
"I'd Like to Be Considered For More Than Just Being the Token Brown Girl": RAGE 2 Lead Actress

Amanda Miller, the female lead in RAGE 2, was gracious enough to share her time to talk about her experience in the industry.

ilikestuff1699d ago

That money she’s getting is green right? Buck up ya sexy brown broad.

2pacalypsenow1699d ago


Yeah she can def get it

Welshy1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

Because she's wants be recognised, but instead of improving here skillset and taking roles to get recognised, she's in interviews crying about only getting jobs because of her ethnicity.

We've gone from "ethnic minorities can't get jobs because every lead is a straight white male" to "they only hired me because I'm brown".

It's the likes of her that made employment in entertainment about race/gender as opposed to merit, and now that it's a thing, they're essentially complaining that they got what they wanted.

These attention seekers are like dogs chasing cars, once they catch it they have no idea what to do with it. It's all about the thrill of being a contrarian and "sticking it to the man", once they get their way they just start another fight over something else.

Al_Simmons1699d ago

@Welshy, she's not "crying". There are plenty of irrefutable facts and statistics that back up her claims. People like you call it complaining because it's the truth and don't like to hear it. Hold you and your kind accountable and stop trying to sweep it under a rug.

Welshy1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

I don't like to hear the truth? When did I say I even disagreed with what she said? I 100% agree with her that gender/race/political standing get people employment now.

You seem to have missed the point I was making that it's ridiculous that it's now seen as a negative. There has been racial/gender based push for years now for "more black heroes", "more female leads" etc. Now that we're at that point where companies feel pressured to meet that expectation, suddenly it's bad to get hired "because you're brown"? That's what the whole push has been for this entire time, to get minorities and varied genders into roles.

That's why caving in to SJW's is the worst thing entertainment as whole has done. Movies and games got flack for "not being inclusive", now that they ARE being inclusive it's "you wouldn't have hired me if I wasn't a women!". There's no winning with these people.

Notice at no point have I once said I am against any type of person filling any role. As long as it's organic to the artistic vision and done well with no ulterior motives, I'm all for any character. Hence why I like Wonder Woman and Mary Sue's like Captain Marvel can get in the bin.

Cmoney0071699d ago

We can always count on Prince-Ali for his great insight into things. Lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1699d ago
sushimama1701d ago

How about you get better at voice acting? If you're good you'll get hired and it bloody well doesn't matter what color your skin is. Something tells me that you know this, but keep on playing that ridiculous card and see how far you get.

SamPao1700d ago (Edited 1700d ago )

"Miller also discussed a trend in voice acting where studios are casting ethnically-specific actors, which is simultaneously a benefit and an annoyance."

do you even read before you post your tipical outrage comment?
She sais developers sometimes just chose her because of ethnicity. Has nothing to do with her playing that card....

Inzo1700d ago

Regardless, the post is still relevant because if she thought she was great at voice acting she would not feel that she is a token.

sushimama1700d ago

She is full of it and so is the interviewer. The interview is trash and amateurish. The topic race should never have been brought up in the first place. It's got no bearing at all on her line of work. Good voice actors can manipulate their voice to any type of role. The interviewer should be ashamed of himself and the article should be ashamed of the pathetic clickbait headline. It's a joke

Prince-Ali1700d ago

Bro ignore these to donkeys.. they clearly dont get how the real world works.. they still believe in a world where everything is earned through merit and hard work.. a world that LITERALLY has never existed but clearly they live in a land of make belief....

This is her opinion and feeling and you two (Inzo & Sushimama) are out here being dumbasses about it ¬__¬..

DaDrunkenJester1700d ago (Edited 1700d ago )

So she is complaining that with the push for diversity that she is getting work? Call it tokenism if you want, but if a dev has a black female character and they want that same requirement for their voice actor... seems like your the perfect fit. You basically have a portion of the voice acting industry carved out for you that is guaranteeing you work just based off your gender and skin color.

Is that privilege?

frostypants1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

@sushimama, then the irritation should be placed on that interviewer. Not her or her extremely not-controversial answer. Seriously, most people here didn't watch the interview, including you, and just want to be triggered, it's so damn obvious...her answer was middle-of-the-road as hell. Anyone who watches the interview and is still angry has spent too much time in a rage-y echo chamber. And I say this as someone who can't stand uber-SJW garbage. This is not that. Not even a little bit.

Welshy1699d ago

"do you even read before you post your tipical outrage comment?
She sais developers sometimes just chose her because of ethnicity. Has nothing to do with her playing that card..."

How is saying that you were only employed because of your race NOT playing the race card? If she wasn't playing the race card she wouldn't have brought it up at all, she could have done her job, get paid and move on to the next one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1699d ago
UltraNova1700d ago

I mean "that card" is somewhat a guarantee to get you going places these days...

Prince-Ali1700d ago

You're actually an idiot ¬_¬ and clearllyy you didn't read the piece just keep up your racist rhetoric and keep it pushing.

Inzo1700d ago

"they still believe in a world where everything is earned through merit and hard work."

Ahh I get it, you believe everything needs to be handed to you. Thats called socialism, a failed system.

From the article.
"“You’re like, ‘Oh, I didn’t get called in because I was good, you just called me in because you need a brown girl’,” said Miller. “That being said, it doesn’t hurt to get auditions, but I’d like to be considered for more than just being the token brown girl.”"

Thats not her giving an opinion, thats her stating it as fact. Looks like someone else didnt read the article either.

2pacalypsenow1699d ago

Did you read his comment? I didnt read anything racist in it?

Or are you one of those who calls people names when you know they're right but don't want to admit you're wrong?

carcarias1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

I get what you mean but I think the author is the real culprit here and is guilty of using the usual provocative and dishonest headline, imo.

She actually says, 'It's way more positive than negative' but the writer doesn't put that as his headline. Oh no, he has to try and make some kind of social justice issue/complaint out of it. These 'journos', if they even deserve the name, are trash.

As a slightly funny sidenote, I don't even think she looks brown.

frostypants1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

WHOA...chill out, guys. Watch the video. I think you're overreacting. Go to 1:55 where this comes up. Her opinion is a lot more nuanced and benign than what the headline makes it sound like. Ironically her problem (and she's not even really angry about it) is that some developers, in an effort to be more inclusive, are casting people for voice work based on having the same race as their character, which if you think about it is actually an example of PC-gone-wrong and from a practical perspective kind of ridiculous. And on top of that she goes out of her way to state that the issue of most voice actors being white is NOT due to racism.

And they explicitly ASK her to opine on the interaction of her race with her career. She even says "the bad is not too bad". Kind of unfair to blast a person for simply answering a question. She's not being some kind of shrill grievance-obsessed nut about it. There are reasonable people out there...don't be so quick to assume otherwise.

Lightbullz1699d ago

It is not usually very hard to tell the ethnicity from voice, and the accent is more authenthic if the actor and character are the same ethnicity. It is obvious that in some occupations race/ethnicity matters, it would make no sense to have a scandinavian to play a nigerian or viceversa. While discriminating based on looks is generally considered reprehensible, do you think that it is a coincidence that almost all hollywood actors are very beautiful? While it is not completely same for voice actors, a lot of the same principles apply.

rainslacker1699d ago

True. Although I dont know if she's a good voice actress or not. But the truth is, unless something is made of the cast, no one ever really pays attention. Any one of us could probably count the number of voice actors we know by name on one hand, and have fingers left over. But, we could probably know their work if we heard their voice or recognize them from other characters from their portfolio. It's rare when we even comment on their ethnicity, and its usually only when some story comes along pushing some controversy. Last one I remember was with uncharted 4, and the actress did a fine job, although the character herself was kind of bland

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1699d ago
Profchaos1700d ago (Edited 1700d ago )

Yeah is that picture her because I don't see it

Bakkies1700d ago

I think I'm more brown than her and I rarely see the sun. Reminds me of when Ali G asked "Is it cause I is black?".

UltraNova1700d ago

Priceless! I've nearly diedwhen I heard it the first time.

Inzo1700d ago (Edited 1700d ago )

Lol! One of my favourite lines from Ali G was a segment on the dangers of technology when he said to politician this "My friend despises technology and never uses it, you can check it out on his website as to why"

Leeroyw1700d ago (Edited 1700d ago )

My first thought.... She must really struggle with the colour of her skin.... Impeccable and only slightly tanned.... Poor girl.

Sonyslave31700d ago

Yes she is brown or black her father is African American.

Profchaos1699d ago

Maybe her mum was getting a little on the side from the Mailman

bluefox7551699d ago

Perhaps she identifies as a person of color?

Inzo1699d ago

Lol, I see what you did there.

SlagWolf1699d ago

She’s way whiter then me and I’m suppose to be white

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1699d ago
warriorcase1700d ago

"Miller also discussed a trend in voice acting where studios are casting ethnically-specific actors, which is simultaneously a benefit and an annoyance.

“You’re like, ‘Oh, I didn’t get called in because I was good, you just called me in because you need a brown girl’,” said Miller. “That being said, it doesn’t hurt to get auditions, but I’d like to be considered for more than just being the token brown girl.”


Aziz Ansari talked about something similar in his new special saying that woke white people using different ethnic groups for internet points and how he finds it just weird.

At the end of the day it should always be best person for the job. Race and religion should never come into it.

1700d ago Replies(3)
DaDrunkenJester1700d ago

It SHOULD be about who is best for the job, but in today's day and age that doesnt always fly.

masterfox1700d ago

"I would love to be considered for more than just a guy who loves the Switch" :D

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Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

Read Full Story >>
banger88491d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven490d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad490d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt491d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil489d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx490d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades490d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602490d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

Show all comments (15)

Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until February 25 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

Read Full Story >>
Terry_B1182d ago

Free Games..the only good thing about EGS

gamefreaks3651182d ago

I have a pretty large EGS collection now thanks to all of the freebies.

kneon1182d ago

Me too, and yet I haven't played a single one

Profchaos1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

They frequently provide large discount vouchers of %15 to which is nice.

I'm more likely to buy a game on epic than steam these days steam prices are often higher

Terry_B1182d ago

15% lol..I get 20% already for being a humble choice subscriber.

Kados1182d ago

Even with the discount, i wouldn't buy anything from EGS. Rather pay the extra 15% to get it on Steam or GOG.

purple1011182d ago

that drift racing looks simultaneously edge of the seat while also relaxing,

very strange , very cool.

Father__Merrin1182d ago

I've got a massive collection of titles from here great stuff. Always wanted to play rage 2. Cheers Epic

Antnee5341182d ago

Im so excited for rage 2 I always wanted to play it, never wanted to buy it lol.

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Halcyon 6 is free at Epic Games Store, Rage 2 free next week

Starting today, Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until February 18 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep. Epic also revealed that Rage 2 is free next week.

Read Full Story >>
phoenixwing1189d ago

Nice rage 2 I owned on ps4 but getting it free for pc now will be good