
Thomas the Tank Engine Is Now In Starfield; The Prophecy Is Fulfilled

Be sure to grab the Thomas the Tank Engine mod for Starfield at Nexus Mods before the fun-haters at Mattel pull the plug and force Brock into hiding... again.

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Asplundh500d ago

There's two things that you can always guarantee the mod community will add to a game, boobs and Thomas the Tank Engine.

EvertonFC500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

Has anyone done spaceballs RV yet ?

ZeekQuattro500d ago

On the starfield reddit thread under starfield ships search for the poster Oluabayo. They did a good one imo. I'd post the link but I figured that wasn't allowed in the comments.

DrDoomer500d ago

CJ from San Andreas better be in inside that.


Is Starfield Coming to PS5? 'Keeping Games Off Other Platforms Is Not the Path for Us’

Bethesda’s space opera Starfield, famously cancelled on the PS5 after Microsoft’s multi-billion-dollar acquisition of the publisher, could still release on Sony’s console in the future.

Speaking with reporter Destin Legarie, Xbox bigwig Phil Spencer was asked if the intergalactic RPG would be “staying put for the time being”.

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28d ago Replies(1)
VenomUK28d ago

Starfield was strongly hyped as a triple-A exclusive that could drive Xbox Series console sales. Since Microsoft announced that four of its games would tentatively release on other platforms, there's been speculation about whether Xbox would fully embrace third-party status. Starfield's potential release on other platforms has become a barometer, a key indicator, on whether Xbox will go completely third-party.

Whilst there have been other games announced as coming to PlayStation and Nintendo, the most extreme in the Xbox creator community have always held on to the notion that Starfield would remain exclusive. Now the final barrier has been removed, Phil Spencer head of Microsoft gaming has refused to agree that Starfield, its flagship title, will remain exclusive.

thorstein28d ago

Elder Scrolls will launch multiplatform.

fr0sty27d ago

And now Obscure Observer's final prophecy has been proven false.


helicoptergirl27d ago

@ frost

Thanks for the giggle :)

thesoftware73028d ago (Edited 28d ago )


"Starfield's potential release on other platforms has become a barometer, a key indicator, on whether Xbox will go completely third-party."

I see what your are saying, but, I believe Halo is the barometer for if they are going full multiplatform. If Halo launches on PS, then that is the full confirmation.

Additionally, yes, 3rd party makes sense technically, but the term multiplatform would be more appropriate, as they still have their dedicated hardware, if they were to ditch their own hardware, that would be full 3rd party.

neutralgamer199228d ago (Edited 28d ago )

MS needs to decide what they want to do and jump in. They should announce clear plans and launch their games day one on other platforms and here is why, xbox gamers usually play their games through gamepass while other platforms would be paying full price. It's a win win for MS because they can continue to grow GP while getting a lot of extra revnue from playstation and nintendo

halo MCC, Gears of war complete collection, forza horizon 5 (each game selling at full price)

RauLeCreuset28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

"It's a win win for MS because they can continue to grow GP while getting a lot of extra revnue from playstation and nintendo."

How does it affect Microsoft's business strategy if in that scenario the profits from PS, Nintendo, or a combination of the two surpass their profits from the closed Xbox ecosystem (Game Pass, Xbox hardware, and associated software from those sources)?

neutralgamer199227d ago

Money is money. Xbox has a goal to grow gamepass which they will and who knows maybe gamers will see GP as better value and in future generations switch platforms

RauLeCreuset27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

"Money is money."

One last question for clarification.

I gave a scenario in which the profits coming in from the two camps are not equal. Is it your belief that Microsoft would not be concerned with which of those camps was driving the higher profits and would not adapt their strategy to cater to the audience driving the most profits?

InUrFoxHole27d ago

Gamers need to stop this false narrative. MS has literally told you and shown you the path forward. I understand older gamers being in denile because the past metric was exclusives and console sales. Gaming has changed. We can grow with it or get left behind. It's that simple. Games everywhere is pro consumer. I'm all in

Outside_ofthe_Box27d ago


"I understand older gamers being in denile because the past metric was exclusives and console sales. Gaming has changed. We can grow with it or get left behind."

Says who Microsoft? You think Sony and Nintendo don't care about their console sales? Why gaming always have to shift to Microsoft's wants and needs?

neutralgamer199227d ago


Microsoft's recent decision to allow Xbox exclusives on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms seems to reflect their shifting business strategy. With a massive investment of $80–$100 billion and a diminished market share, it appears Microsoft is prioritizing revenue over hardware sales. Ideally, Xbox would be performing better, with Game Pass subscriptions exceeding 50 million, but given the current reality, their focus seems to be on software and expanding Game Pass to as many platforms as possible.

Microsoft seems to envision Game Pass becoming the "Netflix of Gaming," aiming for widespread availability—even on competing platforms like Nintendo and PlayStation. While this may sound far-fetched, it aligns with their strategy of maximizing accessibility and revenue streams.

Their current approach also provides a unique advantage. Xbox exclusives launch Day One on Game Pass, attracting subscribers, while players on other platforms pay full price for these same titles. This could potentially serve as a long-term strategy: when some PlayStation or Nintendo gamers recognize the value of Game Pass, they might eventually decide to purchase an Xbox to enjoy these games at a lower cost and with greater convenience.

This is just my perspective, but it seems like Microsoft is playing the long game here, focusing on software dominance and creating a future where Game Pass is synonymous with gaming itself

Knushwood Butt27d ago

@ neutral

There are so many contradictions in that wall of whatever that I don't know where to start, but for one, selling hardware generates revenue. Is your point that nobody buys xbox hardware anymore so it no longer generates any revenue?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 27d ago
Profchaos27d ago

I think the title Did not do as well as they hoped I've seen retail disc copies going for 10 dollars so going multiplat for this game is just a return on investment more than anything.

Halo and gears are the true test

InUrFoxHole27d ago

Well if I'm being objective. It's a solid game. But it's dulled by so many menus.

PapaBop27d ago

Microsoft, the masters of moving the goal posts and reinventing themselves.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 27d ago
truthBombs28d ago

Seeing Zenimax and Activition-Blizzard games remain multiplat post-acquisition is being made such a big deal.

These games would have been on ps regardless.

I'll be fully convinced once I see legacy first party games like Halo, Gears, fable and co. cross over

Either way, they're all coming to PC just like PS games. I'm a happy gamer.

Getting closer and closer to all games one platform. Slowly but surely.

rudero28d ago

😂 “I’ll be convinced once I see legacy first party games…”
Then lists their only first party games.
And the legacy ones are the only ones worth playing and they should come as a $29.99 bundle.
The ones they made once they took over the IPs are crap and not worth playing.

PhillyDonJawn28d ago

I said the same. Until I see Halo on PS I won't be convinced

InUrFoxHole27d ago

Halo is going. I'll stake your reputation on it! But in all seriousness. I think HMCC will go and I'm cool with that. Because I would love to play KZ and socom on xbox. MS gets great games and sony makes $

Jigga6928d ago ShowReplies(1)
raWfodog28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

“ 'Keeping Games Off Other Platforms Is Not the Path for Us’”

Of course not because that is not how third-party publishing works. This isn’t new. Xbox is reinventing the wheel and getting praised for it by the usual fanboys.

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Why Bethesda Cut Gore and Dismemberment From Starfield

Bethesda originally planned to include gore and dismemberment mechanics in Starfield but had to remove them due to technical limitations.

Gamingsince198138d ago

I wonder If it was the technical limitations that made them leave out anything fun as well.

raWfodog38d ago


It likely would have added even more to the already excessive loading instances.


mkis00738d ago (Edited 38d ago )

You woke up my son with that laugh thank you

jambola38d ago

So I assume it was not added in a mod 2 days later by a guy alone with no funding?

raWfodog38d ago

That would be the more likely outcome rather than waiting on Bethesda to do it.

anast38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Too much work for a game that was in development for 25 years.

gold_drake38d ago

ooofff can you imagine the additonal lag that would have caused? ha damn

mkis00738d ago

Seems like it was an effort issue, same with the loading screens. It's a travesty for such a big publisher to accept it.

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Fans Are Tired of 100 Hour Long Games, Says Former Starfield Dev

A former Starfield developer has stated that the industry has found itself moving away from big games due to fan fatigue.

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truthBombs47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

I avoid them. But there's still an audience that's happy to spend that amount of time playing a game.

Time flies when you're having fun but when it feels like a chore. No thanks.

Stop padding the games with grindy stuff then maybe people will be happy to spend time doing the fun stuff.

lelo2play46d ago

25-30 hours for a RPG is normally enough for me... unless it's isometric RPG's like Fallout 1/2, Wasteland 2/3, Baldur's Gate 3, Underrail, etc, then it's more than 30 hours.

10-20 hours for a action, metroidvania or platformer game is enough for me.

100's of hours for Football Manager, Civilization or any decent strategy game is enough for me...

Guitardr8545d ago

Haha so true! I cringe to actually look up on Steam how many hours I've spent on Total War games. EASILY 100's of hours!!!

Cacabunga45d ago

I platimuned RDR2 in 500hours. I wish it took double that time. When the game is good I give it the time it deserves for full enjoyment.
Stellar Blade is another example. I wish the game never ended

nitus1045d ago

I don't avoid RPG's that take a long time to actually play, however I do agree that for some games there is so much unnecessary padding that playing becomes a chore. Of course you do have to define what is "unnecessary padding" and that is subjective.

LG_Fox_Brazil47d ago

I am pretty sure I invested more than 100 hours to beat Dragon Age Inquisition and almost all that to finish Metaphor Refantazio, I felt like an orphan when I beat both, had a ton of fun. That said, I rushed as much as I could in quite a few games that lasted 50 hours or less because I coudn't bear to play more. Tons of padding. The game just have to be fun and with great stories. That's it

-Foxtrot47d ago

I don't mind long games, I just don't care for the ones which are only long because they've padded their games with the same repetitive padding and it's super obvious.

isarai46d ago

Wrong, were tired of 100hrs of filler and low effort fetch quests and 500 useless collectibles with little to no reward. Anyone would be ecstatic to have 100hrs of gripping side quests and interesting stories, but you stopped delivering on that.

P_Bomb46d ago

I’ve grown to hate collectibles. It’s the uninspired padding that kills it for me.

isarai46d ago

Rememywhen collectibles were like 8 armor pieces to unlock a legendary armor set? Now it's 200 letters to get a trophy/achievement

BlackOni45d ago

I could play another witcher 3, baldurs gate 3, level of depth easily.

Knightofelemia46d ago

I don't mind throwing long hours into a game. As long as it has a great story, fun to play, great characters. Last game I threw 100 plus hours into was AC Odyssey. I don't have much time to throw in that type of hours into a game my back log is too long plus work interferes with gaming. There are fans out there who love 100+ hrs there are people who still believe in getting every bang for your buck. $80-90 for a new game that is short is pointless and can piss people off.

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