
David Braben thinks game length isn't the point - do you agree?

OXM UK: "With RRPs on the rise, salaries on the fall and DLC packs now an industry bastion, the topic of game length is an increasingly fiery one."

gravemaker4624d ago

i'd rather buy 100 hours game instead of 3. At the same price.

iamnsuperman4624d ago

To be honest it has to go with the story. A game can be too long if the story doesn't fit the length. 6 hours can be a pain but if those six hours are filled with a wonderful story then I am usually (obviously gameplay is a factor as well). Anything really under 5 hours is pushing it and usually anything less results means I do not really get into the story and also not worth it.

Kee4624d ago (Edited 4624d ago )

I totally agree, I think that there's a bit of leeway regarding length for games. I think anything less than 6 hours is too short and anything more than 20 hours (unless it's an RPG or an open world game) is too much for the story mode of a game.

For an RPG, I'd say the ideal amount is between 20 and 80 hours (with the potential to do more if you want to). I think that's the sweet spot.

For a shooter or action game, I'd expect between 6 and 10 hours (as long as they keep it exciting with changes of pace).

For an open world game, I'd be expecting around 20-30 hours (again, with the potential to do fun time wasting games that can make it longer with collectibles and stuff).

As for racing and fighting games, I think the length of those really depend on the player. I played burnout paradise for 50+ hours. That was really good value. I also know people who play an insane amount of street fighter or mortal kombat.

I think time is important as long as it fits the game (and as you said, the story, too)

dirigiblebill4624d ago

Generally speaking I'm willing to disregard game length providing the quality's there, but the trouble with quality is you can't spot it in advance, whereas if I'm told such and such a game is 50 hours long, I know I'm getting bang for my buck...

xtheownerzx4624d ago (Edited 4624d ago )

Like others before me have stated, if the game has great story qualities and if its intriguing and engaging I won't mind it being 10 hours or 8 if it fits.

However, if the game is 25 to 40 hours and the characters are unforgettable and gameplay is horrid than I'll wish it ended sooner and regret spending the cold hard cash on it.

It comes down to a quality over quantity thing. I feel some developers get it and others do not.

TheTwelve4624d ago

Great short games:

Metal Gear Solid

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David Braben to step down as CEO of Frontier

From GI.biz: "David Braben is stepping down as CEO of Frontier Developments, and will be replaced by chief creative officer Jonny Watts.

Braben has been CEO of Frontier since he created the company in 1994 and will remain at the studio as president and founder. The announcement clarified that this is an "executive director position" where Braben will "retain his leadership and vision for Frontier’s strategic direction."

Watts joined Frontier in 1998, first as software developer before moving on to senior production roles, and eventually CCO in 2012. His appointment as CEO is effective immediately."

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PhillyDillyDee642d ago

Hey how about some more support for elite:dangerous? Maybe market it a bit? No? Okay…


David Braben: "Physical games will go away in two to three years"

The age of physical video games is coming to an end. That's according to David Braben, founder and CEO of Elite Dangerous studio Frontier Developments, who believes the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital distribution.

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sushimama1444d ago

I don't think so. I believe it will go on mostly like it always has... Large market for Physical games and a large market for Digital games. Both will coincide with each other for the foreseeable future.

Sciurus_vulgaris1444d ago

The death of physical games would give stores like Walmart less incentive to stock and sell consoles.I think their will be 50/50 split between physical and digital copies at least for a while.

sushimama1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )

It will at the very least, be for the entire next gen. The gen after? Who really knows. But gamers these days, will grow older and still enjoy phyical games just like they do now. That will never change for them.

darthv721444d ago

Im seeing the physical media section at target, best buy and walmart shrinking. That is the entirety of music, movies AND games but the loss isnt stopping them from adding other stuff in the space they gain.

Its been happening for a while now. They still sell tv and players despite the diminishing selection of physical content. They will be fine. Its game specific outlets that you should worry about.

1444d ago
rainslacker1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )


TV's and players actually have a reasonable mark up. Maybe not 50-100%, but more than $5-10.

That said, department stores would probably still sell consoles, because there is money to be made off peripherals, and other general things that go along with a console purchase. Generally, games themselves don't have that much of a mark up, but enough that if it's not your primary source of revenue, then it's enough to continue to carry them.

1444d ago
bouzebbal1444d ago

We are going towards a full digital future, with no cash no physical.. Sad times ahead if we don't strongly object.

DVAcme1443d ago

BOOM, right on the money.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1443d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1444d ago

I don’t buy digital because I like to collect, and download sizes on some games are pretty high. My internet is also overpriced and slow due to living in Canada. Plus, I feel no ownership over digital copies.

I noticed that a lot of kids in high school and middle school tend to have only digital games. However, they don’t actually buy and play many games. Kids often only buy what's trendy and popular.

Some publishers like Activision have tried to push digital by selling discs that essentially useless. I don’t mind the MP of games not being on discs. But missing titles in a collection, or missing campaigns is unacceptable. I still think physical will be around for a while. As used games allow budget gamers to invest in console play. Plus some people like to buy collectors editions. Lastly, all the big publishers still sell physical disks. As physical copies must still generate substantial revenue.

Nyxus1444d ago

Plus, there have been more and more small publishers filling the void of games that haven't had a physical release. There is obviously demand for it.

CobraKai1444d ago

I’m a collector too. Plus, there’s the whole delisting issue. There are games I will never get to play because they’ve been delisted. At least I can buy a used preowned copy of a physical game.

neutralgamer19921444d ago

This is a joke no matter which metric you use physical sales still account for close to half of the overall sales. People mix digital income with digital sales a lot of these companies are generating a lot of digital income through microtransaction and selling dlc

If digital sales were all that great and by grade I mean closer to 75 to 80%, I am sure Sony would not have delayed the last of us part 2 because they could not launch physical and digital at the same time. Predictions like these have been made before but if you look at it physical sales are not going anywhere

this is the same sort of prediction where somebody will come out and say this is the last generation of consoles

Even if the physical sales only account for 25 to 30% down the road that is still 25 to 30% more revenue that the publishers will not give up on just so they can go digital. and right now there's no benefit for going digital you pay the same price If digital was 10 to $15 cheaper it would be one thing but it's still the same price

KyRo1444d ago

Until digital game prices come down, which they won't, I will never fully commit to digital unless on sale.

Here in the UK a game can be bought £15-20 cheaper physical than from a digital store. Getting rid of physical would also eliminate competitive pricing, meaning we'd be forced to pay full RRP off the consoles store.

Crazyglues1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )

There is not enough incentive for people to go digital over Physical, they either bring the price of digital down or add more value to digital by giving free content if you get the digital, until one or both of those things happen digital and physical will just co-exist because right now physical has too much value, like being able to sell it if you don't like the game....
If digital was $50 bucks it would make a lot more people just go digital..

Muzikguy1444d ago

This David guy is on crack. I will still continue to buy physical games next gen

1Victor1444d ago (Edited 1444d ago )

People been saying this since Xbox live open on consoles and will keep been said at the start of many generations to come for as long as there’s data caps from internet service providers and games with 50+ gig on size and patchings on the gig + size it won’t happen
Oh I also forgot price as long as digital cost the same as physical therapy no reason to switch

Lostbytes1444d ago

I personally, went all digital back in 2007. My brother on the other hand ONLY buys physical. I have over 300+ digital games on the xbox ecosystem, he has 0. I can see both living on for a long while.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1443d ago
rainslacker1444d ago

WOW. That's what I heard 7 years ago.

I guess if they keep saying it, eventually they'll be right. Maybe.

1444d ago Replies(3)
NeoGamer2321444d ago

Fact: Digital games sales continue to rise while physical sales continue to fall

Fact: COVID-19 pushed a lot of people that had not bought digital before to buying digital during the shutdown.

Fact: There are a few companies within probably 1-5 years that will have full low latency satellite internet up and running which will allow everyone to get broadband internet access anywhere.

Fact: Retail purchasing continues to be in decline, and online purchasing continues to rise in almost every retail segment.

Fact: Gamestop is shutting down stores, not adding new stores because physical game sales don't justify the retail footprint they have.

I don't think physical game sales are only about 3 years from extinction but, they are on the path to extinction. The only thing constant in the gaming world is everything continues to change, and in reality no one can predict where it is going fully.

rainslacker1444d ago

Fact: Physical game sales, at least on consoles, still make up about 70% of all sales.

Fact: Not having physical copies would remove a lot of potential customers.

Fact: Retail purchasing isn't continuing to decline.

Fact: Game revenue as a whole, including physical, is on the rise, and has been all generation.

Fact: Pundits like these have been calling the death of physical, and the death of all sorts of other things, for years now, and have constantly been proven wrong.

Fact: Some people seem to be all for the death of physical for some reason, and then go and make up facts to try and push the narrative for not reason that is obviously beneficial to them whatsoever.

CobraKai1444d ago

You do know that music LPs are still available to buy to play on record players and I remember those from the 80s. Physical media isn’t going anywhere. Your singing the same song that’s been sung for the past 10 years.
Companies want digital because they want full control of their distribution. Technically, this means that if a company wants to keep a game at full price they can, plus they won’t lose money on preowned games. It’s all greed. And their capitalizing on young people’s impressionable minds and older people’s extreme laziness.

NeoGamer2321443d ago


I don't know where you get your physical vs difgitial sales numbers... But Sony, stated in July 2019 that digital overtook retail in their Q1 earnings...


I don't think physical will disappear anytime in the next three years as stated. Yes, there will always be a niche buying physical but that niche will fall more and more and as it has with records become more and more expensive.

Atom6661444d ago

It's still exaggerated to say it's going to be replaced that soon(at least in the console space), but there's no denying the transition that we've seen in the last decade.

Consoles are the only holdout preventing the full transition to digital. Even then, the numbers over the last decade can't be denied.

We see consoles only make up a 1/3 of the gaming market. We're to the point now where there's already a 50/50 split in digital vs. physical. When we got the stats last year that total market split is 83% digital and 17% physical, that 17% is the console physical market.

Those numbers aren't being ignored by pubs, execs, and shareholders. When it is easier, cheaper, and more profitable for them to go digital, do we really wonder why we keep hearing about these predictions?

I don't know how many people would have believed that Sony would see digital outsell physical at any point this gen, but it just happened last year. There's no denying the transition that we've seen.

It 88gvbbybbbh uu j

rainslacker1444d ago

I'm aware of the report of digital game sales that you're referring to, from last fiscal year as I recall. It was one of the first that addressed actual physical unit sales, instead of the typical revenue method that had been used for years by publishers who wanted to push the digital narrative.

But, that report also included DLC sales, and it wasn't just full games, so the numbers are still skewed....especially since those things aren't available physically.

The graph also doesn't break down the differences in size or type of game, as some of Sony's, or other publishers reports also put physical copies of their big games at a much higher percentage.

I don't contest that digital game sales and revenue are on the rise overall. Only this notion that they are overtaking physical, or that physical's demise is immenent....and 2-3 year claims like this have always been laughable. Maybe if they just said sometime in the future, because logically, 2-3 years means that 2-3 years into a new gen, companies are just going to stop releasing physical games on a mass scale.

yellowgerbil1444d ago

It's about time game physicals are ending. A weird practice. Why do I got to let every Gamestop employee cup my balls before a transaction can be completed? Probably why no one buys there anymore...

Kornholic1444d ago

Gamestop isn't the only retailer available. Digital version is the inferior product. It costs more and you get less as a customer.

yellowgerbil1444d ago

dude, I have lost all faith in humanity. The aliens might as well end us now. IT WAS A JOKE. It is sad that I have to spell it out for you all. Physical games= game on media that exists in real world, game physicals= getting a medical checkup to buy games.

Sunny_D1443d ago

Sorry bro, it was a bad joke.

witwiki501443d ago

Wait, so you want it to go digital only, and yet you still go to gamestop when you literally have the option of digital downloads? so you go to the store, hate it, but a game, but dont agree in it, and you have your favoritable option of digital download all the time......makes zero sense

SamTheGamer1444d ago

Wrong. At least 10 years for complete disappearance or there will be no disk tray in 10th gen gaming console

Nyxus1444d ago

Very weird thing to say when both next-gen consoles have disc drives. Obviously not going to be true.

RazzerRedux1444d ago

Microsoft launched the Xbox One S All-Digital console a year or two ago and it was a remarkable success so....


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Frontier's Next Game To Be Unveiled in Late 2018/Early 2019; Elite Is Getting Exciting Things

Frontier CEO David Braben said that the company's next game will be unveiled between late 2018 and early 2019. Elite is also to be updated with "exciting" things, both free and paid.

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Imp0ssibl32119d ago

Elite is great unlike Star Citizen!

KaiPow2119d ago

And also playable by the common man! 😂

kookwes2117d ago

Star Citizen is actually coming around nicely

Jackhass2119d ago

Look forward to it -- not all of Frontier's games have been great, but they're usually at least interesting/ambitious.