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Ark_2903d ago (Edited 2902d ago )

So true ...

My comment refers to the picture, which makes a good point.

People up to the age of 45 years have been all (in the majority) in favour of staying in the EU, where as only british voters above the age of 45 years were for the Brexit. Especially young voters below 24 years are very favourable of the EU - with good reason.

Scroll to the middle of the article: "How diffrent age groups voted" ... You are welcome.

2903d ago
Null19802903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

No comment on the political issue, but it's kind of a weird coincidence this happened right on the release date of the new Independence Day movie!

Lol I think it's just a coincidence, but you guys feel free to put on your tin foil hats... I'm out!

SonyWarrior2903d ago

its actually a good thing it went through you guys obviously have no clue about whats been going on in EU if you think this is a bad thing....

starchild2902d ago

Not true. Most people in EU countries do not look favorably on the European Union, and with good reason. It's good the UK got out.

BattleAxe2902d ago (Edited 2902d ago )

People above 45 years old have more perspective and life experience, which is why they were the demographic most likely to vote leave. The E.U. isn't a democratic organization, but all young people care about is being able to travel freely without needing a passport, or going to work in another European country without a visa.

As a Canadian, I want to welcome back our British friends to the world and perhaps even more importantly, welcome back to the Commonwealth! Despite being outspent with both public taxpayers Pounds telling you that you should vote to remain, and big corporate Pounds telling you to remain, you were able to see past the lies and the fear mongering.

hadowajp2902d ago

The problem with those same young people is they can't be bothered enough to vote on something even as important as this

TheSaint2902d ago

"People up to the age of 45 years have been all (in the majority) in favour of staying in the EU, where as only british voters above the age of 45 years were for the Brexit"

Sorry but that is BS.

Eiffel2902d ago (Edited 2902d ago )

Age outcome doesn't surprise me. People with limited life experience, just proof we need to raise the voting age.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2902d ago
Spurg2903d ago

Word....an absolute shame

tigertron2903d ago

To me, this is the older generations giving us the finger.

Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

When these same people voted in the 70s for a common market (free trade between countries) and free movement of labour, and don't get what was described in the deal, then Maaschrict treaty in the 90s by John Major, then Bliar and Gordon Brown shaft them further, then get their pensions ripped apart by Cameron's austerity, what do you expect?

Also I am a 'young voter' who isn't hidden in a bubble by being in education all my life and is in the real world, and sees it like it is. UK industries moving out of the country fuelled by EU loans especially chemical companies, youth unemployment is rising, zero hours contracts, temporary contracts and low pay 100 pound a week apprenticeships, it's a shambles and I voted hoping for change.

kneon2903d ago


The problems you describe are mainly due to the world economies being in the toilet, they are only getting by because of the ridiculously low interest rates and the huge amounts of money being poured in to the system by central banks around the world.

It will only get worse for the UK post EU as many companies relocate to other countries in the EU as there is no longer any advantage to having a UK presence.

Angeljuice2903d ago

Britain just proved how insular, intolerant, ignorant and stupid we really are (well slightly over half of us at least).

People want to "stick it to the establishment", and they do so by giving them more power.

Now the Tories can run the country with the backing of only 24% of the electorate voting for them and no checks and measures in place to stop anything to radical happening.

Those that used it as a protest vote against " austerity measures " have wiped over 10% off the currency overnight and will soon be pining for the "good old days " before the British economic crash.

Brexiters next war cry:
"Lets show the bankers what's what by burning all the money in our accounts, that will teach them".

2903d ago
SpringHeeledJack2903d ago

Total rubbish. I'm 25 and I and every I know voted out. What pushed the vote was council estates signing up to vote.


Mr-Dude2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

I am from the Netherlands and even here people want out of the EU. If they would hold a referendum, big chance we would follow UK

Errorist762903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

It clearly is. It's so sad to see how uneducated and narrow minded people really are.

jony_dols2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Just like to say a big shout-out to my boys at HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank & all the other multinationals in London that have kept the British economy going for the last 2 decades. Frankfurt & Dublin are open for business.

Maybe Boris Johnson will make some pocketchange selling all those vacant skyscrapers in a joblot

Testfire2903d ago

@Deadpooled, I'm glad you get it at a young age. Like you said, so many youth are living in a bubble and brainwashed in school. From someone in the US, I'm happy you guys are taking your country back even if many are too stupid to realize yet it's the right move. Can't wait till Cameron leaves too.

Artemidorus2903d ago

No it isn't, people are fed up as. Whole

fiveby92902d ago

Not true. Be brave. The UK will be just fine.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2902d ago
madmonkey012903d ago

Not every leave Voter is either old or racist.

Krangs_Uncle2903d ago

Not all Brexiteers are racist, but all racists will be voting for Brexit.

Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

yep KrangsUncle keep plodding out the -ism's, -ist's and -phobias, 17.4 million people don't care :P

Mighty Boom2903d ago

Stop recoiling from the "racist" slur. It's a hollow word with no meaning used by weak men.

Servbot412902d ago

I like how not wanting to be overrun with immigrants is considered "racist." First off, it wouldn't be racist, it would be xenophobic, and second, not wanting your economy drained drained by an absurd amount of immigrants isn't "being xenophobic."

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2902d ago
annoyedgamer2903d ago

let me guess....racist?

I want to know what you will do when Switzerland withdraws its application..oh wait they already did.

paradigmfellow2903d ago

Leaving the EU is one stupid thing to do.

Immorals2903d ago

Time will tell. We needed a shakeup anyway, it's not like we're thriving.

Nivekki2903d ago

Staying in the EU is an even more stupid thing to do. Leaving is the lesser of the two evils, the EU is going down the pan, best to get out of it sooner than later.

cd12903d ago

Leaving the EU is one stupid thing to do, in my opinion.

There you go mate - fixed that sentence for you.

nirwanda2902d ago

The European Union will never work, every nation fights for different things, I. e. freedom of movement must be adhered to unless it's Poland joining then Germany bent the rules and said no way.
My friend I work with was a UK farmer and moved to France because he got an extra €20,000 than he got in England.
Until everyone plays by the same rules the European Union will never work.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2902d ago
-Foxtrot2903d ago

I'm glad we left

People are acting like it's WW3 when everything is just sorting it's self out to change at the minute, give it a few months and we'll be fine

Europe was a dictator.

Remember when the Last of Us Online was censored for the UK? That was Germany and they couldn't be arsed to make a separate disc for people unaffected by their laws so they thought "f*** it" and made us have it aswell.

Release dates, localisation, collectors editions should become better for us

Hell we should be classed as Region 1 now though

Kosm2903d ago

I'm not so sure that collectively dousing our country in petrol and setting it alight in front of the entire world was worth it on the basis of preventing a little censorship in a video game. Don't get me wrong, I like The Last of Us, but the real dictators that you should fear will be coming into office in October, and much like the European officials that so many people hate, those seizing control of the UK will also be unelected.

-Foxtrot2903d ago

It wasn't just for that. It was an example relating to video games since we are on a video game website.

I have lots of good reasons why I wanted to leave, I just chose one which was relevant.

Oh the country is on fire? No that's what YOU guys like to think but it's just another day except people are over reacting because they didn't get their way. Sore losers.

Kosm2903d ago

I sincerely hope that you're right.

Errorist762903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )


Btw Americans who have no idea what they are talking about...please keep it to yourself. This has nothing to do with independence, just old and narrow people never leaving their country. Btw you should leave your country too once in a while!

Mighty Boom2903d ago

Yeah, because old white people aren't people at all. Why are you anti-white?

extermin8or2903d ago

Well I'm 21 and a physics student (so can't pull the old or uneducated cards) and I'm categorically telling you long term this will be better for the UK. I mean alot of young people are like "oh these old people being selfish and blah blah" when it seems to be missed completely that maybe some of the older people who have seen the changes enacted by the EU and put up with it for longer maybe they have more experience and actually being older can think longer term than most young people- and want what's best for the longer term. So instead of being ageist just consider that. Which seems far more likely than they just selfishly want to mess everything up which is the most illogical suggestion I think I might have ever heard.

Zepherite2903d ago

While I appreciate what you're saying, as a brexit voter, you are more likely to be: Male, over the age of 40, have o-level/gcse level education max and be working class. A quick google of the demographics will confirm this. It's not ageist to use state what has been statistically confirmed.

Of course there will be exceptions such as yourself but that doesn't affect the general trend. Of course, being a physicist, you know this from statistical physics.

Angerfist2903d ago

I'm always amazed how left leaning this website is. So you rather have an unlimited amount of 3rd World People entering your country, having decision made for your country by unelected people in Brussels, having your social media monitored for "Hatespeech" 24/7. And don't tell me that Britain will be better off when it is 30% Muslim. The Remainers had ruined the country. Cause they were all about feelings and even exploited the death of a politician for their agenda

extermin8or2902d ago

Irony is its the left wing labour voters that won the election for leave lol

fiveby92902d ago

The U.K. will be just fine. I have no doubt about that.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2902d ago
Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Now other EU member countries want referendums, Netherlands for a Nexit, Denmark for a Dexit, Greece for a Grexit, Austria, Sweden, Spain, even France as well in it's current state with country wide protests, EU is about to crumble. Two years and counting for DEMOCRACY to be restored to the UK. No more '61.5% of laws' being made in Brussels/Strasbourg. Control of immigration using an Australia skill based points system, training the British people and youth for jobs instead of getting in random migrants who work for peanuts (peanuts which are worth a lot in their own country) driving down wages. No TTIP forcing privatisation and destroying regulation (the major factor as to why people voted leave).

Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

No, the '350m' thing was untrue, taking 2014 figures from the Office of National Statistics which represented the money to the whole of Europe. The actual figure was around 289 million to the EU in 2014, but the UK received 396 million back leaving a 100 million net figure. However after rebates it was that the UK net was around 180 million to the EU. That was 2014 figures. But the Government refused to release the 2015 and onwards figures as likely they would have had to include bailouts and the Turkey blackmail.

Mr-Dude2903d ago

I am from the Netherlands, the talk about a Nexit is very real here... A lot of people want it.

Stereotypical_gamer2903d ago

Just like everyone in the stay campaign, your proof is unquestionable.

Kosm2903d ago

Well, regarding TTIP, our best bet of avoiding that and the eventual privatization of the NHS was by remaining in the EU because multiple EU members would veto the deal. Our Conservative government, however? They are eager to privatize the NHS and will sign us up to the TTIP at the first opportunity, especially since prominent Brexiters such as Nigel Farage have openly stated that they think the NHS should be scrapped in favor of private healthcare for everyone. Even this morning, when called out as to if we will now see that supposed £300+ million actually used to fund the NHS, Farage denied that it was ever a promise of the leave campaign, and I'd argue that anyone who thinks our healthcare system will survive the upcoming austerity measures to compensate for our nosediving economy is utterly naive.

2903d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2903d ago
Ark_2903d ago

If people just would start to identify themselfs with a bigger idea, instead of seperating themselfs ...

I look at myself as a citizen of earth - first and foremost - which makes me responsible for what happens in and with this habitat of ours. That requires of course to look beyond the counter of my local supermarket.

Second I am european, third german and fourth bavarian and franconian. Not the other way round.
Imo all children of the world should be raised with this direction of identity. We would have world peace sooner or later ...

Concerning Brexit. I respect their decision of course, but it's a victory of xenophobia and separatism, instead of integration and openess. I wish britain the best, though and hope the rest of the european union will learn from this and take the years to come as a chance to reform the bureaucratic system, making it more democratic and "closer to the people".

Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

I agree, but there is nothing 'xenophobic' about wanting to control immigration, resources are finite after all, having uncontrolled immigration on the scale of what's going on around Europe at this minute due to EU decisions is not ideal.

But just for the record, Britain is not leaving Europe it is leaving the EU system.


Yep reform was the far better option, unfortunately Cameron failed to get the reform package travelling to all the member states pleading his case and failed to truthfully show why voters should remain (tbf there wasn't really one good clear cut reason pointed out anywhere on the remain side, everyone was spouting the same old threats and rhetoric even in the debates, even the Queen couldn't come up with a proper reason), and this morning paid the price for it as now he is resigning and likely a general election is to be held this Autumn.


Farage usually does make some good points and does rip into decisions made by Merkel and co. hard, but I hate it when he sometimes does something randomly stupid like that. Tbf there were stuff like that on both sides, the remain side had a poster of an asian woman and a skinhead on a seesaw, and I remember another one of that washed up boy Aylan Kurdi used over and over again on Twitter (despite his dad himself being a people smuggler charging $10000 per person and escaping the Manslaughter charge)

conanlifts2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

The problem is free health and welfare to anyone who decides on a change is wrong. Too many people moving to the uk, taking minimum wage jobs and topping up with welfare. Then the money gets sent abroad to family. EU laws prevent the uk from stopping this. Plus instant access to medication, operations health etc is not right, it has created unbelievable strain on the nhs.
On the flip side brexit wasnt the true answer, reform was. But the EU rejected reform. I personally hope article 50 is not invoked and a reform deal can be achieved instead.

Zodiac2903d ago

@Deadpooled. I would argue it is xenophobic, considering the vast majority of areas that voted to leave the EU were areas that saw very little, if no immigrants and refugees.

What will be interesting to see is how this will effect UK nationals outside the UK. Only member countries have open borders with each other, so now the UK has God knows how many nationals outside their borders who will end up needing Visas, as they are no longer allowed open border travel. Many of these people will come back or will be forced back.

So, if people want to talk about immigration, this could potentially be at a much larger scale. These nationals returning will need jobs and housing and social benefits the same as any "other" immigrant.

I also see the fear of immigration as completely ridiculous as there won't be any economist worth his/her skin that will say immigration does anything but HELP the economy.

Not only that, but there is a certain irony in how much of a role the UK played in the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, with millions of lives lost and millions more driven out, and then the people say "oh sorry you can't come here because you might be dangerous"

Ark_2903d ago


I am all for controlling immigration as well. And I see the problems of finite resources and a finite capability of integrating people not only economically, but socially. Better solutions are indeed overdue.

What I am critizising are the "xenophobic" rightwing campaigns in Britain, that happend before the Brexit, and overshadowed a wider and propably more rational perspective of things.
Example: http://www.newstatesman.com...

Bobafret2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Britain is and has been very diverse, and this was prior to the EU, so I disagree with your xenophobia indictment of those that voted leave.

Mighty Boom2903d ago

There's no reason Asians, as the Brits call them, should be in Britain. They should go and make there own country great. Why in the world should London be overwhelmed with Muslims to say nothing about a Muslim mayor?

It's sick.

Asia for the Asians.
Africa for the Africans.
White countries for everybody!

SojournUK2903d ago

My mother was half German, half Franconian and half Spanish. I know that's a lot of halves but she was a big woman.

Condemnedman2903d ago

I won't us to control our country not some invisible unelected busy body from another country it has noting to do with being racist or hating foreigners . fat from it . stop using the racing angle it's getting boring.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2903d ago
Angeljuice2903d ago

"No more '61.5% of laws' being made in Brussels/Strasbourg. "

They really did a number on you didn't they? The actual figure is nearer 8%, and we had the right to refuse if we really didn't like them.

But thanks for the future full of poverty and insignificance, thanks for a return to desperation and failure (I remember the 1970's before the boom time of EU membership).

Thanks for the rising hatred and intolerance in our society, let's go be governed by the 24%..."Freedom.ftw"

conanlifts2903d ago

The stay campaign was a failure. It was all about doom and negativity. They needed to focus on anything and everything positive that has and could be achieved by staying and being in the EU. Instead they targeted fear and it failed. They should be ashamed.
Hopefully the future won't be bleak, i am still hoping a new leader emerges, goes to Brussels and brings about reform for the EU. Then they can find a loophole and not actually leave if changes are made, which they should be.

Deadpooled2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )


THIS. Spot on, and they hae noone to blame but themselves.

nirwanda2902d ago

What right to refuse? in 2010 for example we voted no to policys 23 times and abstained 18 times and each time the laws were past and we have adhered to them as European regulations over rule ours.

Errorist762903d ago

You have no idea what you're talking about, sadly.

Shubhendu_Singh2903d ago

Czech should call theirs exit - Czeckout !!

Angerfist2903d ago

The EU is an totalitarian Entity and it had to be stopped. Most people on here really do play too much games, they are just using the same arguments the crooks in politics and media are rpeering. "You are evil Racists when you want sovereignty and not drown in so called refugees

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2902d ago
Deadpooled2903d ago

Yes, David Cameron has resigned!

feraldrgn2903d ago

But the Conservatives are still in power...
So it doesn't change a thing.

Angeljuice2903d ago

It has given the Tories more power (apparently that is what counts as "sticking it to them" nowadays).

Imalwaysright2903d ago

And Scotland is considering independence from the UK to stay in the EU.

Nivekki2903d ago


'And Scotland is considering independence from the UK to stay in the EU.'

I hoped Scotland would leave last time so I wouldn't have to listen to them moaning all the time about wanting to be independent. If they had, their little plan of using the money from oil would have worked wonders for them when the value of it fell by half, they luckily voted to stay.

I'd be happy to see them go independent now as well. Good luck to them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2903d ago
Filmicfps2903d ago

The UK voted to leave the European Union in a referendum

Eiyuuou2903d ago

We've yet to see. For now we can only speculate.

Goldby2903d ago


While Eiyuuou is correct in there no concrete evidence yet of what will happen. Alot of deals were made as part of the EU. better trade deals between countries,

Mega242903d ago

Anyone remembers the game Frontline: Fuel of War? The game predicted this, the rupture of the EU, after that it was the rupture of the UN. Were pretty much setting up for WWIII and Armageddon.

Jayszen2903d ago


Snap! Yup, you beat me to it. Frontline: Fuel of War did predict something like this.

KurtRussell2903d ago

LOL anyone remembers the book called Bible? Some interesting spot-on predictions there also.

jivah2902d ago

Yea but Frontline had a better story and was more believable. No sky daddies floating around as dungeon master playing the rts known as life. Plus Frontline had better graphics

KurtRussell2902d ago Show
jivah2901d ago

@KurtRussell Ahhh the age ol' belief of since you dont agree with me you dont understand it.. I think that's lead to more death than the total war series. Good game you should check it out. How you could tell if somebody is a "model student" tho.. simply by a post on a gaming forum. that just goes above my head. Almost like your sky daddy

KurtRussell2901d ago

Jivah dude, lemme just tell you this for starters: I AM NOT RELIGIOUS, LET ALONE AN INTOLERANT RELIGIOUS ZEALOT.
Now here are my views on the topic: Your phone, your console, your pc, your car, your dog, and especially you and the universe you inhabit are waaaaay to complex to be an accident. Be it evolution or instant creation, big bang or poof, does not matter, some intelligent designer is behind it. Saying otherwise makes you illogical and even delusional, PhD or not.
As for predictions, best example is that of Jews and Israel. Do note that Jews really are a unique people, they didn't have a home for 2000 years but they still managed to hold on to their religion and national identity.
Sky daddy said he will scatter them all over the world (Titus sacking Jerusalem in 70ad). Sky daddy also said they will wander the Earth (wandering Jew anyone?) and be hated and persecuted wherever they go (i think this one needs no elaboration but history of antisemitism is a very long one if you didnt know). Sky daddy also said that he will protect them so they don't perish completely. Sky daddy also said that in the last days he will gather them from all corners of the world and bring them back to Israel (Balfour Declaration from British to Zionists in 1917, Haavara Transfer agreement between Nazis and Zionists in 1933 and Israel declaring independence in 1948). Sky daddy also said they will rebuild the cities, that he will make them powerful and that they will plant trees, make the desert bloom and waters spring from it and fill the world with fruit and flowers (Israel has got one of the most advanced armed forces in the world and they literally made the desert bloom and are the world leader in agricultural technology and a major fresh produce and flower exporter)
Sooo yeah, Frontline: Fuel of War XD

shmowboyfebop2901d ago

The Bible predicted David Cameron's resignation?! Whoa.

ShaunCameron2901d ago

@ jivah

Actually, atheists killed more people than any religious zealot ever did.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2901d ago
MK24ever2903d ago

I feel insulted as an European tbh by what the Britsh ppl decided, they really never cared for the rest of the Europe, they never wanted the Euro and always tried to act on their own, they still have that island mentality that the land belongs to them and no-one else, I have British friends insulting Portuguese immigrants and others because they went looking for a better life in England, yet they forget my own country, specially Algarve and the coast line is completely full of English ppl who come for our weather and safety since we have little crime, what we should do now is kick them out for their so special rainy "island", independent of the impact that could have in the economy. I'm really really sad to see the world becoming closer and closer to another world war instead of becoming friendlier, once I thought Internet could bring the world together, but it seems our politicians don't use it and still think as nationalists. On a positive note this summer I'll finally meet in person someone from Netherlands I met 12 years ago through video-games and we become long-date good friends, speak everyday since then yet never drank a beer together or even shook hands, until very shortly that is.

Krangs_Uncle2903d ago

Trust me.. I am disgusted by our bigoted, narrow minded nation. The referendum is massively disappointing as London is in overwhelming favour of staying in the EU. I welcome immigration and it has been the back bone of our country since WWII. We are the laughing stock of the world, and have no love for each other, or compassion, or sense. We deserve everything we get at this point. Hate fuels hate.

MK24ever2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

"Hate fuels hate" It does indeed, I can't help but to feel mad about this situation, when previously I had nothing against England, on the opposite since I have commercial relations with UK doing most of my printing jobs there and I buy lots of stuff from there, but now I feel like I was slapped in the face, hard!
This is not fault of everyone in England of course, bretix barely won, but still, I was hopping that the majority of the country would be more open to a "Union in Europe".

I hope all the best to England despite everything, maybe they will even be better out of Europe, but to me what was lost is more important than more £ and €, what was lost was trust, union, friendship.

EDIT: Having more disagrees than agrees on my first comment really shows there's really many people from UK who just don't get it! I'm from Portugal, I haven't much as most Portuguese are living in a crisis for more than 10 years, yet I wouldn't trade a better and more unified future in Europe just to maybe get more Euros in my pocket.

2903d ago
yarbie10002903d ago

I've noticed the snowflakes like to call everyone who disagrees with them bigots, racists, xenophobes etc.

If you haven't noticed, it's not working

-Foxtrot2903d ago

Oh get out of here

We left and suddenly everyone is a bigot or narrow minded...hell you going to say we are racist aswell and go for a hatrick

Immigration was out of control. I'm not saying close the boarders and stop anyone from coming in but it had to be controlled. The way we were going was not going to do that. Yes let people in but carefully select who gets in...people who are going to be a productive member of our society. It's bad enough we have benefit scroungers of our own people what we don't want is people coming over and doing the same.

We were the laughing stock of the world before this because of how soft we were as a country. We were constantly bitched around and people laughed. Now at least we are doing something

Nivekki2903d ago

Lol, that's the standard excuse for the way the DEMOCRATIC vote went. 'It's because of the racists!'.

If I woke up this morning and saw the remain vote win I'd get on with it, I wouldn't call people names for disagreeing with me. I'd just get on with it and make the best of it. We will survive, it's not the end of the world, no matter how much people want to believe so.

cd12903d ago

So because London is in favour of something that is absolutely the right thing to do? See, this is why people don't like Londoners.

Deltaguy2903d ago

lol the angry american bigots giving you a thumbs down..

Artemidorus2903d ago

London does not speak for the UK it's a city, that's it.

You forget the foundations these countries were built on.

ShaunCameron2901d ago

The only narrow-minded bigots here are city folks oblivious to what goes on outside of city limits.

That's just London. What about the rest of the UK? Oh, I forgot. They don't matter!

LOL! You only have love, compassion and sense until they disagree with you and your worldview.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2901d ago
2903d ago Replies(3)
Angeljuice2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

The British working classes are always used as puppets by the hatemongers.

They are racist and bigoted because they are trickle fed lies and distorted facts and given a figure to hate (in this case immigrants), by parties with vested interests (usually the far right).

They tend to be incapable of independent thought and rely on a type of "hive mentality" (which usually has its epicentre in the local pub).

If you poison one of their minds you poison them all.

I'm working class too that's how I know first hand how the idiots think. Yes the majority of the working class are racist, ignorant and stupid. Don't take my word for it, go have a chat with one on any building site.

"F@#%ing foreigners, kick em all out"

"Muslamists? Should all be hung"

That's the level of intelligent thought you get.

Day one: £250bn wiped off the economy overnight (enough to pay EU membership for 25 years).
Remember that money you were promised? it evaporated when the vote was counted.

Last night we were the 5th biggest economy in the world, this morning we slid to 6th behind France.

But don't worry, in a decade or two things will settle.

Reefskye2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Democracy, almost half the country voted stay. yet the whole country have to leave. I'm 32 and i voted to stay i feel as much European as i do British, but i find it stupid how 75% of 18-24 the people who's future this is going to effect has voted remain now don't have any say.

@Angeljuice I'm working class and i voted to remain. Many people who don't vote came out to vote yesterday, many working class people voted to stay, there are many middle and upper class people who voted leave as well

One things for sure i don't think the united kingdom will be united much longer with Scotland and NI voting to remain

Nivekki2903d ago

'The British working classes are always used as puppets by the hatemongers.'

Yes, because the working class don't have brains to think for themselves, no? Wow, that is bigoted.

'They are racist and bigoted because they are trickle fed lies and distorted facts and given a figure to hate (in this case immigrants), by parties with vested interests (usually the far right). '

The whole of the working class is racist and bigoted? This is what is wrong with the country, people who want to tar a whole layer of people with their brush and look down. The thing is, it's not just the working class, people of all walks of life voted but you are going through with your assumption that it was. That makes you a bigger bigot than anyone else, you live life with a blinkered view.

'They tend to be incapable of independent thought and rely on a type of "hive mentality" (which usually has its epicentre in the local pub). '

Wow, you really are a total cretin.

'If you poison one of their minds you poison them all.'

'their minds you poison them all'


I'd say you are one of the people with the "hive mentality" because that's the same crap I've read over and over again about why the vote went against your wish.

You're the problem, and you can't see it.

pompombrum2903d ago

I can't pretend to speak on behalf of all British people but I think a good amount of leave voters would much rather stay in the EU but on their own terms. Nobody took this referendum seriously to begin with, not Cameron, certainly not the elected EU officials so when Cameron went to negotiate us a better deal on our behalf, the EU leaders were all their looking out for their own interests and the whole thing became a farce. Once it became evident that the referendum was going to be a lot closer than expected, instead of opening up to our concerns, we received economical threats from the EU officials instead.

With our wants and needs not being met nor taken seriously, this is how we responded. I personally didn't vote for Brexit but I know many of my friends did with a sense of patriotism that I never knew existed in my country. They want their country back and are fed up of the rules imposed by the EU and how it's negatively effecting many areas of the country. My only hope from this referendum is that it becomes the spark that ignites the flame and forces the EU into making the necessary reforms that we can all get behind.

Jayszen2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )


You sum up the situation accurately. Cameron and co never took the threat of exit seriously and when there was time to do something about it, those responsible such as EU officials and various leaders ignored the opportunity to address the concerns of a lot of British people but instead took the situation for granted or chose to make threats as you point out.

To be honest, there comes a point when people will just not respond to threats, doom and gloom warnings, and accusations of being provincial and just wish to take back some modicum of control - which is exactly what happened yesterday.

We have to do our best now to weather any storm and ensure that we foster good relationships with the rest of the world as well as the EU. Perhaps this might have a silver lining, who knows? We are in the situation now and we have got to make the best of it.

The only thing I really hate about all of this is Nigel Farage acting like he had something to do with the decision!

uth112903d ago

sounds alot like the motivations for the American Revolution, except without the bloodshed.

Seafort2903d ago

I was going to vote Remain a couple of days before the referendum but then Juncker opened his big mouth about Cameron getting what he wanted and wouldn't be getting anything else from EU in the form of reforms.

That was the turning point for me as I knew there was never going to be any reforms in the EU so I voted to Leave.

I'm 39 and working class, not a racist or bigot. Just wanted my country back and be able to manage immigration ourselves and not have open borders to the 500+ million people in EU zone.

The UK is a small island and there's only so much money, resources and space to accommodate the people coming to the country as it is.

We are not closing the borders and becoming an insular country but there's a limit to how many people is manageable for a good quality of life for all. We are still in Europe but just leaving the EU.

Every country and person should strive to forge their own destiny. We'll still be close allies to our European cousins that won't change but the political union of EU wasn't for us so we voted to leave and that's it.

If the EU parliament want to punish us for leaving that's on them but we as a people in UK feel no ill will towards any European country. We've always loved Europe and will continue to do so well after we leave the EU.

EU and Europe is not the same thing.

Jayszen2903d ago


First of all, not all Brits voted to exit. The vote was very close - 52% to 48% and many of us actually like the idea of diversity and a global outlook. Secondly, the rest of your rambling just reveals what prejudices you carry and you show yourself to be no better than some of the idiots you complain about.

MK24ever2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Hern... I actually stated "This is not fault of everyone in England of course, bretix barely won, but still, I was hopping that the majority of the country would be more open to a "Union in Europe", I also said "I hope all the best to England despite everything, maybe they will even be better out of Europe, but to me what was lost is more important than more £ and €, what was lost was trust, union, friendship.", where is the prejudice? You mean what I said about expelling the British people from Portugal? I admit that sounds like a "vengeance", but that wasn't the intention of that sentence, I just said that to point out the British people themselves have immigrants, lots of them, but that is never mentioned, just the people that goes to England seems important/a problem. To say I'm not pissed with UK decision would be a lie, so of course I can't just have good words, my second comments explains that well.

feraldrgn2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Not all British people voted to leave.
It was 48% against 52%.

Don't paint all Britons with the same brush...

MK24ever2903d ago

I don't, please check the next comments.

Imalwaysright2903d ago

I'm from Portugal as well and I for one am tired of the hold that Germany has on our country with their austerity measures that have been more than proven to destroy economies rather than to help them grow. There is no European "Union" because democracy is nowhere to be found in it. UK leaving the EU is wake up call to all EU members and maybe brexit will lead to a real European Union. I wish all the best luck to UK citizens and I applaud them for their courage.

MK24ever2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

I perfectly understand your point of view, but blaming Germany for our problems isn't exactly a valid point, our politicians, our bankers and worker syndicates put the country in the situation it is now, not Germany or any other country did this.
I don't enjoy being the devil's advocate but with the hundreds of millions of Euros we received from the EU nothing was accomplished due the insane amount of corruption our country has.
If the EU loaned us money it's only natural they want now to see it well spent instead of watching it being burned by our own monster public sector who produces nothing and eats all of our budget, and despite all the austerity imposed, we still have deficit due to crazy new laws put there by our politics that help nothing the country, like the recent 35h of work per week for the public-workers... it makes no f***** sense!

Imalwaysright2903d ago

I'm well aware that many of the issues that we are facing are our own fault and I completely agree that our public machine is dragging our country down but I can't get past that a country that doesn't care for us and only has their own interests at mind is dictating our present and future with measures that are destroying our economy. The European Union is flawed and will remain an illusion until ALL members have an equal say so I congratulate UK citizens for taking a stance. I don't blame them at all for wanting to leave this fake EU.

iistuii2902d ago

"I don't enjoy being the devil's advocate but with the hundreds of millions of Euros we received from the EU"
And why do you think the UK voted out, because they are giving hundreds of millions a week to other countries when these countries are putting nothing in & now the money will be spent in their own country. The only reason the rest of Europe are upset is because the UK are in the top 3 of putting in.

jmc88882903d ago

You think staying in a failing fascist construct is needed to 'care' for the rest of Europe? Every country needs to leave the EU, that's what's best for ALL of you, INCLUDING Germany.

Your country is being crushed by being in the EU... your country would be one that benefits the most. All of the PIIGS countries are being bled dry by EU mandates and austerity.

Bailouts for the big EU banks, and none for the people.

EU is going down anyways. Just wait until Deutsche Bank implodes. Be Lehman Bros x100. So many worthless derivatives, about 30x German GDP just in ONE bank.

You keep thinking of it the wrong way. The EU is a control mechanism, and that is CONTROL OVER YOU from somewhere else.

The EU was never going to work, only morons thought so. Sorry. Europe is too different to live under one authority. It's always better to go back to sovereign nations who deal in treaties for the mutual benefit of the countries engaged in it.

Here's the truth, with or without Brexit, all the PIIGS countries were going to continue crashing and burning. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, all the austerity was doing jack nothing except making you suffer for big EU banks who are still insolvent and are going to implode anyway eventually. You are suffering and dying for NO REASON other than EU Diktat. Eventually the core nations would start imploding. It's a losers bet for everyone.

What the Brits did was to get out of that crapshow before it implodes. Now the rest of you need to as well. The EU is nothing worth saving. Europeans do not need the EU to be Europeans and live peacefully. Somehow lots of Europeans seemed to think that they needed the EU. You don't.

MK24ever2903d ago

There's to many facts and truths in your comment which is unfortunate, yet, I believe it's important to have the Europe united trough a main organism so we become stronger in political and economical scenarios, also, being able to travel trough Europe and have a common coin is also positive, I can now buy anything from any country in the EU without having to worry about import taxes and exchange rates, as there are many other advantages of being part of something bigger, the problem is just the people in command at the moment can't think in the common interest, just in the interest of their own countries, banks and personal agendas in many cases...

Good comment btw, even if I still have hopes for a more United Europe and a solution to the current problems, I don't think cultural difference should be seen as a problem but as something that should motivate bringing people together to share their culture and learn to respect others despite their differences.

Errorist762903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Old and sad people decided for the younger generation. Really sad.
There are many things worth saving in the EU. It is narrow minded not to think so, but there is and ugly face to the EU and neoliberalism and lobby influences need to be eliminated so reforms are needed better sooner than later.

Mighty Boom2903d ago

No body cares about your tears.

MYSTERIO3602903d ago

@MK24ever I see no reason why we still cant have a friendly amicable relationship with our European neighbours and continue to trade as before, we just don't want to be part of an elitist group of bureaucrats that hold zero accountability. The EU is no longer only a single market but a political institution that seems to want majority control of nation states even to the point of overriding laws in their own government. UK citizens recognise this and thats why i think we had such a high turnout of voters for Brexit.

Zepherite2902d ago

What you've got to remember is, almost half of brits agree with you.

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