
Final Fantasy X Remake Rumors Are Reportedly False, Final Fantasy IX Remake Exists

Rumors regarding a Final Fantasy X remake being in development are false, while those regarding a Final Fantasy IX remake are true.

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JL2930121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Why would they skip VIII with a chance to improve it? All hearsay.

Goodguy01121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Agreed VIII is very underrated and deserves a remake as well. 9 I think I understand though as it has a more cartoony style and should be easier to remake. As VIII has that realism look, it'd take eons for square to remake the game as long as VII.

JL2930121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I would say no matter the art style any complete remake is going to take the same type of effort.

I just don't see them randomly skipping a game either way, I think they had planned to remake all the PS1/PS2 games when they decided to make FF7 Remake. They are banking on nostalgia because their newer games aren't doing well.

-Foxtrot121d ago

I think it takes so long because they are far too ambitious with it

The overworld map dosent have to be exactly like VII Rebirth but more like an expanded detailed version of Ni No Kuni where you lord into a hub area. Add new locations, points of interests, secrets and they’d be good to go.

Also VIII had a lot of story elements cut from the original version, apparently there was a lot more Laguna and Disc 4 had way more to do when time compression happened.

RpgSama121d ago


I agree, I love FFVII rebirth, but honestly, FFVII: Remake was I feel more focused, Rebirth is too open and too many things to do that at times takes you out of the story elements, add a few quests here and there, but no need (at least for me) to make it another Ubisoft open world game.

Cacabunga120d ago

I really dislike FFX so I’m glad to hear this..
i hope they stay with FF8, a wonderful gem that never got any spin off other than a card game…

Michiel1989120d ago

ff8 story is too much of a mess for them to remake it I think. Like out of nowhere you go to space and in the last disc there's the biggest exposition dump ever that there's an evil time travelling sorcerer in a castle you need to defeat. It's way less of a coherent story than let's say 7 or 9. Oh yeah and conveniently all the orphans lost their memory.

Regardless of that it's still one of my fav games of all time, I just don't see it happening.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 120d ago
CrimsonWing69121d ago

I’d personally rather see an VIII Remake l, but IX is great to have, too. I’d just rather see the VIII world get the Remake treatment and it be more intense like when the Gardens collide for war.

Becuzisaid121d ago

Just let me walk around Fisherman's Horizon and Esthar. And the Garden battle was cool, but I also really like the scramble to stop the missiles from launching across the world then getting the Garden airborne to avoid them.

Yui_Suzumiya120d ago

Balamb Garden.. what a name 😆

-Foxtrot121d ago

Apparently the VII Remake team would handle it if anything since some or most of them come from the team who did the PS1 version of VIII

Something along those lines

Although that doesn't mean they’d do it

Nerdmaster120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

I think Nomura couldn't find a way to ruin VIII's plot with bad timetravel and convoluted Kingdom-Hearts-esque cryptic stuff, since FFVIII's plot is already convoluted with cryptic stuff and bad timetravel, so he decided to go ruin another game's plot.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 120d ago
Goodguy01121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

X getting a remake would be pretty cool actually. The original does have a lot of grand scale stuff which definitely wasn't possible on the ps2 so you could really tell it's outdated if you were to replay it.

And boy oh boy...a modern take on blitzball...

Square would unfortunately rid of the turn based though lol.

solideagle121d ago

they will divide it into trilogy as well...

Moegooner120d ago

Zanarkand alone in HD and large scale sounds epic.

solideagle121d ago

200% if any Final Fantasy deserves after VII it has to be 6.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash120d ago

Nah... I rather have IV than FF6 that one is overrated.

andy85121d ago

Memoria project on YouTube. That is literally what you need to do for FF9. It's beautiful

terrorofdeath120d ago

I watched that the other day. Stunning.

Zenzuu121d ago

Final Fantasy 6, and 8 deserves a remake.

Square should also bring back Parasite Eve as well.

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel198995d ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic95d ago

FF7R deviated too much from the original for me, so I hope the FF9 remake is closer to the original game.

fr0sty94d ago

I didn't think so, I actually really liked the way they fleshed out the story more. I enjoyed it more than the original.

DivineHand12595d ago

I can't wait for it to be revealed and I am hoping it will not be episodic or simply a remaster.

neutralgamer199295d ago

Yes make one complete game with AAA game development taking 3-5 years for each game if it's another trilogy than we will be waiting a decade plua just for the complete edition

One game which should be done with all the content and add improvements where necessary

Rebel_Scum94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

You’re dreaming if you think these old pre-rendered background FF games can be remade in a fully 3D open world in 3-5 years with all the mini games.

FinalFantasyFanatic95d ago

I hope they keep the original art style instead of going for the hyperrealistic look like they did with FF7R, it would ruin the charm of the game otherwise.

MeteorPanda94d ago

Ffs can you focus on the goddamn mmo you leech.

The healers are going on strike cause you gave them a ONE BUTTON dps rotation. They have often nothing to heal.

You keep ignoring player feedback if it isnt jpn.

Stop taking our sub money and funding everything else but the mmo

jznrpg94d ago

FF9 is great I am looking forward to the remake.

Rynxie94d ago

Pisses me off how badly they screwed over ff8. That game deserves a proper remake. It was the first fully 3d final fantasy game.

MrNinosan94d ago

FFVIII is not fully 3d, and in what way do you mean it was before FFVII in the "3d verse"?

First "fully" 3d Final Fantasy was FFXI, even thou FFX was close.

FFVII to FFX uses pre rendered backgrounds (still images). In FFVII - FFIX, only worldmap was fully "3d".

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FFIX Remake Dev Was Originally Outsourced, Square Will Allegedly Reveal Games At Xbox Showcase

Development of the Final Fantasy IX remake was originally outsourced, and Square Enix will allegedly reveal titles at the Xbox Showcase.

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gold_drake108d ago

i think a reveal at summer game fest would make a bigger impact.
but we'll see what happens this week

Cacabunga107d ago

I’ll be watching! I hope it’s worth it.
One of my favorite FF to date. Back to the origins that made the series so great!

Stanlittle107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

This would be a crazy title to launch with Xbox handheld. Steam Deck doesn't support Game Pass downloads so that will be the big selling point if this game could actually be download and play on the go and not cloud streaming.

However its all rumors right now and Ill believe when I see it.

VincentVanBro107d ago

Uhhhh it’ll be available on Steam most likely. Its not like it will be exclusive to Xbox.

Hotpot107d ago

Or people could just, you know, buy one of the numerous other handheld PC that already existed..

-Foxtrot108d ago

So they tried to outsource FFVII's Remake initially, wern't happy with it and took full control restarting development.

Now they tried to do exactly the same thing...

Square Enix and the way they run a business baffles me completely.

Also why at an Xbox focused event when the franchise, especially IX which released on the PS1 is more PlayStation related.

Michiel1989107d ago

they're bankrupt from paying for exclusivity for 4 final fantasy games

CrimsonWing69107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

They have a reestablished relationship with Xbox now. I’m curious if Xbox will have forked money over to put it on Gamepass. I have a feeling… and I hope I’m wrong about this, but I have a feeling this will be a humongous let down.

thesoftware730107d ago

So, let me get this straight: SE spends millions of dollars to put FF on GP and is happy with the deal.
GP subscribers get the game and are happy with the deal.
PS gamers get the game as they normally would and are happy.

But you, CrimsonWing69, will be let down by this news? wtf bro? why?

fr0sty107d ago

The remake itself is what Crimson feels will be a letdown.

CrimsonWing69107d ago


First, Square doesn’t pay to put a game on Gamepass, Microsoft pays for that. Let’s be real here, Square games sell poorly on Xbox, so getting additional money that they probably wouldn’t get sales on would be a “happy deal” for them.

Second, I never said I’d be unhappy with the Gamepass deal. I will be getting this on PS5. What I meant was that this Remake might be a let down and that I hope I’m wrong about that.

That one’s on me for not clarifying.

As for Gamepass and Square, Octopath Traveler 2 is coming to GP.

glennhkboy107d ago

I'm curious if Sony had forked money over to put (FF VII remark, FF16) on PS5 exclusively. I have a felling ....and I know I'm not wrong about this, & I have a feeling this will be a humongous let down.

Omegasyde107d ago


Da Fuq?

“ SE spends millions of dollars to put FF on GP and is happy with the deal.”

You mean Microsoft right…..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 107d ago
MrBaskerville107d ago

Maybe this is a rare case where a square game skips ps, like Octopath Traveller 1. That for some reason arrived on xbox but not ps.

shinoff2183107d ago

Idk sounds like square is done with exclusives obviously unless it's Nintendo. Yep keep on keeping those dragon quest spinoffs Playstation and Xbox.

thesoftware730107d ago

"Also why at an Xbox focused event when the franchise, especially IX which released on the PS1 is more PlayStation related."

It could be that they would like to attempt to entice Xbox gamers to buy the game, with full knowledge that PS fans of FF will purchase it anyway.

If the rumor is true, it's just a reveal, not exclusive or anything, and they will market for PS as well.

gold_drake107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

yeh seems to ne a common theme at this point.

no wonder the money aint coming in enough.

yeh its odd. the whole thing. but alot of websites say its exclusive to ps, so i wonder what the truth is at this point.

Tedakin107d ago

There's no Playstation event to announce things on.....

FinalFantasyFanatic107d ago

This just reeks of incompetence to me, if I remember right, Cyber Connect was the one who worked on FF7R initially before Square-Enix scrapped their work and started again. It can't be that bad outsourcing the FF9 Remake unless they poorly choose who to make it. I have a bad feeling about this remake, if it's not bad, it'll probably be as devisive as FF7R was to the fanbase.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 107d ago
Kurisu107d ago

Is this...really happening?!

MehmetAlperTR107d ago

Look like it is... I really think FF8 deserves Remake more than FF9..

FinalFantasyFanatic107d ago

Remember the Nvidia leak list? A lot of those games have come into existence, so I would not be too surprised if it happened.

ravens52107d ago

Seems like the Xbox showcase is gonna be packed 👀

Stanlittle107d ago

I was super let down by PlayStation showcase so it wont be hard for Xbox top it. However I don't expect XBOX to blow me away. I'll give Xbox credit though the build up hype for the showcase is 100% more than Sony had going into it.

ravens52107d ago

It was a State of Play. They announced it the day before so no time for hype lol. I thought it was fine, 7/10. I'm sure excited for the rest of the showcases tho. SGF and Xboxs

Terry_B107d ago

with games I play on pc or playstation ^^

Berenger107d ago

No idea why it would be at the Xbox showcase because their audience just isn't there. No matter how many times they have tried. PS, PC and Nintendo

Stanlittle107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

In 2023 Microsoft made 18 Bil vs Nintendo 12 Bil so I think there is an audience. Microsoft may be the richest company in the world, but Sony did crush at 30 Bil

107d ago
107d ago
Berenger107d ago

Just revenue does not tell you their audience is there. FF13 sold 5x better on PS3 vs 360, 8x better on PS4 than Xbone. Their audience just isn't there on Xbox. Never has been. PS and PC are their audience for sure. Just because folks are subbed to Gamepass doesn't mean anything, hence why Xbox has the lowest game sales of the Big 3.

attilayavuzer107d ago

Not sure which ass you pulled those numbers from. Sony as an entire company had a profit of about 6.5 billion last year, with Playstation responsible for ~2 of that. Microsoft as a company profited about 88 billion. Nintendo did a little over 5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 107d ago
Jingsing107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

Yeah, I guess some Japanese developers forget their stuff don't sell on Xbox. or Phil has been doing stuff in the background. Reminds me of when Microsoft paid SEGA to put Yakuza and Phantasy Star Online 2 on Xbox and it was like a puff of smoke, no impact and hardly anyone played it.

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