
Final Fantasy Dissidia Director Reassures Us That Tifa Will Have "Jiggle Physics"

The director of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT wants fans to know that Tifa Lockhart will still have her jiggle physics even if FFVII remake changes her.

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shaun mcwayne1782d ago

Id rather have the whole game day one.

Dabigsiebowski1782d ago

Yeah because that worked out so well for FFXV. Man you complain a ton about it being a multiple game format. You are probably the guy who buys all these unfinished "full" games at launch and then suckers into the dlc just to justify your purchase. Its shipping on two discs and is a ps4 exclusive. Please let me know when you figure out a way to remake FFVII with a reasonable budget that will match the games that will release.

It's not gonna happen and it never will. Maybe CDprojekt could give you what you want but this is a huge effort with loads of assets being poured into a single game. Make a game as big with as much assets and I'll give you props and say you were right. Till then just keep crying and don't play it, please. You don't deserve it

shaun mcwayne1781d ago

You seem to think you know Alot about me, but your wrong on all accounts, now im sure we have all been burned buying unfinished games. But im the kind of person who buys games im passionate about day one. The others im interested in I buy when I feel the price it right, or a complete edition is released as I like to own the whole pie not just a slice. Also make up your mind you say something will never happen then it will, so which is it. you are the one who's acting like I just gave you a S*** sandwich. I just dont like the episodic formula. That it, no crying unlike you, no digs or name calling. I dont need your props or to be told im right, I know I dont like episodic games. Is that clear enough. I understand you seem to think visuals key to value. You could not be more wrong on that point too.

Lionsguard1781d ago

They have no idea how big FF7 is. The thought of them cramming the entirety of FF7 into one game is idiotic. That is for a game that is releasing in just 9 months from now. If they had said that FF7 would be releasing in 2027 for the PS6, sure thing, after that long, I'd expect a full game too even if it has to come on its own 1TB SSD.

@shaun mcwayne, then simply either don't buy it just wait until the whole thing finishes. The entire game is being reworked to expand the story so stop calling it episodic. It's its own full game.

shaun mcwayne1781d ago

Ok i see that the word episodic seems to upset the snowflakes. What should i call it then lion. Drip feed mechanics. Ill choose when i should buy games. I would never tell people what to do and when. I just post my opinion.

refocusedman1781d ago

It's a cash grab. Ff7 was a huge game back in the ps1 era, but plenty of games have been released since then. Episodic releases are absurd. To pay 200 dollars to play a complete game on your 250 system is a complete RIP off and its insulting as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1781d ago
SilverDemon1781d ago

Then just wait for all the parts to be released and buy the "collection"

rainslacker1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

I'd rather have 3 full games worth of Tifa jiggle physics content.

Just think of it as a trilogy. Sure, the original released as one game, but it's story is pretty long, and there aren't any modern JRPG's with that much narrative....although it was common back then. Then, they're adding to that.

People want more FF7, yet they don't want more content. Can't have it all. Take the good with the bad, get over it, move on, and find something that complaining about will actually change.

TK-661782d ago

Tifa's breasts are in good hands *salutes*

Kaedro1781d ago

I salute next to you, brother

rainslacker1781d ago

I'm sure there are videos of that online.

ZaWarudo1782d ago

Would rather they do a HD remaster of Duodecim or something. NT was balls.

Antnee5341781d ago

I agree thebtwo psp games were fun and enjoyable classic games while this new one was just a rip a bad rip off of some crappy gundam game.

FinalFantasyFanatic1781d ago

I couldn't spend money on NT, even with it being free now, I still can't spend time playing it, I really just wanted a sequel in Duodecim's style.

InKnight7s1781d ago

The base -barely exist- fans saying oh no NT is NT because it is better for online. Like if we really taking FF slow paced fighting games as serious. Look at Dragon Ball games they are similars and ther rock because of the high speed and action packed and nobody in complaing about online and it is the most selling fighting series behind Street Fighter and Tekken by small gap.

XiNatsuDragnel1782d ago

Classic shall stay classic or riot

PhoenixUp1782d ago

I see he’s a man of culture

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What Went Wrong With Dissidia Final Fantasy NT?

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT offered plenty of fan service, but in other aspects it was incredibly superficial.

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Nerdmaster1544d ago

The things I liked the most in PSP Dissidia was the RPG elements, and even though the plot fell into the "Square trap" by being too convoluted, I really liked seeing those characters from different games interacting with each other. I didn't hate the battle system, but it was not my favorite aspect either.

Then, in Dissidia NT, they threw away everything I liked about the series, and focused on the battles. And they made it even more chaotic by making it 3 vs 3. Tried playing it in an arcade here in Japan and even tried the free PC version, but I really couldn't care about it.

jambola1544d ago

Did it even have a story?
I never played except 15 minutes of the beta and about 10 second of the free version

smashman981544d ago

I liked being able to customize our fighters with a variety of their iconic moves. The grind was awesome and the environments were so interactive. The music was great. Dissidia NT removed so much of what made dissidia, dissidia, and It just left long time fans of the series (who have been quite vocal about wanting a console iteration) massively disappointed.

drizzom1543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

Everyone has been saying this since before it came out and all we had were trailers but they keep asking the same question for some stupid reason.

AK911544d ago (Edited 1544d ago )

They made it to arcade like and not enough customisation like the previous games but a part of me thinks the reason they stopped development is because they plan to create an NT 2 for PS5.

jambola1544d ago

Well the forced 3v3 was kinda crap

Mr_Luke1543d ago

I know i'm the only one but i find those Dissidia unplayable. Maybe i'm too used to SF, Tekken and thos (i know they're different but we're talking about fighting games). Even the many DragonBall games were more enjoyable for me, the bad ones too :P

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Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's Next Update Will Be The Last; New Skins for Two Villains Revealed

Today Square Enix announced the end of active development for its fighting game Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and its arcade counterpart Dissidia Final Fantasy.

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xTonyMontana1548d ago

Nooooooooo at least give us Emet Selch

AK911548d ago

Oh damn shame they're ending it their I hope this means we get a sequel for PS5.


Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Reveals New Costumes for Vaan and Kain Highwind

Today Square Enix revealed new costumes and weapons coming to Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and its arcade counterpart Dissidia Final Fantasy.

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1577d ago Replies(1)