
Bloober CEO Believes 10M Copies Sold for Their Games Is a "Realistic" Range for the Studio Soon

It looks like Bloober Team is counting on their future projects to really sell a lot, as the studio's boss thinks that 10 million units sold is a "realistic" and achieve-able number.

FallenAngel1984424d ago

What non RE horror title sold over 10 million

sammarshall102424d ago

I'm not saying they'll reach 10 million but they have a great foundation given that this is a remake of a great game and it's going to look next gen

Eonjay422d ago

I wouldn't take to much heed into this story as they have updated with an apology due to poor translation. In otherworldly what they ate implying isn't what was actually said.

FallenAngel1984424d ago

I just remembered The Last of Us did that feat twice over. However that’s the outlier and not the rule, what with TLOU being the best selling horror game of all time and all

@ Sam

A great original game and high production values doesn’t guarantee a great game. I’m hoping they can fulfill critical expectations though

Profchaos423d ago

I don't really think tlou falls into a horror category to be honest it feels more like a drama scripted fallout game then something designed to scare

FallenAngel1984423d ago

TLOU is a horror title

If it’s not horror than neither is Resident Evil

ninjabutt13423d ago

TLOU is not a horror game because developers dont not market it as horror game neither do they state its a horror game.
While RE is marketed as horror game.

FallenAngel1984422d ago

TLOU is still designed as a horror gamers

IamTylerDurden1422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

Bloober doesn't make naughty dog quality. The Medium was hailed as impressive next gen AAA by some and it was neither. It was an average and limited horror game. I expect higher quality with SH2 but it's still Bloober. Blair Witch, LoF, Medium are not 90 meta, 10m seller types. They hardly do combat so i question how it will be in SH2.

sammarshall102422d ago

That's true but I'm confident that hey can knock it out of the park with what they have to work with

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 422d ago
RpgSama423d ago

These developers need to shut up and let their games do the talking, they have quite a huge undertaking with SH2, They either hit a home run with that one or it will be considered a failure, no in-between.

Hofstaderman423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

It’s a big name game. It’s make or break for them.

IamTylerDurden1422d ago

The Medium was all hype as well. I'm waiting for gameplay until i believe them.

Snookies12424d ago

Funny enough, the more they talk it up the less confident I am... Hopefully I'm proven wrong, as I'd love for this to be fantastic.

-Foxtrot424d ago

Yeah it’s weird

Talking about what they want to be going forward, the leading horror developer, and talking about sales

Like guys, focus on getting the game out and up to scratch

sammarshall102424d ago

They've announced that it's nearly done, maybe they're just very confident in what they've made

XiNatsuDragnel424d ago

Funny I hope you guys can push the genre forward instead of sales goal.

424d ago
MadLad424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

I'm hoping they knock this out of the park, but those are highly, highly optimistic numbers.
As popular an IP as it is, they're basically saying they want this one remake to basically match the sales of the entire series prior.
Silent Hill was always a somewhat niche series. At least compared to something like Resident Evil.

To put it into perspective, indie titles of the last decade or so gained way more popularity than Silent Hill ever had, and we far less releases in total.
The Forest - 5 million copies sold (with the sequel having just released and selling 2 million copies in the first day alone)
Outlast series (2 games and an expansion) - 15 million copies sold

shinoff2183423d ago

To be fair there millions more gamers these days gaming then there was last time a good silent game came out

MadLad423d ago

True, but not by ten-fold, you know. I mean, we're talking about a remake of what many consider the best in the series (I like 4 the best, personally) and even that only sold a million copies.

I'm very hard pressed to believe we'll see anything close to that number. If they hit even half that I would call that striking gold.
I want the game to do well. I want to see Silent Hill on store shelves again. As much as I also love Resident Evil, especially now after 7, and great remakes of 2 and (seemingly) 4, I've always held Silent Hill on a higher personal pedestal.

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Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 launch trailer will send shivers down your spine

Ninja Theory's latest trailer for their highly anticipated narrative action-adventure Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is absolute cinema.

Reaper22_10h ago

Like I said before, buying Ninja Theory was one of the smartest moves by Microsoft. Games looks incredible.

Rynxie7h ago

Unfortunately, their games aren't big sellers. Will MS shut them down if hellblade 2 sells below expectations?

outsider16244h ago

If it sells below expectations, then i expect it to come to PS5.

Elda4h ago

The game may be a critical hit & still can get shut down. I highly doubt most XB owners will buy this game including the fact that it's digital only at $50. Most folks that have Gamepass will play the game through the sub service. If the reviews tomorrow are just average to low then that's another problem.

Obscure_Observer6h ago

"Like I said before, buying Ninja Theory was one of the smartest moves by Microsoft. Games looks incredible."


Just a few hours to go

I can´t wait!

z2g10h ago

badass. already installed via gamepass. if its as great as the first one I will pay for the whole game.

glenn19795h ago

I just don't understand why all the down votes

jwillj2k49h ago

Here we go again. Is this a game or a choose your own adventure???

purple1019h ago

if you choose left, turn to page 39, if you proceed forward, turn to page 43, to turn right, page 209, you finished the book early,

no but seriously this looks like Microsofts first hit, or should I say, first game of standout quality.

jwillj2k49h ago

Never questioned the quality. Question is will there be a need for the controller.

anast4h ago

The time machine 'choose your own' were awesome.

Tedakin7h ago

If it's anything like the first game, you will spend a lot of timing walking and solving puzzles, with some fights thrown in.

Elda9h ago

LOL! Didn't send any shivers down my spine but I'll demo it after midnight tonight through Gamepass to see what it's giving.

Obscure_Observer7h ago

After the midnight? I see...

Day one as expected for another game that you said you had zero interest.

Elda4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Finally making a re-appearance. When the heat was on about XB closing studios you were crickets on all articles. Now that the heat has died down all of a sudden you're here on an XB exclusive article or should I say a timed exclusive...lol!! If you must know I can demo this game at midnight because the University I work at is closed for the summer so I can play video games until my heart's content until the end of August when I go back to work. That's what Gamepass is for, knowing I would not spend $50 on Hellblade 2 because the first one I thought was boring so I'm going to see if this one is still boring or is it interesting by demoing the game.

Elda4h ago

Why not I have a year subscription to Gamepass, I don't have to spend $50 on a digital only game that I may not like including I'm on a lengthy vacation from work.

rlow19h ago

It looks amazing, I’m hoping the reviews are solid. You can tell the studio really poured their heart and soul into this one.

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2K Games’ big Summer Game Fest announcement needs to be Mafia 4

2K Games will take the stage at Summer Game Fest, and it is about time we got some good news about the state of Mafia 4's development.

Read Full Story >>
purple1011d 9h ago

Didn’t a leak about a max Payne remake surface a while ago?

banger881d 8h ago

I hope it's Mafia 4. And I really hope it's set during the 70s or 80s, and not a prequel of the first game as was rumoured.

TheColbertinator15h ago

Mafia 4 would be cool if set in a 70s to 80s era

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