
Number of women playing video games on the rise

More and more ladies are picking up the game controller. A recent study says the number of female gamers is up significantly.

Looking around at the Gamerz Funk in Taylorsville, I only saw one girl at the time, and she was just checking her MySpace page. But she's been known to play too. She said, "Sometimes I come over here and play with my friends on 'Demigod' (a multi-player fighting game)."

She started playing about a month ago and now says she comes in once a week to play. She also dabbles with "World of Warcraft" from time to time.

ShadowMantis5425d ago

OMG,WTF. This isn't new,girls have been playing for years.I've been playing video games since I was 4.This article stupid.

Socomer 19795425d ago (Edited 5425d ago )

there are alot of women on psn.
i find them in socom, zen pinball, poker, home, cod4 & killzone 2.

whats even cooler is that ps3 gamers dont treat them any different either. they are comfortable. even in home the boys have calmed down with the ladies and harrass them for ten seconds instead of ten hours.


The Digital Dragons 2024 conference event was a huge success story

"Three days filled with specialist lectures delivered by almost 200 speakers, three thematic summits, and over 2600 guests from almost every corner of the world - the capital of Małopolska became the capital of the games industry for a few days.

Organized by the Krakow Technology Park, the Digital Dragons Conference once again showed that Poland is attracting more and more attention from the world's biggest industry tycoons for a reason." - Digital Dragons.


Atari has acquired the Intellivision brand, ending the first ever console war

Atari has acquired Intellivision. The company announced today that it had acquired its long-time rival, ending one of the original console rivalries, dating back to the 1970s.

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darthv729h ago

Wow.... two of my earliest gaming platforms. All they need is Coleco to round things out.

This is like Nintendo buying SEGA.

OtterX7h ago

YES! Colecovision was my start! I came to know Mario there in Donkey Kong before the NES was even a thing. :)

Golfcoachh4h ago

Yes such fond memories. My first was the odyssey, but I really started gaming on my colecovision. Had atari and intelivision but coleco was by far the best of the bunch to me.

Kratos_Kart20074h ago

Yes...a gamer from my era...LMAO

Coleco was good...LOL

anast9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Good piece of history here.

edit: I wanted to read it but the cookies pop up is stopping me.

badboyz099h ago

This was just before my time. I do remember my mom's friend having one all dusty in her apartment back in the day.

[R.I.P.} Ms. Irene

Abear219h ago

People forget that console wars are part of the history of this industry. The console wars were started by competitive companies all the way back then and continued through Sega vs Nintendo, Jaguar/3DO/NeonGeo, and PlayStation vs Nintendo and Xbox.

These companies are across oceans and competing for the same business. These companies created the console wars, not crazy fanboys.

anast7h ago

Console wars are fun. It's fun to be a fanboy too. I don't get what's wrong with any of this as entertainment.

darthv726h ago

Young kid school yard banter was fun. 30-40+ year olds still doing it is just disturbing. Many my age (50+) grew out of that a long time ago. We may still have our preferences, but we also embrace a more central position because there is a lot to enjoy on a wide range of genres and systems.

You'll understand one day and then things will forever change.

Petebloodyonion4h ago

The only thing back then was that the game would still appear on competing platforms.
Remember the Coleco Vision could play Atari2600 games via an Expansion modude.

jznrpg8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

I had both. Snafu on Intellivision was addicting as hell. Also had Colecovision which had Time Pilot. Combat was probably my favorite Atari game and both Atari and Intellivision had similar games like Pitfall and Jungle Hunt. It’s been so long I don’t really remember which game I liked bettter out of those but I did play my Intellivision a bit more than Atari though I’m not sure why besides Snafu. That was 40+ years ago damn I’m old lol

Dagexon7h ago

Ahh you're making me all nostalgic! Not old enough to have played these on original hardware but my first console was a bootleg console from Costco that had a bunch of intellivision and atari games. Then had a lot of fun with intellivision and atari collections on ps1 and 2.
Snafu was one of my favourite games and me and my partner still occasionally play it to this day

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Nearly Half Of Gamers Play Video Games To "Express Themselves," Study Finds

Many players find it easier to express themselves while playing games. Yet, over half of the surveyed gamers still play to relieve stress.

H91d 12h ago

I wonder what place made this study, and it's Fandom, no wonder half of the people said that, I find it hilarious that Fandom of all places did manage to pull more than 50% for the argument of playing games for self expression

phoenixwing1d 9h ago

Honestly i don't believe this statistic. All we need is an executive to believe it and they'll focus more on how to "express" ourselves over good gameplay and further ruin gaming.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 8h ago

I actually just play to relax/have fun, get immersed in another world for a while and enjoy the story/characters, who the hell plays to "express themselves"? I can understand how that applies to say Minecraft, where you're actually making things, but I don't think you can apply this to most games.

gold_drake15h ago

express themselves? eh... how so? that doesnt make sense to me at all.