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Why Destiny 2 Can't Keep Fans Engaged

Guest SayNoToRage and the Fireteam Chat crew discuss the lack of engagement during Destiny 2's Season of Dawn and why the most hardcore players seem to be playing less than ever before.

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Community1698d ago
grifter0241699d ago

Bungee captured lightning in a bottle with Halo. Since then they've shown they are a overhyped dev team.

Saijahn1698d ago

Facts. Everyone thought it was activision that was the issue. They got their independence and been wetting the bed ever since

Thunder_G0d_Bane1698d ago

You're talking crap, they got their independence near the end of life of D2, you have to wait until D3 to see the rewards of their independence its too late to change D2 from the ground up.

Forn1698d ago

Bungie isn't the same studio they were because a lot of figure heads have left.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1698d ago

They also caught lightning in a bottle with Destiny, thats why so many games copied their formula afterwards, The Division, Anthem and The Avengers all copying Destiny formula. They started a new genre with Destiny.

AnubisG1698d ago

I agree with this but they keep messing up and Activision wasn't the issue. Just look at this season.....absolute and utter garbage. The one before was just ok. Oh and Activision did not say that it's hard for them to come up with new content, that was said by Bungie employees.

Fritzwochel1698d ago

Destiny was awesome in so many ways, I miss it <3 Played it until the D2 release. Then played D2 a couple of months and got bored.

TK-661698d ago

Um, Destiny didn't create an all new genre. The formula you're referencing has been used in MMO's years before Destiny was even properly revealed. Also, a lot of the "formula" used made the same mistakes that other developers had made like with LOTRO. Bungie had absolutely no idea what they were doing and the only reason Destiny succeeded was because of hype, budget, and a huge ass marketing deal.

Destiny is not in any way distinctive enough to be considered a new genre. What you're thinking of is MMO's, and they existed long before Destiny.

1698d ago
jjb19811698d ago

I'm disappointed by the season passes. The rewards are not that great. I still love playing with friends and doing the Raids but the solo content is just waaaaay to grindy. Some catalysts are like 200-400 strikes or similar activities. That's harsh. Because of all the whining the community did, they cranked up the grind-o-meter to the max. Recycling the moon was a slap in the face. The power system is garbage. The armor overhaul is trash. The new exotics are rubbish. It's sad when the community is happy from recycled exotics from D1.

NealGamby1698d ago (Edited 1698d ago )

I already know why. For me, it's because they don't want you to have fun. They constantly nerf what they consider "over powerful" weapons and abilities. They change, or sometimes, take away whole perks from weapons after years of being used to it working a certain way. They introduce currency on top of currency for you to have to grind. If you complain that it's too much, they either don't listen or they lower the one you're complaining about, but introduce a new one to take its place which makes it pointless. It's like they don't want their players to feel powerful and have fun. That's why I uninstalled about a year ago. It's sad because the foundation for a great game is there.

Germaximus1698d ago (Edited 1698d ago )

A lot of good points but when it comes to PvP, I am not a fan of weapons having a noticeable advantage over others. It's boring and unfair.

It actually sounds like Destiny 2 is very similar to World of Warcraft, where WoW no longer truly rewards the deeply hardcore players. It's still a great game, it's just being hardcore doesn't matter.

Germaximus1698d ago

At this point, you just play because you have fun playing.

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Destiny 2 Developers Promise a Compensation for Plagiarism as More Allegations Surface

Destiny 2 writes: "“We’ve investigated this with our partner NERF. We are currently in contact with the artist to make sure they are compensated and credited for their incredible artwork."

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Community2d ago
Inverno2d ago

Funny how easy it is to avoid this problem if companies instead would just contact these talented mofos and just hire em temporarily or even just full time. Clearly there's a lack of creativity in these companies cause there always seems to be reports of them just googling up art for games they make.

Neonridr2d ago

long story short, they did compensate the original artist. So at least they did good there.


This Week in Destiny – 09/12/2024

Destiny 2 Team writes: "This Week in Destiny, we’re looking to the future. Not just for what’s ahead in Episode: Revenant, but everything for Year 11 and beyond! If you missed any of the details we shared on Codename: Frontiers, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered."

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Destiny 2 Devs in Hot Water Over Plagiarism Allegations

The developers of Destiny 2 have been accused of plagiarism... again.

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Community6d ago
porkChop7d ago

Between Fortnite, Destiny, and COD this happens way too often.

Sciurus_vulgaris7d ago

One thing to factor in here, is that while the official gun skin is similar to the artist’s commission, the commission itself isn’t inherently purely original. The artist did a commission of an in game gun designed by Bungie. He painted a different skin on a Bungie design.

porkChop7d ago

Correct, the skin/paint job itself is the problem.

Neonridr6d ago

yes, but then some Bungie artist took elements of that design, right down to the exact same brush strokes, scratches and scuff marks in exactly the same places, just a different color.