
Anti-loot box bill poses a real threat to sports video games

How else are those billion-dollar licenses paid?

Kumakai1794d ago

That means you aren’t going to get routine updates or the prices of the games go up.... so still good?

CP_Company1794d ago

yeah, like sports games cost so much to make it? there was study that every year to develop a games cost less and less for EA, and profit skyrocket, so i don't need excuses, they can keep the same prices and update the games

Yobo51794d ago (Edited 1794d ago )

If you build a business model around something unstable, short -term don't be surprised if it the bubble bursts? I.E: 2008...

GTA5 can make(w/ a single edition at $60) x3 its budget on release 815 M. If you cant sell your main product then just stop being in business.


In 2016 Sports games like FIFA make 650M in just MT...


Hungryalpaca1794d ago

You’re damn right. I’d rather pay more for a complete product without all the goofy cosmetics that are added to ruin the immersion in games

And in sports games, I’d rather have a complete product without the gambling to increase stats on the roster.

1794d ago
Gaming1011793d ago

They made plenty of money before the days of loot boxes. Profits soar every year because they continually cut costs. EA are a bunch of greedy shits and can easily turn a profit loot boxes or not.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1793d ago
Iamnothuman121794d ago

Agreed, this stuff has ruined sports games.

DaReapa1794d ago

And NBA 2K has been the worst offender with it's VC nonsense.

JackBNimble1793d ago

But the MT's or just for UT mode , how can 1 mode run sports games?

Eonjay1794d ago

"How else are those billion-dollar licenses paid?"
As if sports games have only existed since the advent of EAs gambling tactics.

Poopmist1794d ago

It doesn't affect cosmetics so they'll just have loot boxen for like alternate team jerseys, shoes, and other things like that.

Vanfernal1794d ago

Sigh... Polygon... Oh no! How will they make all the money? Here's the thing, loot boxes are bullsh*t. PERIOD. You are paying for a RANDOM CHANCE to get an item. Regular micro transactions you see something you like, you buy it. Done deal. It's purely up to the consumer. With loot boxes you basically rely on impulse buys with people throwing away money hoping that the next loot box will be the one that gives them what they want. It's like playing a slot machine. This is why it's basically gambling. As much as I hate government intervention in most things, the greedy triple A publishers brought this upon themselves.

jeki1794d ago

Serious question: have you ever bought a loot box?

1794d ago
rdgneoz31794d ago

Have you ever gone to a casino and lost thousands? Not many do, but you have people that are addicts and do. You're gambling on getting something good with very very low chances.

jeki1794d ago

"Have you ever gone to a casino and lost thousands? Not many do, but you have people that are addicts and do."

Plenty of people go to casinos and have a great time, it's a night out on the town. Why should we all have to suffer because a small minority have addictive personalities and can't control themselves?

Hungryalpaca1794d ago

Why are you defending this garbage? You kids are ridiculous. You’d get bored of old school games because you couldn’t randomly unlock a pink haircut for MARIO.

Mapai1794d ago (Edited 1794d ago )

Every government has a duty to protect its citizens, even at the cost of your freedom to gamble.

jeki1794d ago

"Every government has a duty to protect its citizens, even at the cost of your freedom to gamble."

All forms of government censorship are evil.

Mapai1793d ago

"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by a government, private institutions, and corporations. "

- Wikipedia.

Banning gambling is not censorship.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1793d ago
1794d ago Replies(1)
meep3161794d ago

How the heck do such stupid articles continuously get written about video games?

Vanfernal1794d ago (Edited 1794d ago )

Polygon... Lol

Cmoney0071794d ago

They are very easy to make fun of.

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Speaking in its latest financial report, the publisher revealed that “sales are surpassing the Nioh series” and noted that it has “high valuation by players.” No sales figures were divulged during the report, but clearly Rise of the Ronin is performing well just over a month since launch.

helicoptergirl6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

But I thought Rise Of The Ronin was a failure because it was an exclusive?

Gee wizz this is strange. It's outperforming the "Nioh" series in sales. I thought it was all doom and gloom on the sales front. I mean the Nioh series were considered a 'sales success' in the past. So how can this be with Ronin? /s

purple1012h ago

In related news:

“Koei Tecmo To Launch New AAA Studio To Develop Console Titles”

So yeh did ok I suppose!


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MrBaskerville0m ago(Edited 0m ago)

If they start now, we can have it as early as in 2031!


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Lexreborn217m ago

I still haven’t finished it, mostly due to it not holding my interest after 20 hours. Wouldn’t say it’s a bad game, wouldn’t say it’s amazing I really can’t judge it fully due to not completing it.

CrimsonWing694m ago

Harry Potter is one of the biggest IPs in the world. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why it sold so much. It’s a great game on top of that, so the math kind of maths here.

Can’t wait for the article on if Zelda or Mario only sold well due to nostalgia.