
The Undeniable Draw to Tier Lists and Other Rankings

Gamers in particular love to rank characters or titles within a franchise. Why is that? We explore the undeniable draw to things like tier lists.

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Orion Haste Review -- Gamerhub UK

Does this value priced Contra clone hold up?

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Doug’s Nightmare review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "There’s no medium more nonsensical than video games. Doug’s Nightmare is a perfect example of this, being a twin-stick top-down shooter based around anxiety and the darkness it brings. It’s a subject well worth highlighting, impacting more people’s lives than many realise, but it also has a coffee-loving banana called Doug as its protagonist. Then again, the antagonist is a perfect embodiment of anxiety – a thoroughly rancid black banana. A fitting analogy."

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Helldivers 2 players believe the game is losing players thanks to lack of variety

Helldivers 2 has been losing players and many claim that it is thanks to a lack of planet variety, too many gun nerfs, and a lack of new mission types.

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thorstein4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

That's a fair assessment. Games always have a decline in player base over time. But I've "done it all" in Helldivers. I played and we collectively beat back the automatons and the bugs.

The reward? "Nah, not really." It was that feeling of accomplishment that had kept me playing. I thought this game was different.

Then, I expected, as humanity won, I would encounter terminid and automaton planets where they battled each other. That would be fun.

The polar warbond did not match the trailer for the warbond. It wasn't much longer and I decided to play other games.

lodossrage4h ago

Lack of variety is part of it for sure.

Currently, the game doesn't even have everything from the first game. For example, where are the bosses like the first game had? Where are the super earth defense missions? How about the vehicles? Or the illuminate.

Everything I mentioned above are in the first game. Plus with this being a pvp game, more content is always needed

lodossrage33m ago

lol yeah I meant pve and said pvp by mistake. Thanks

Magatsuhi39m ago

To be fair, I don't think vehicles were in the game at launch. With that said, Hd2 became stale after a while, and for me, it was the gun nerfs that made the game begin to bore me. Then running the same missions over n over is what made me go back to ff14.

HD2 should have a co op campaign where you go through a map as a team fulfilling objectives with a small story being told with a boss at the end.

JEECE1m ago

Lol people are leaving the game because it isn't enough of a live service. Everyone hates the terms "live service" and "games as a service," but the chief complaints about/reasons for leaving multiplayer games you hear are that there weren't enough updates/new maps/new guns/new skins.

Unfortunately people have had their minds so warped by mobile game style grinding that they can't just play a multiplayer game to have fun anymore.

DustMan10m ago

After buying all the stratagems, ship modules, and lackluster warbonds. I do feel the monotony. Still very fun when you have a group of friends together. I used to run plenty of missions with Random matchmaking and had a good time, but that seems to be winding down. I pretty much log in daily just to complete the personal orders for the 15 bonds you get, The game just needs more content. A new enemy species, and some vehicle would bring folk back quick. Like the article said. These DLC warbonds are pretty awful. I have them all and still just run with the Breaker or sickle because they are just best all around. The only 2 pieces of new kit that are useful in my opinion have been the grenade pistol, and incendiary impact.

ravens527m ago

I have almost 200hrs in that game. I'm playing Stellar Blade and FF Reunion then finishing Rebirth. I want the Illuminate. I was thinking bout playing it yesterday but ye I think it needs some different things other than weapons. New enemies and missions. I'd also LOVE if they put bosses in it, thatd be super dope.