I've read on this site there are a lot of young kids that will be devastated by your comment.

POG & FirstKnight are tearfully questioning thier parents about it right now.

5751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are the most important meal of the day, you HAVE to be on your game everyday.

Now I am going to go sh!t you out.

5751d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I bought it just for the headset. I figured for an extra $10 to get the game was a no-brainer. (in fact EB/ Gamestop was offering $13 which would have saved you a few bucks on the headset). I ended up playing the game obviously and its very good not to mention a steal at $10.

5751d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great news. This game is totally underated. Sure it had a rough launch but its a blast to play and with the bugs being ironed out its only going to get better. Plus the headset puts the Jabra to shame.

5751d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really hate defending any fanboys (or fangirls) but the only thing worse than a fanboy troll is a fanboy calling others out for being fanboys.

Heres a couple quotes from your comment history I found interesting:

"you losers hate microsoft, but still turn up in droves to talk rubbish. why aint you all in the lovely ps3 threads?"

"in my defense, i never comment in the ps3 threads or go in there because i dont own a ps3. the only ones...

5751d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was joking, but I think you are right.

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care how many target renders you thought were in game, or how many lies you caught Sony in that got you beating off into your gym socks to post on N4G! F*ck, you could write a book on the lies MS has spewed since it was founded. We all know what they are. I dont need to google interviews from three years ago to prove it, but guess what morons- all companies fu*kin do it!

Companies over hype their products, if a company under hyped their product then they wouldn't be a...

5752d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've had to see your annoying posts for years.

5761d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment