
GamePro: Fallout 3: Broken Steel Preview

Broken Steel picks up at the end of Fallout 3. Instead of you going through the reactor, computer-controlled partners jump in instead. This is what allows you to continue playing an additional 4-5 hour quest line in Broken Steel, including countless hours of new side quests, and a new space to explore outside of nuke-blasted Washington D.C.


The Game Industry Is Only Getting Better

A simple yet endearing question, as to the status of games leaves Harjit slightly more optimistic about the gaming industry.

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Amazing Deals On Bethesda DLC Available Now On Xbox Live

Acclaimed add-ons for Bethesda classics Oblivion and Fallout 3 have become available at bargain bin prices on Xbox Live.

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Mad_Mack4351d ago

Can I be bothered to go back to Fallout 3....


MasterD9194351d ago

And of course Skyrim's Dawngaurd DLC isn't in the mix...

TrendyGamers4351d ago

Most people have all this DLC already.

KingOfArcadia4351d ago

Dang, got excited there for a second. Then I realized that I've already played through all the FO3 add-ons, I just bought the Oblivion GOTY edition yesterday, and Dawnguard last week.