
The game studios changing the industry by unionizing

From Polygon: "The game industry is changing. After years of groundwork over the past decade, laid over social media and in the halls of gatherings like the Game Developers Conference, workers are organizing into unions in their fight against a history of overwork, low pay, and harassment. Unions are on the rise in the game industry as workers seek to make meaningful, sustainable change.

Industry change is following a nationwide trend in worker organization: Over the past few years, there’s been an uptick in union elections and unfair labor complaints as workers vow to make change in their workplaces. You can see this reflected in headlines, too — alongside union efforts at Activision Blizzard and Microsoft, campaigns are ongoing at major corporations like Apple, Google, and Starbucks."

XiNatsuDragnel508d ago

Unions imo it's good for industry.

crazyCoconuts507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

Unions are never good for the industry. They're good for protecting workers. Unfortunately, even when they aren't competent. It's a very efficient way to stifle innovation, increase bureaucracy, and cost to the consumer. Sure, it also protects workers beyond the already existing labor laws if you think that's necessary. Not worth the downsides though imo

Michiel1989507d ago

not in a creative industry, more satisfied employees will create better work.

crazyCoconuts507d ago

Hard to fire people in a union. So if you're a manager and you guys stuck with a dolt, good luck to you. That drags the product down, no matter what the product. They also control pay so managers have less freedom to reward the best performers... So great performers leave and you're stuck with all the rest

ikarodemon507d ago

Totally agree. From my point of view as a game industry worker unions do more harm than good.

MadLad507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

Just laughing at those who are against unions.

Software_Lover507d ago

As with most things, it's not as black and white as that.

ABizzel1507d ago

It's because Unions can be hit or miss, and not always an ideal solution for everyone. Anyone who's worked as union members / boards, or for companies where union changed their employment for the worse has the understands the bad side of things that come with a union.

@crazyCoconuts gave perfect examples of how unions can ruin companies because his example explains the US Government and AT&T perfectly. A union protects everyone, even people we all know should be fired because they're a nightmare to the staff, they don't know how to do their jobs well regardless of training meaning someone has to now spend hours fixing their work making more work for everyone, and they collective destroy work culture. That's for the mass population, in terms of work.

As for top performers, pay is generally standardized, meaning there is less incentive for going above and beyond, because no matter what you're getting the same pay. In commission / talent based jobs this is a job killer because top-tier talent will seek other employment, leaving the company with mediocre talent or worse, said people who kill work culture and don't care about learning how to do their job, which overall tanks the company, causing non-stop escalations, etc...

So a union is not always a good thing or a cure. For the games industry, it's going to be a double-edged sword.

You might get rid of crunch, but that means everyone moves to salary. The people who were okay working the extra hours for overtime pay, no longer have that option, and that overtime could have been an extra $1,000 - $2,500 per week depending on the hours worked and their pay. Or an extra $4,000 - $10,000 for a month that they might have wanted due to debt, vacation, a personal gift, etc...

On the flip side everyone gets fair base pay across the nation of $60,000 + 10% salary bonus upon successful game launch. That's $60,000 per year, $66,000 the year the game comes out, (an instant $6,000 check). Yeah people who contribute to development like modifying work, or artist who touch up textures, etc... might be super happy going from $20/hr. working on an as-needed basis, but the level designer responsible for building worlds who is integral to the game's development and one of the greatest assets to the overall business goes from making $60,000 + 1% bonus of the games overall net sales ($50m), to the unions $60,000 + 10% salary bonus. He went from $60,000 + $500,000k, down to $60,000 + $6,000k, meaning the union F***ed him, and he's going to either have to promote up for a higher salary (but he may not even be a good communicator / leader), or he's going to quit and find work elsewhere.


And all of this is coming from someone who is a union representative.

crazyCoconuts507d ago

Tell me.... How does that make you feel?

The3faces507d ago

Actually worker's can and do get fired while belonging to a union. Also unions don't control pay they negotiate pay raises for workers. If not management usually relies on favoritism which causes good and overlooked workers to go elsewhere.

jznrpg507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

@The3faces favoritism happens with companies who’s employees are in a union also. I’ve seen it myself

ikarodemon507d ago

Don't expect legal devices to make people act more humanely. It's a short path that does more harm than good. Improving people's education over the long term always works best.


The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

TGG_overlord2d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.


Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide4d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos4d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb4d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly4d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly4d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Read the article. Same question.