
Everyone hates games and we don’t care (but we should)

From GI.biz: "Games are the most successful creative industry in the UK, bigger than TV, film and music. How often have you heard this statement to justify us as a sector?

We all know and feel how the UK mainstream media, especially print, likes to portray us. Whether it’s The Sun declaring "Mum’s Guilt – I found my son in a trance at 2am hooked on his games console... and I felt it was my fault for buying it" or The Mirror's "Mum bans son, 12, from adult game – but husband’s decision put marriage at risk." Even The Guardian, who is in my opinion the gold standard of games journalism, doesn't feature games significantly on its culture page. When I say "significantly," I mean "if at all."

But we don’t really need mainstream media, do we? We have our own media channels as well as YouTube, Twitch and Discord, our global revenues are predicted to be $339.95 billion by 2027 (Mordor Intelligence), games are predicted to be played by 3.32 billion players by 2024 (Statista), the average gamer is 34 years old, owns a house, and has children (ESA). 36 years is the average age of a game’s purchaser (Digital Australia) and 67% of parents play video games with their children at least once a week (ESA)."

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shinoff2183512d ago

Video games are the biggest entertainment market. It's crazy cause I've grown up with then since nes and I've been able to grow and watch gaming grow this whole time. Idk how to explain it. It's just dope.

blackblades512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

I choose video games over movies and books as my entertainment. Get a better story with video games then those 2 imo.

Crows90511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

Well I think that's completely different. Games are interactive. Movies are very passive. Books are more taxing on your imagination. I wouldn't say that games are a better entertainment than books but it is true that is definitely more accessible than books since most people I've only learned to hate books growing up as a kid and especially through the fault of the school system giving you the worst books to read.

You also can't really read a book when sick... But playing video games while being sick many times helps you ignore the symptoms. You can also usually watch a movie while being sick.

Even though games has been the most rejected entertainment media it is definitely the most accessible media.

Elda511d ago

At this point in time I have to agree. Movies have just been bad for the past 15 years or so. I have enjoyed better stories in video games.

senorfartcushion511d ago

No, you watch and play all three.

boing1511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

Dude! I had exactly the same discussion with my buddies lately. I feel so blessed for being able to witness this evolution through 40 years of my life. Not just games, but tech in general. The progress is just amazing!

senorfartcushion511d ago

Sometimes industries can be too big. We wouldn’t have loot boxes and games as a service if more Wall Street investors ignored gaming as a market.

oldenjon511d ago

Wow it’s like gamers only read the snippet from the article and thought it was praising the game industry or something….. telling.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 511d ago
HeliosHex512d ago

I miss when video games were considered niche along the lines of d&d board games and comics just a dumb thing nerdy boys did when they had no girlfriends. Ever since its gone mainstream I feel like video game companies are being strangled by corporate deadlines and the need to appease activist and just drowning in problems that were not there at a time. Resulting in broken games and censorship. Just reminds me of the positives of being overlooked and ignored rather than being in a constant spotlight of scrutiny.

Godmars290511d ago

Blame that on a lack of ethics, morals, and the likelihood that the regulation meant to enforce such will either be abused circumvented or watered down to irrelevancy.

sadraiden511d ago

As crazy as it is to think, game publishers were just as concerned with their bottom lines in the 80s and 90s as they are now. Probably even more so due to relatively low sales numbers compared to today's market. You can literally thank capitalism for where gaming has always been. It was seen as a niche "nerdy boys" hobby for decades because companies had no idea what to classify video games as, so it got lumped in with the rest of the "boys toys" section.

If the billionaire wizards that run these companies couldn't understand that they could make double the money they usually make if they marketed to women, and they can't figure out that actual adult gamers that buy games don't want to buy MTXs, and we can identify a shift in game quality over the years, maybe the publishers were always clueless and its the developers that just used to have more freedom. Also, censorship? Games have never had more adult content in them than they do today. Activists? Cut the political shit, bro. We're talking about games.

HeliosHex511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

@sadraiden. Guess you haven't seen what activist have been doing to our games for some time now. Guess you also haven't seen them trying to shut down the newest Harry Potter game coming out. Guess you haven't seen what happened to g4tv or limited run games. But ok. Oh and as for censorship you must only be talking about PC. Because on console we can't even play DOA as it use to be or DOABV. And Sony all but obliterated it's risqué animation games. Females in games look like men not allowed to be sexy. So unless I missed something your seeing censorship is very real on console more so than its ever been.

MWH511d ago

Helios is right, activists are ruining the industry, some much more than others. You can chose to deny or ignore that, but this remains the fact.

CrimsonWing69511d ago

Oh for sure. Look, back in the day publishers and developers could experiment and take risks. It's how we would get such excellent things like the entirety of the SNES - PS2 library.

Now, nobody will take the same risks and games have to sell an incredible amount to be viewed as successful. So, you then have publishers experimenting with Live Service games or things to milk as much money from the consumer as possible, while developing something for the lowest budget they can possibly go in order to rake in a profit.

There was so much passion back then. There's still plenty of great games now, but I encourage you all to check out the SNES, PS1, and PS2 libraries and then compare the amount of games that would get released then and the variety of games and IPs as compared to now.

It's sad. I remember when Capcom was bringing Onimusha HD out and it made me so excited to possibly get 2, 3, and Dawn of Dreams as an HD Remaster and possibly a brand new entry. However, it sold so poorly that Capcom will not touch the franchise again. It makes you think how we were able to get 1-4 back in the day.

gold_drake512d ago

the bigger question should be

"why do people still believe anything the sun, or the mirror have in their papers?"

they are both for the less fortunate of mind, aka the idiots of the country.

while i agree that gamer still get the " ugh u like videogames?", its often up to us to even interact with those people ha. all about choices.

we have our people across all social media snd forums. and videogames arent going anywhere cause of how successful the branch is.

so yeh. im not rly worried.

im more worried about ykuthbe not allowing me to curse anymore, like wtf lol

jambola512d ago

Tbe second i saw "the guardian (which I consider to be the gold standard of games journalism) I was done lol
All I ever see from these newspaper sites are shit like "release date for upcoming games that have no release date" nonsense

LucasRuinedChildhood512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

They didn't write alarmist columns about games putting kids in a "trance", games like GTA potentially transforming kids into serial killers and so on, lol.

There's not a high bar to be the best British newspaper when it comes to covering games. They just behaved responsibly and didn't use games to try scare their readers.

SullysCigar511d ago

As awful as those two papers are, The Guardian is even worse. It's just slightly higher-brow drivel. It's main problem is the way it passes itself off as serious, but in reality it's just a tabloid rag with less exclamation marks and longer words.

British newspapers, in general, are in a pretty bad state right now. They just peddle the same old left versus right narrative - it's no better than console wars.

EazyC511d ago

I subscribed to FT and the Economist when I was studying (got a big discount as I was a student), I read them both cover-to-cover for three years. However, I started to believe what appeared to be good quality journalism was mostly sophistry, and I was kidding myself into believing it made me in ANY way smarter or better-informed.

The Sun, The Mirror etc...they are mostly written for entertainment purposes and give a flavour of what the common man responds to. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not.

Yppupdam512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

Every article maligning video games falls on deaf ears anyway, even beyond it's staggering profits, the sheer amount of tax revenue alone gives the gaming industry invincible armor. So, write your pathetic stories that no one cares about.

Knightofelemia512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

Only games I hate are rushed out garbage that are unplayable, yearly releases of games, games that make you pay out the ass for DLC, skins, lootboxes, games that are full price but only get half the game *cough RE3 remake cough*. Games that are too much QTE instead of an actual game and games that take too long for you to learn the game before you actually play the game. And I also hate games that are nearly stupidly impossible to get a trophy.

CorndogBurglar511d ago

Sounds like he only plays Souls games. Which is fine. Those are awesome.

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The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

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TGG_overlord6d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


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Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide8d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos8d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb8d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly8d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6388d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly8d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6388d ago

Read the article. Same question.