
Intel announces third-generation SSD: 320 Series

Intel has launched the much-anticipated follow up to its popular X25-M solid-state drive. The new 320 Series is the first of the company's drives to use 25nm MLC NAND chips, and the smaller process size has also enabled capacities up to 600GB. Performance is up as well:

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bobrea4815d ago

These are still way too expensive for how much space I need. My 1TB hard drive is down to 65gigs :(

FanboyPunisher4815d ago

SSD for boot drive, keep normal HDD's for all the porn filling up your 1TB down to 65gb.

If you own an SSD, no real reason to upgrade. Mechanical --> SSD is the only real jump you'll notice.

iamgoatman4815d ago

Like fanboypunisher said, having an small SSD for a boot drive is the best idea as the larger capacity drives are still ridiculously expensive. For the same price as a 80GB SSD you can pick up a 3TB standard drive, so you're going to be paying a heavy premium for the speed an SSD offers, but only using a small capacity one for the OS will speed up your PC quite a bit without destroying your wallet.

bobrea4815d ago

Eh. My PC is fast enough, it's not really worth it. I'll spend my money on another 1TB mechanical drive. And just to clarify, it's a shit ton of music, movies and games that's taking up the space. Who the hell downloads porn anymore?

iamgoatman4815d ago

Well yeah, get a large standard HDD them, it's a no brainer. I wasn't saying you should get one, just offering an alternative solution to get a performance boost without braking the bank.

And to answer your last question, I'm sure a hell of a lot of people still download porn, this IS the Internet after all.

TVippy4815d ago

G3 drives are a disappointment, those with the smaller capacities (40, 80GB) at least.

RevXM4815d ago


This. read the spec of that thing!
Awfully expensive as of now, but PCI-E SSD's are so freakin hot.
I would buy one of those, then add a HDD for everything but Music, games, programs and OS.
Maybe, like 2-4 years from now those might be affordable for most people.


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