
Five Myths About Female Gamers Debunked

LA Weekly: WeDare and the ensuing controversy got us thinking about girls and games. While we're at least happy that there are going to be female characters in video games we're a little disappointed that yet again, the female characters exist for sex appeal and little else. The industry is still laboring under the impression that men and boys are the only gamers or potential gamers, and WeDare is just the latest piece of evidence thereof. So we thought we'd take the opportunity to debunk a myth or five about girls, games, and girl gamers.

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White-Sharingan4839d ago

But how will they make the sammiches then?


GG Awards 2011: Big Claim, Lame Game

This award will go to the 2011 game that, more than any other, failed to live up to the hype.


Good Game: We Dare review

Bajo from Good Game and Andrew from The Chaser's War on Everything take a hilarious look at the not-so-sexy game, We Dare.

Pozzle4687d ago

They should have Andrew Hansen on the show every week, tbh.


We Dare Australian PG rating reviewed, retained

GamePron: …and the Australian Classification Review Board has been extra busy, announcing that We Dare will keep its controversial PG rating, as the in-game content and overall impact “does not exceed mild”.

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