
IGN - Steve Jobs Joins the Fight in Soulcalibur V

IGN - One of the fun features included in Soulcalibur V is the ability to create your own characters. While many of you may have been spending time re-creating fighters in your image, Japanese blog Esuteru took it upon itself to place a number of recognizable characters and people into Namco Bandai's latest fighter.

Lord_Sloth4496d ago

You have to wonder if he'd be getting this kind of obsessive attention if he wasn't dead.

caliman874496d ago

yes Steve was cool when he was alive and people love there apple devices before his passing.

MaxXAttaxX4496d ago

The answer is no, he wouldn't have been recreated in Soul Calibur V if he was still alive.

Pushagree4496d ago

Wow that is an insult to Steve Jobs. Why not put him in a good game?

jeeves864495d ago

Of course - people make Miis out of popular people, why not Soul Caliber fighters?

ChronoJoe4495d ago

He would probably be in it.

But IGN wouldn't have wrote this article if he wasn't dead.

TopDudeMan4495d ago

lol @jeeves86
My Mii doesn't even look human, despite my best efforts.

xchamp4495d ago

No he wouldn't be made in the game, but Gabe Newell would

snipes1014495d ago

All I have to say about Steve Jobs is this:


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iChii4496d ago (Edited 4496d ago )

I doubt he would. Before Michael Jackson died, if you liked his music people would go all "Eww."

But after he died it was cool to like his music..

I guess same goes for Steve Jobs. Before he died, people didn't even care about him and now that he's death, he appears in video games. lol

TheGameFoxJTV4496d ago

Who the hell said "Ew" to MJ?! WTF, this is why music sucks for the most part now.

tigertron4496d ago


Many people did and its ashame he wasn't able to repair his image himself before he died, because he was the King of Pop.

I agree with you though, music isn't what it used to be. I regard Bad as one of the best albums ever.

UnSelf4496d ago

Bad IS the best album ever

Fel084496d ago

Thats true to a certain extent. There were still millions of people who loved him before his death including myself. All the 50 dates for his This Is It tour sold out in seconds.

jeeves864495d ago

Liking MJ was akin to liking country music. Everyone did in some little way but were probably a little too embarrassed to admit it.

Hicken4495d ago

Sorry, but there was probably 1% of the world who knew who MJ was and would go "Eww" if you said you liked his music. If you were just talking about MJ himself, maybe.

But nobody questioned the quality of the man's music. Nobody went "Eww" to the music.

Bad analogy, anyway.

Steve Jobs was hot shit long before he died. As a businessman/public individual, he was deplorable to me, and had been so for years. May all dead rest in peace, but at least get your understanding straight on the deceased.

zeroreloaded4495d ago

it's just like the high school suicide in my school, before when he was alive, it was cool to call the guy a loser, and a fat pig but when he committed suicide all of a sudden ppl respect him.

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Legionaire20054496d ago

When you die you are a celebrity

Eamon4496d ago

I agree with Lord Sloth. I bet the non tech-savvy Apple product loving people never even heard of Steve Jobs until his death was sensationalised by the media.

Not to say he is some sort of villain, of course it was the complete opposite, he was a pioneer in his field.

But it just reminds me of the "arrow in the knee" fad where people joined in and just jumped on the bandwagon without even knowing the full story.

Sarcasm4496d ago

Whoever made this is going to get sued by Apple.

mugoldeneagle034496d ago (Edited 4496d ago )

But he's getting the attention because he died so early, not just dead-dead. Kind of like when Ledger died & TDK went through the roof.

If he would've died when he was 80-90 there would be 3/4ths less press than there is now.

RIP though

Hozi4496d ago

Life is never what it seems. The fact that we are here in this very forum chatting about the man is reason enough see that he's getting our attention.

Plus as someone mentioned earlier about this be a disgrace, he should get his own real game. Playing as Steve Jobs here, in SCV will forever be more entertaining than if there was a game with Jobs and his personal life with Apple.

lsujester4495d ago

I just want to see the move where the character copies your sword and then sues you for using it.

madpuppy4495d ago

you forgot copies your sword, paints it white and calls it an iSword and THEN sues you for using it.

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caliman874496d ago

Now bring on the contenders. Where's Gatea?

hellzsupernova4496d ago

all we need now is Kill Gates!

nix4496d ago

How about Steve Bomber? q:

chadwarden4496d ago

Steve Jobs' finishing attack should be "lawsuit"

gigreen4496d ago (Edited 4496d ago )

What's that? Short for Gabe Nevell?

pandehz4496d ago

If Steve jobs beats Ezio i'll say the game is broken.

D3mons0ul4496d ago

Forget about all of the awesome characters you can pretty much replicate to a tee in this game, let's focus on Steve Jobs.

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Soulcalibur 5 will be delisted next week on PS3 and Xbox 360

Soulcalibur official Twitter: "Valiant Warriors - Soul Calibur V is taking its final curtain call on the stage of history and will be sunset on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on June 19, 2023. The base game and all associated DLC will no longer be available for purchase. Thank you for your continued support."

-Mika-357d ago

This is why guest characters shouldn't be on the base roster. Im sure Ezio and the whole Assassin's Creed stuff license expired and that is why it is being removed. The same thing is probably going to happen to Soul Calibur 6 in 10 years.

Terry_B357d ago

I doubt a lot of people still played the worst SC game over 10 years after its release on dead consoles.

blackblades357d ago

Right whoever wanted the game would've had it by now. Also physical is usually the better option

gold_drake357d ago


alot of games have been delisted recently.

Nyxus357d ago

Meanwhile several big games are going digital only. Good omen for the future...

MadLad357d ago

I've been mainly gaming on PC for 12 years now. I don't think there was ever a game that was actually taken away from me.
Even the multiplayer-focused games, with their servers typically being taken down, you can still host your own.

Not sure why People are so against digital. You still need online infrastructure just to update your games or to patch them. You're stuck to online/digital one way or another.

Nyxus357d ago

Most games play just fine without an internet connection. There are also other reason aside from preservation, digital games are often more expensive (at least the one I'm buying) than what you can find through deals in stores. But most of all I just like to be able to actually own the games as physical objects, being able to lend them out etc. And be assured that I can still play them in the future. Sure you can probably emulate them, but I prefer to play on console and I'd rather play an actual copy than an emulation anyway.

I'm not against digital in itself, I just don't want to be forced to go digital because the physical option is taken away. Just give people the option to either get it physically or digitally, that way everyone is happy and it's also the best way to preserve games for the future.

CrimsonWing69357d ago

Make your peace with it. It’s the direction the industry is going in.

XiNatsuDragnel357d ago

Well industry is pretty much dead in that case.

lucian229357d ago

Can we please get soul cal 7 a year after tekken 8?

darthv72357d ago

Good thing I have both on disc.

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Ranking The Soulcalibur Games From Worst To Best

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Yi-Long1034d ago

Really loved Soulcalibur on Dreamcast. Truly blew all competition away back then when it came to graphics and fluidity, and I liked the roster and arenas.

Haven’t bothered with the newest release because sadly fighting games these days have become too expensive. They’ll release a base-game, then add all the interesting characters through expensive season passes, so unless there’s a Complete Edition released (and if I’m still interested in the game by then), I’m better off just shrugging my shoulders and skipping it completely.

The direction the fighting game genre has picked for itself means it will now only appeal and sell to the hardcore fans of the genre, while the mainstream gamers will spend their money elsewhere.

FinalFantasyFanatic1034d ago

I played Soul Calibur 2 on the PS2, it was great and I got pretty good at it, decimated most of my friends at that game. I recently got VI on the PS4 and it just doesn't have the same magic, plus it seems to have stuffed some extra mechanics in there that just complicate it too much for me, although I really do agree they're too expensive, I've always wanted to get all the DLC characters for Central Fiction, but it's way too expensive.

Kaze881034d ago

I prefer SC VI to the SC III. SC II had a really fast pace for a fighting game, when new SC III bursted into the scene it felt sluggish when compared to the second one. On SC VI they brought back the quicker pace of the game, but not as much on SC II, though I think it was a good decision. I wish they would go the MK11 route with their games, but we all know that Bandai Namco is not interested, they hardly gave the devs time and money to support SC VI.


5 of the Worst Characters in Major Fighting Games

KeenGamer: ''Fighting games have had a long history of wild and iconic characters. But for every Scorpion and Chun-Li, there are groups of Bo Rai Cho's and Lizardmen. This list takes a look at five of the worst fighting game characters to ever exist."

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