
Doom 4 dev: 3D needs more time

Legendary first-person shooter developer id Software says gamers will have to wait before 3D gaming will have any serious impact on the industry.

The Doom 4 and Rage developer said the price of 3D tellys will have to come down before it makes sense for videogame companies to invest in the tech.

"Maybe we're getting to the point where the people who have been pushing 3D, or are pushing 3D now, have figured out a way to make it cool and not so nerdy that nobody wants to do it," id Software boss Todd Hollenshead told Eurogamer.

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mushroomwig5047d ago

That's a given, any new technology needs time before it's mainstream. Prices will come down over time and the technlogy will actually get better too. :)

Montrealien5047d ago

3D will be a new technology, when it does not need glasses, till then it is just a slightly better version of something that has been around in theaters since the 50s.

What 3D needs is not time, its the removal of the need for glasses. Then it will blow up.

Anon19745047d ago

The eyes need to see a different image for this to work. On small screens you can get away with no glasses because you can approximate your viewers viewing position - but even then the effect is very limited. On big screens there's just no way you can send a unique image to both the left and right eyes for multiple viewers. Even the companies that are working on the glasses free tech aren't seriously pursuing the home theater market. They have larger screens to catch people's attentions at trade shows but that's the extent of it.

If we want the best 3D experience, it has to be glasses until they can beam images directly to everyone's eyeballs individually. We're a few years away from that.

Personally, I think 3D is the holy grail of gaming and has the potential to become the biggest thing to happen to TV viewing since color. My only problem at the moment is I'm quite addicted to the 92" screen I enjoy my home theater projector on. I'd have a 3D TV right now but I'm waiting and saving for the inevitable crop of home theater projectors that can utilize the new tech.

blackpanther255047d ago

you can talk about glasses free 3d but it is hard cause they have to send an different image to each eye and only for that eye. They will still need some form of medium for the eye to do this.

I saw a video where they used a webcam to do it but that is only for one individual and it wasn't on the same level as REAL3D.

Montrealien5047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

It is very realistic darkride..

fresh of the press, today. This rumor has been buzzing all day over the net.


3D with glasses hitting homes with TVs will just seem and look like a stupid idea 5 years from now, people will say "what where we thinking?"

Notice, Toshiba has been the only company holding out on 3D TVs with glasses, and it might just pay off for them. Big time. And the fact that this is inevitable explains the crazy push Sony and other people backing the current state of home 3D, it is almost panic mode, because 3D without glasses is coming.


D without glasses? Not possible? Well, thats were early adopter's money is going towards. Research and development for 3D without glasses...on the big screens. Spend your life away early adopters, spend your life away. I've been called a poor bum for not wanting to spend such astronomical figures on an inconvenient experience. But who will be looked at as a sucker when 3D without glasses is available in the next year or two. The 3DS came out of nowhere with this feature. Technology is faster than most people think when it comes to advancement. 2-3 years is the new 10 years, lol.

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otherZinc5047d ago

I'll never put glasses on my face to do anything, especially watch tv or play games for hours.

My vision is perfect & SAMSUNG even said you shouldn't watch 3D for hours.

DA_SHREDDER5047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

Shut your mouth, there are already 600 hrz 3-D tvs under $1000 bucks. If you cant afford one now then you never will. This article just proves how full of shit the media and devs alike really are. Blah blah,, shit is too expensive,, but these are the same assholes that are supposedly taking the advantages of both consoles and implenting them into their games. Yeah fuckin right. How bout this, how bout you guys at Id actually make a decent game this gen before you start talking about what other people are planning to do.. The damn media doesn't help out much,, always this negative bullshit , give us gaming news Eurolamer instead of the constant fanboy bullshit your always giving us. Fuckin sites cant keep it real and it makes me sick.

Nineball21125047d ago

Man, cut back on the caffeine...

It's just something that many devs are waiting to see if it takes off. I can't blame them. 3D has been the "next big thing" for years and years.

However, I believe now it really will gain mainstream acceptance. It's like anything else, ppl want some assurance that if they invest in the tech, it'll be profitable for them.

Montrealien5047d ago

lol, that was insane DA_SHREDDER. However with that said, I am sure 3D man would agree with you, he has been fighting crime, in 3D, since the 50s!


LiViNgLeGaCY5047d ago

Lol wow Shredder, seems like you're very passionate about this subject. xD

divideby05047d ago

dugh..... is all I can say, wasting my time reading that crap
developers need more time making good mulitplatform games..

Matthew945047d ago

wah wah wah sony says its ready so its ready

Nihilism5047d ago (Edited 5047d ago )

Sony stand to make a profit in the selling of the technology, game developers do not. We in the real world call that extreme bias 'marketing hype'.

palaeomerus5047d ago

Sony said that rumble was last gen too. Sony say a lot of #@#$.

BBAM5047d ago

there's already alot of Devs taking on 3D tech right?
It's only like any other tech, there needs to be early adopters for any tech with great potential, and the new 3D is just that. As for the price, it's remarkably cheap concidering that is IS new tech and I think alot of people don't realise that.

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bloop677d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.