
IGN: Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

IGN writes: "Elite Forces: Unit 77 can't survive on its impressive visuals alone. Had the game upped the pacing, swapped out touch-screen control for traditional D-pad, added multiplayer and…oh, while we're throwing ideas out there, added an actual incentive – like a scoring system – to play the missions over again, then maybe Elite Forces: Unit 77 could have been one of those sleeper DS titles that slip in under the radar. As it is in its current, complete form, though, there's nothing special about this game other than the desire for it to be something it isn't".


IGN - Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

IGN - First up for DSiWare this week is a game we already two and a half years ago. That's because Elite Forces: Unit 77 is one of the cases of an older, physical cartridge DS game getting a second chance through digital distribution. Unfortunately for us, though, this is a game that didn't really deserve a second look.


The Nintendo Weekly Download Report for December 15, 2011

The Complete Nintendo Weekly Download Report for December 15, 2011.

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phantomexe4516d ago

Those Wiiware titles are just so bad. The 3DS titles aren't bad.Blaster master games have alwasy been good.


Mygamer: Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

Mygamer writes: "While I am a fan of tactical and shooter games of all kinds, I found it hard to enjoy this game. If Elite Forces could capitalize on the abilities of the DS, it would greatly enrich the game and it something resembling an enjoyable experience. Even the ability to use the D-pad and buttons rather than drag the stylus around the screen would be a valid option".