
Blend Games: Shellshock 2 Review

Pete Haas writes: "If you have the slightest inclination to play this game, please e-mail me and I will gladly provide you with a list of action games that are not only cheaper but leagues better than this game. If I see you holding this at Blockbuster or Gamestop, I will slap it out of your hand."

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Johnny Cullen5576d ago

Did... did Gurreilla honestly make the 1st one before Killzone?

I honestly cant believe it.

EvilCackle5576d ago

Yes, they did. I was surprised to learn of that, too. That one was supposedly bad but it was like a 5/10, whereas this is...bleh.

Rice5576d ago

This is the first time i seen a decimal score under 1 lol.


GameStooge Awards 2009: The Worst Games of the Year

The 2009 GameStooge Awards continue with the fifth part of the Awards – the worst games of 2009, as well as the best mobile games.

Best iPhone Game: Zen Bound
Best Mobile Game: Townsmen 6: Revolution
Biggest Disappointment: The Conduit
Most Dead on Arrival: Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
Worst Digital Game: NBA Unrivaled
Worst Game: Terminator Salvation

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GameCritics: ShellShock 2: Blood Trails Review

You will have the normal FPS problems of not knowing about gunfire until it's hitting you, heightened by the fact that zombies often seem to jump out of nowhere in the darker levels if you can't hear their footsteps. All the important dialogue is subtitled though, and while it's clear enough where to go next in most situations, a mini-map would have helped in the rare open-concept levels.

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Shellshock 2: Blood Trails Review at CheatCC

CheatCC says: "With its iffy gunplay, often frustrating gameplay, linear level design, short completion time (four to six hours max), clichéd and uninteresting story, and complete lack of multiplayer, only the most desperate of players should attempt to squeeze any enjoyment out of this lemon."