
Why Do We Keep Giving Nintendo a Pass on Its Strange Business Decisions?

Strange Nintendo decisions: Super Mario 3D All-Stars is a limited release, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is AWOL, and full price ports on Switch.

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SullysCigar1326d ago

Good question. For a company with such light-hearted, happy-go-lucky franchises, they sure can be a shady bunch.

Unknown_Gamer57941326d ago

So they are the Disney of videogames afterall.

bella8521325d ago

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1325d ago
generic-user-name1325d ago


Is that supposed to be a joke? Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls are ground-up remakes, both done by Sony.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1325d ago
NeoGamer2321325d ago

Gaming is about games. Because Nintendo make great games, gamers buy their products.

Welshy1325d ago

A good game doesn't make the shitty practices they use to sell it good. Shitty business practice is shitty business practice.

It only makes it worse that this Mario 35 bundle isn't even good in the sense that they haven't even been remastered in any way other than resolution.

Even Activision remade both Crash and Spyro trilogies from the ground up and only charged £30. Imagine Activision released the OG PS1 games on PS4 for £50 and told everyone to buy it within a limited window? It would have caused a crazy backlash.

I love Nintendo's games but I'm sick of the free pass they get with BS that noone else would get away with.

Nyxus1326d ago

Nintendo gets away with everything.

Double_O_Revan1326d ago

I don't know why their fans enjoy being apart of an abusive relationship.

NotoriousWhiz1326d ago

I don't agree with their decisions, but I like their games.

Army_of_Darkness1326d ago


If you like and buy their games, you are agreeing with all of Nintendo's decisions bro...

Unknown_Gamer57941326d ago

I don't know why people in abusive relationships enjoy being in an abusive relationship either. So, that sounds about right. It obviously makes more sense to them than it does to everyone else.

NotoriousWhiz1325d ago

"If you like and buy their games, you are agreeing with all of Nintendo's decisions bro..."

I really have no idea if this is sarcasm or not.

Rachel_Alucard1325d ago (Edited 1325d ago )


Because you are rewarding them by continuing to consume their products regardless. They have no reason to change when they have millions of people who think like you do. In fact, most don't even think it's a problem in the first place, because their mind never asked themselves "Why am I paying full price for old games/ports?" or "Why is this release limited in the first place?" Nintendo knows this and abuses it to no end.

1325d ago
NotoriousWhiz1325d ago


Got it.

Like how all Xbox owners support paying to play free games online.

And how all PS4 owners support Sony's censorship of games.

Rachel_Alucard1325d ago (Edited 1325d ago )

Yes just like that. You can't disagree with their decisions because you still buy them. It matters not how you feel when buying their product, it matters that you bought it in the first place. It's like saying your vote doesn't matter, when the reason it doesn't matter in the first place is because nobody has the nuts to spread any of this into the real world. Mostly just sticking to internet forums and what else, the only people who use those sites frequently are few in number and they never take off due to this. There's no push to go beyond these closed spaces.

The other things you mentioned with Sony has more way negative effects on the studios then consumers could ever feel, in addition to the issue only affecting one demographic of people, so that might not be a similar comparison.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1325d ago
badz1491326d ago

yup, come here to say that

generic-user-name1325d ago

Even this article calling them out goes easy on them, the title says 'strange business decisions' but if it were Sony doing it they'd say 'anti-consumer practices'.

1326d ago
Zodiac1326d ago

The problem is that most people just don't care. In a way, they aren't giving Nintendo a pass because that conversation isn't even happening for them and no "decision" is arrived at. The problem with people who don't care either way is that it is, well, hard to get them to care lol. Its the same with CoD and Fifa etc. Most people aren't recognizing the faults and the shady stuff and THEN saying "ok thats fine". They don't even get to that step. They literally DO NOT CARE and that is a very hard thing to defeat. How would you make them care?

1326d ago Replies(3)
masterfox1326d ago (Edited 1326d ago )

Nintendo is a brand that only needs to put its name in order to sell, it doesn't matter if the device or thing is good or garbage in the end it will sell some cause of the pure name only, Nintendo long ago forgot what gaming quality is, and currently is trying to move forward by exploiting the gamers nostalgia, and the current perfect example of it is that Mario Collection, "oh Mario this and that, so good , blah blah BS", if you think for a second and look what Nintendo has offered in the past months all the way to the past year you will realize their gaming library is really pathetic, but yet again here we are clamoring for Nintendo on how good it is cause the release of more freaking Mario games?, daaamnn seriously people let's higher up the game standards of Nintendo, the only reason why Nintendo won't make a decent gaming console is because of people keep buying their cheap devices and this is only because is name and not because the quality of their games, cause if were of the games with its currently library definitely that cheap device would stay on the retailers shelf for who knows how much time.

porkChop1326d ago

"Nintendo is a brand that only needs to put its name in order to sell, it doesn't matter if the device or thing is good or garbage in the end it will sell some cause of the pure name only"

Oh yeah, you're absolutely right. That worked out so well for the Wii U. It just flew right off the shelves because Nintendo's name was on the box.

1326d ago
JEECE1326d ago

Please don't bring facts into this discussion, they aren't welcome here.

1326d ago
Edgelordsupreme1326d ago

The gamecube and the N64 really sold on the basis of that name too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1326d ago
Sirk7x1326d ago

I'm not gonna sit here and defend all their business practices, because I'm not paying $60 for that Mario collection, nor do I think it should be a limited offer. To say though, that they long ago forgot what gaming quality is, while taking into consideration how good most of their first-party games are, is just not true. Mario Odyssey and BotW alone are two of the best games to come out in the last 10 years.
This year has been pretty shitty in general for gaming; What great games have come out this year? It's a small list, and many of them are contentious. Last of Us, FF7 Remake, Doom Eternal. Make a list of the top ten best games that came out this year, no one's going to be talking about most of them in a few years. If new consoles weren't coming out in a couple months, we'd all have hardly anything to look forward to. Same goes with movies, shows, concerts, etc. 2020 has sucked balls.

Lionsguard1326d ago

"Nintendo is a brand that only needs to put its name in order to sell"

The Power glove, Virtual Boy and Wii U would like to have a word with you.

But yeah, Nintendo often gets a free pass for their stupid policies that would incite e-riots if Sony or MS or any other publisher did the same thing.

1326d ago
JEECE1326d ago

Not to mention Gamecube, which had low sales, and, despite everyone's revisionist history about how they all had it as a kid, Nintendo 64 didn't sell very well either in comparison to the PS1.

Lionsguard1326d ago

@JustTheFax Sure it was manufactured by Mattel but it was a licensed product of Nintendo and it's only associated with Nintendo. If you ever brought up the Power Glove, people would think Nintendo, not Mattel and that's the point. Just because Nintendo's name is either on it or associated with it, doesn't mean it will sell well.

Knushwood Butt1326d ago

Considering they no longer have to support 2 distinct platforms, like Wii U and 3DS, their recent offerings are a joke. Port after lazy port.

Makes you wonder what they will do next gen. Arms Deluxe 4K??

Edgelordsupreme1325d ago

This comment really ages you, you're either 15 or a developmentally stunted adult.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1325d ago
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Nintendo million sellers - Super Mario 3D All-Stars at 9 million, Link's Awakening over 6 million

Nintendo has just provided some updated information on several of their Switch million seller titles via CESA 2022. As such, we’ve got some new sales figures for a few of these titles.

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brewin605d ago

Awesome to see Bayonetta 2 get over a million and the Xenoblade games to do so well! Good numbers all around. Nice to see Nintendo recover after the Wii U.


Nintendo Shipped 60,000 Units Of Super Mario 3D All-Stars After Limited Release

With the release of the White Book, Super Mario 3D All-Stars lifetime sales hit a new total of 9.07 million.

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I still have a sealed copy of this game. I heard it was going to be a limited release so I never opened it. I wouldn’t exactly call 9mil limited however.

609d ago Replies(1)
MasterChief3624609d ago

It is highly doubtful this game will increase in value, especially on the level that some were expecting. This is one of those "limited" releases that isn't limited at all, like you said. Getting a sealed version of this and keeping it like that will not net you much profit, I can guarantee it.

Knushwood Butt609d ago

Maybe they limited it to 10 million.

Limited lol

Nintendo get away with it again.

HeliosHex609d ago

Nintendo played us yet again. Fattened up their pockets by using the coveted limited release tactic to gain profits by secretly releasing more than they said was available.
I feel this as bad as insider trading. There's a law broken somewhere here. It doesn't feel right. Bastards never again will I listen to their bs.

Sgt_Slaughter609d ago

Who knew Nintendo could piss someone off just by operating as a business that likes money.

CrimsonWing69609d ago

Are you familiar with the concepts of “bad business ethics” and “damaging the confidence of consumers”?

Making money for your business doesn’t always equate to a company doing what’s right.

Neonridr609d ago (Edited 609d ago )

I mean I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who bought the collection just wanted the games to play again.

Just a hunch though.

HeliosHex608d ago

Lol I wasn't one of them.

brewin608d ago

Well I wouldn't buy something they said was limited but didn't included any limited edition stuff. There was no special box or special edition items included so the writing was on the wall. Its like they were trying the old Disney tactic and telling everyone this would go back in the vault soon. Im more upset that it didn't include the excellent Mario Galaxy 2.

Necr0philiac608d ago

Remember amiibo's or how Nintendo was creating artificial Wii shortages! The Wii dominated the news without even having any good games. Parents most of the time are clueless and listen to what media deems popular or sold out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 608d ago
Smellsforfree609d ago

It was stupid to make it a limited release to begin with. No matter, it is pretty easy to find used copies for people who missed it and want the collection. It is a fine collection, especially having Mario Galaxy which is a pain to emulate because of the controls.

brewin608d ago

Can they just do the Zelda collection already?! Yes we know Mario is popular. But damnit I want a Zelda collection of all the handheld games, including the 3ds remakes of Ocarina and Majora along with the great and underappreciated Link Between Worlds.