
Crucible Review - IGN

Combat in Amazon's sluggish team-based shooter doesn't reward teamwork and its pace is unbearably slow.

bananacrust1469d ago

You know the games shit when they cant even pay IGN to give a decent score.


'Crucible' developer says "Amazon is not a great place to make games"

From NME: "Crucible developer Stephen Dewhurst shared that “Amazon is not a great place to make games” and revealed that it “was pretty apparent at the time” that Crucible would fail.

Speaking to NME, Dewhurst reflected on his seven years working at Amazon."

sourOG819d ago

Probably made their devs piss in bottles.

galgor819d ago

And record themselves doing it, so they weren't taking the piss taking a piss.

819d ago
jjb1981819d ago

The game was crapola. I doubt they'll make anything better anywhere else.

MadLad819d ago


I mean, this is coming off of Lost Ark, which is doing great.
It doesn't seem like Amazon is the ideal publisher to go through. They're definitely out of their element, and have failed projects to show for it; but it just sounds like a dev blaming anyone but themselves for releasing a shoddy product.

Germaximus819d ago (Edited 819d ago )

lol No kidding. Every major company ruins everything.

Microsoft obliterated Mixer. Amazon destroyed Twitch. Stay indie please. It's not easy but corporations are why everything is f***ed.


Link Cable Gaming Podcast: Episode 22 – Fast Food

Yummy gaming talkThis week on the Link Cable Gaming Podcast, Alex, Zahi and Kevin discuss Crucible’s cancellation, the PS5 UI and the Series X|S launch games lineup (or lack thereof). We also give our thoughts on fast food joints. You can watch the full episode below!

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COG Considers: Should Amazon Be Making Games? | COGconnected

COGconnected Writes: Crucible's untimely demise marks another Amazon Game Studios project consigned to the waste bin of gaming history! Are these guys cursed? Was there an angry witch involved? Because I know a good cursebreaker, Amazon. Hit me up.

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Godmars2901333d ago

Amazon might need to be broken up as a monopoly. As having too many hats - shopping, music and video distribution, audio distribution, book distribution, credit and debt services, online and information services, now game publishing - under one roof.

TheColbertinator1333d ago

Amazon has all the money in the world and they somehow cannot build a decent games studio.

IanTH1333d ago (Edited 1333d ago )

And it would behoove them to have one standard game in their multi-game pipeline - a single-player game that they mold after something successful - to get a solid release under their belt and start building a modicum of cachet. The others can be experimental live-service genre-mashers, but those have high chances of failure. It seems shocking they didn't hedge their bets by putting at least one studio on something stable. Or by buying a studio with a good track record that could put out their new games under the Amazon banner.

The closest they came was buying Double Helix - decent buy - but then effectively destroying their value by taking their unique flavor & then merging it into the vat of vanilla pudding that is Amazon Gaming Studios. None of the games Amazon ended up pursuing were in DH's wheelhouse, so I'm not sure what the thought process was in that acquisition.

Not to mention that going for their own engine was also a questionable choice. Lumberyard, being based around CryEngine, limits the pool of developers/tools/documentation they have at their disposal. Not obviously the biggest stumbling block for them, but it certainly had to hinder (prototyping/iteration/buildin g tools from scratch/et al).

Lots of poor choices going around over there. They should give me a chance at management. After this many failures, what do they have to lose! With a more realistic and reasonable understanding of gaming trends, as well as a healthier appreciation for the value of money, I think I could do wonders for them :-p.

CoNn3rB1331d ago

I see no reason why not, anyone is welcome to make a game as long as they make it right.