
Celeste’s creator outlines how a Sekiro easy mode could work

Matt Thorson came up with a handful of ways that an accessibility mode could be worked into Sekiro.

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FalconofLucis981869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

Stop infringing on the creative freedom of these great developers. This game is not for everyone, stop trying to dumb down games to cater to all audiences.

KaaF1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

How dare they they suggest an optional change that will make the game better for many people and won't affect the others, but muh cReAtIvE fReEdOm infringement dude.

metabolicfrolic1869d ago

Just cause you can't hack it doesn't make it okay to lower the baseline.

KaaF1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

I finished the game, and I wouldn't take it any easier, but I'm not so selfish and self entitled to complain about an option for those who do, that will not affect me in any way.

maximumspidey1869d ago

if those people can't handle the game's difficulty that fromsoft games are known for then they could always just not play

Jupiter_px1869d ago

What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that at the heart of the heart of the souls-style games there is a gameplay philosophy regarding difficulty. Its meant to break the players spirit and that there is no easy way out of this problem. It demands perseverance and determination and rewards you with great sense of achievement.
It even affects the game design itself. For example, some of the scariest bosses the best strategy is to run towards them instead of running away from them. Run towards what you fear and face it. Its subtle but it is part of what has made these games so successful.
So having an easy mode would rob the player of that experience.

PapaBop1868d ago

I'm not a fan of racing sims, I don't go buy Gran Turismo and demand they change it to be more arcade like because it suits my gaming needs better.

Bleucrunch1868d ago

@KaaF you know full well why most are against this, you should never reward complaints on this kind because those gamers (the casual gamer, can't stand them) because they think its too hard...give me a break.

Silly gameAr1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

This is the problem with gamers now in days. They want everything handed to them. They think that someone should compromise their vision to be all inclusive. Guess what? Some games aren't for everyone, and it's been like that since the start of gaming. They want easy mode, well play a damn game that has an easy mode. Stop trying to make creators feel bad for creating the shit they want to create.

Moan about devs that are actually f_ing over gamers, and not the ones that actually cater to gamers. jeez.

DrumBeat1868d ago

He's absolutely right.

Look, when a developer makes a game, they lay down a series of challenges for you to overcome. Meet the challenge, or don't, but don't you dare try to impose your snivelry onto a game. Don't attempt to reduce or dumb down someone else's work. Do fucking not.

When I was growing up we played games with no modes. The challenge was set, and we either met it or we didn't. Appreciate and respect the artist's work - the artist's vision.

DrumBeat1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Adding an 'easy mode' WOULD affect us ALL. It would also undermine, insult, and yes, infringe upon the people who made the game. They made a specific challenge to be overcome and mastered.

How would it affect everyone else, you ask? I'll tell you straight. It gives EVERYONE the option to choose the 'EASY' way instead of taking the challenge THE DEVELOPER WANTED us to take.

If the creator WANTS levels of difficulty, that's totally fine, but this developer doesn't, and goddammit we should respect that.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
harmny1869d ago

i bet when they announce a new game exclusive to the epic game store you cry about it saying that they need to make games available to everyone

SkatterBrain1869d ago

Easy Mode will Be Ghost of Tsushima

neutralgamer19921868d ago

How about every game having a easy or casual mode why are gamers against that. You don't have to play on those modes just play on normal but for those looking for an easier experience can choose different options

BlackTar1871868d ago

or choose a different game?

jerethdagryphon1868d ago

Because it detracts from those of us who worked to master souls games or racing or whatever having a demons souls plat means something to some people it means you got gud.

jerethdagryphon1868d ago

I will admit not being able to directly influence damage with armor or strength does make the game a lot harder the first multi deathblow guy before you die is quite hard to deal with its a puzzle every fight has to be exactly right to win

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
william_cade1869d ago

Celeste should have a a first person mode, it's disrespectful to us not to have one. Piss off. Play a different game.

harmny1869d ago

yeah. its totally the same thing adding a first person mode to a side scroller than adding an easy mode to a game.

one means modelling and animating 100% of the assets, rewriting the entire code, switching engines and the other means opening a txt and writing damage received = 50% damage output = 200%

william_cade1868d ago

ha! you got to be joking...I mean seriously???

DarkZane1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

People seriously need to give up. FromSoftware is just never gonna add an easy mode in their games because they don't want to. You could argue that more people would buy the game, but they obviously don't care, as those games sell a lot already.

People have been asking easy mode for their games since the beginning. If it was gonna happen, it would have already. They obviously know some people want it, but they don't give a damn. Can't say they're doing a bad thing. If every developers stopped listening to everyone on the Internet, maybe they'd make the games they want instead of trying to cater to the majority and they would end up much better.

1869d ago Replies(2)
Fraggle19871869d ago

It should have a seperate easy mode. Full stop. This question has been brung up a lot with sekiro. Its telling that its brung up here more than previous from software games.

I wonder if the developer will listen to all the shouts for an easy mode and update the game or apply it to their next title. I think they would be stupid not to but I doubt they will.

Chaosdreams1869d ago

If From Software feels that an easy mode won't detract from their gaming philosophy - they'll add it. The reason they haven't until now is indicative that they have a different view on gameplay and enjoyment, it's what makes their games all the more unique. Unlike shooters or games where enemies are buffed/debuffed based on gameplay settings, you know going into a From Software game that to win, you need to be ready for a fight. There's zero hand holding, and the fans are grateful for it.

luckytrouble1869d ago

This isn’t more than any other From Software title. This conversation has been done to death with every challenging game they’ve made ever since Dark Souls hit it big.

Games aren’t made for everyone. Like how plenty of easy games don’t have a hard mode, hard games don’t always need an easy mode. A game built around mastering the mechanics shouldn’t have to dumb it down to a button masher for people that don’t want to try, and it will forever be that way.

salmonade1869d ago

People telling the develop what their game should have? It should?

Fragger please

Dragonscale1869d ago

You might as well play a walking simulator. Git gud lol.

Nacho_Z1869d ago

The president of From, Hidetaka Miyazaki, who has overseen their best games and is responsible for their identity said this last year:

"We don't want to include a difficulty selection because we want to bring everyone to the same level of discussion and the same level of enjoyment. So we want everyone … to first face that challenge and to overcome it in some way that suits them as a player."

So to answer your question no they aren't going to add an easy mode. If you've got an issue with that take it up with Miyazaki.

antz11041869d ago

Or you should learn to play the game they made. Full stop. And get better at it. Full stop. And stop acting like you know what's best for From Software like they owe you something. Full stop.

Liqu1d1869d ago

Git gud or play something else.

rainslacker1868d ago

It's brought up with all their games since the first Souls game. If they haven't listened by now, they probably aren't going to. I think it keeps being an issue because it generates hits when the game is hot. When it's not hot, then no one cares.

william_cade1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I hope they don't listen. I love From games. It would be a sad day if they hacked'em up so journalists and people that do not have the capacity to understand that no game is for everyone can be happy for a few hours then move on to something else.

They would be stupid to listen and lose a lot more players and die hard fans. Do you even live on this planet?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

H934d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds34d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw33d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno33d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast33d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno33d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a Timeless Classic

With this feature, we will be taking a look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice all these years later and break down why it remains such a great time.

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Cacabunga37d ago

I regret i never played it, like many other great games!! Still on my radar, when i become retro gamer in a year or two with all this gaas crap happening around

Psychonaut8537d ago

Absolutely. Amazing art design, and didn’t have the Bloodborne problem so it runs at 60FPS on newer hardware, which is amazing given the reaction based gameplay

Cacabunga37d ago

Wait did it get a next gen patch??

Sciurus_vulgaris37d ago

This one title that never clicked with me. I enjoyed Dark Souls, Demon Souls and Bloodborne, but I never warmed up to Sekiro’s parry-focused combat. I honestly gave up on the game at about the half way point.

Armyofdarkness37d ago

Me too. But after the Stellar Blade demo and parrying like crazy I’m tempted to go back and play this again

Inverno37d ago

Took me a couple years too get into when I first bought it. I had gotten so used to Bloodborne that the gameplay was genuinely confusing me. Picked it up a third time and clicked. The game is souls stripped of all its RPG elements and left with nothing but it's combat. It's Souls at its pureness but I can see why the combat would turn people off. That's why I liked it so much tho, without the choice of weapons it's very focused on a specific style. I think a sequel with a small selection of weapons but each fleshed out would be the right step.

Sciurus_vulgaris36d ago

My problem with Sekiro was the combat, I didn’t find it as engaging as Bloodborne, DarkSouls due to the lack of RPG elements. I even found action games like Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and Ghost of Tsushima more engaging as well.


The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno45d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3345d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree45d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga45d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno44d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast12d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno12d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast12d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.