
CRank: 5Score: 18230

"Have we had any DLC from any game yet that has been worth it?"

Warhawk- Jetpacks (Tau Crater)

5618d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cross Game Chat and invites are the only reason Live is better IMO.

Although a free PSN may be the only reason I play online now. In fact, my first real enjoyment of online games was because the free online of my Dreamcast.

I would likely pay if I had too but I'm not sure, although many of my friends probably would not, and therefore it would be a less enjoyable experience.

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 FUD patrol is busy today. MS must be dolling out the OT. Keep fighting the good fight guys, MS loves you.

And to the multiple comments on the subject-


5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The King of the 360 trolls just made himself look like a fool once again. You're in competition with PP now...

Dragonov's translation of the color 'criticism':-

"More than an ignorant will criticize the grey palate of the game. Maybe they will expect that helgan was something like disneyland".

Thanks Dragonov, that was great.

Marts Responce-
"bu..bu..bu..the PS3 fanboys said it about Gears."


5626d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love nothing more than to beat this guy to death. I can honestly say, as a father of two, given the opportunity I would gladly do it myself.

The problem is this world is full of bleeding heart liberals that would never allow that to happen.

Chemical castration however, is a realistic way to get these guys to stop. The only problem is that they've already hurt a child before you get to them.

5627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although chemical castration is a lot cheaper and more effective than a lobotomy.

5628d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

You really have problems to be making light of a 7yr old being rapped (because thats what you just did). God forbid somehting like this ever happens to one of your children.

5628d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The whole world is riddled with deviants. There is one in your neighborhood right now!

Chemical castration is a non barbaric and effective way to make sure these sick fu*ks don't re-offend when they eventually get released (because they will get released!) Its been proven over and over that they cannot be rehabilitated. I don't know why it isn't something that is more widely considered. They have 3 strikes and your out gun laws etc., but there is no end to how many chances thes...

5628d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about those Flames! Try being a Leaf fan right now.

They should put this fu*k in net with no pads and have Iginla shoot pucks at him for an hour!

5628d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want the game, is it 'killing' me, or is it going to make me buy another 360, no. I still would like this game, whats wrong with that?

Now go shake your fist at a KZ2 video, but be careful your 360 doesn't see you watching it or else you may end up on the couch tonight.

EDIT: @Jason 360- I just looked at Grpahic Whore's comment history and his is nowhere near the rabid fanboy Nasim is, or better yet, nowhere near the rabid fanboy you are.

5630d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

When it came out I thought the graphics were crap and wrote it off; but when you hear how mant people enjoy the gameplay, not to mention it was designed for co-op, it has me extremely curious. It just sounds like alot of fun.

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the first game that really made me regret selling my 360.

Sounds like BS though.

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I gotta catch up to everyone in the beta!

5631d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like MS has you working overtime on KZ2 FUD, or are you just truely a loser. My money is on the latter.

You have stated you dont own a PS3, so what is your concern with KZ2?

I just can't understand why any gamer would want a potentially great game to fail, regardless of your console preference.

Oh, and Co-op does not equal Multiplayer, KZ2 has a much hyped MP mode. If you were actually a gamer, you would know that.

5631d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

...if the lack of co-op was to not step on R2's toes and allow it remain relevant.

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment really putting in the overtime on KZ2.

5633d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This coming from a guy who thinks Halo looks better...

"Halo all round looks like the better game with better visuals, possibly better soundtrack and the gameplay looks much better..."

"Halo has some of the best visuals this gen... The art design is brilliant and the world seems full of life and is very vibrant... Visually its better than Killzone2..."

We get it, you love Halo which is great, and you're not interested in KZ2. Yo...

5635d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

EB will be getting the cards next week.

5635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same thing could be said about almost every 360 'exclusive' couldn't it?

Good thing the 'open zone' is a place for idiotic fanboy comments eh? That way, you dont look as stupid...oh wait, you're a lobster.

5635d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You must be new to N4G as it wasn't always 'pro Sony'. If you were here in 07 you would have witnessed this site being very pro 360 and the majority of the members (at last the vocal ones) were 360 fans. Every PS3 article was overrun by 360 trolls much the way you probably feel 360 articles are by PS3 trolls today.

Also, if you think FUD is a conspiracy theory, you should research the topic (specifically in the late 80's when MS learned the art of FUD from IBM).


5639d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment