
Overwatch Team Loses Female Player Due to 'Unforeseen Reactions'

Overwatch team Second Wind has lost female player Ellie due to "unforeseen reactions" regarding her appointment, with her being the target of sexist harassment from the game's community.

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Vits1973d ago

The big issue with that player is that nobody even knows if she is real.
She pretty much just appeared, she haven't streamed her gameplay before, nobody have ever saw her nick in other high ranked players streams and while she did eventually played in a stream latter, there was no way to confirm who was playing.

Christopher1973d ago

Ah, that's a totally valid reason to harass her.

Vits1973d ago

My point is: A lot of the negative reception that she got was because she was a high level player that nobody knew about before the Second Wind announcement.

That doesn't mean that I believe that harassing her was correct. But again we don't even know if she was a real person. That's how bizarre this situation really is.

Christopher1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

***But again we don't even know if she was a real person.***

I think her performance in a competition would have pretty much solidified any worries as such and I doubt anyone on the team wants to put someone on it that isn't a real player.

If this was a male gamer out of nowhere, I don't think people would have made the same knee-jerk responses and would have waited to see them play in a competition. I think this is more a case where male gamers aren't as critically analyzed and feel more comfortable streaming regularly without special treatment from fellow gamers due to their gender. Not all people are as well equipped to put up with such people and she apparently wasn't. I don't think that's her fault so much as a sign of how people are treated online in general.

Vits1973d ago

"I think her performance in a competition would have pretty much solidified any worries as such and I doubt anyone on the team wants to put someone on it that isn't a real player. "

I agree with you. Her performance in a competition or she simple appearing in the stream would have proven that she was the real deal (or that she wasn't). But that will not happen anymore, so we will never know and that is a shame.

" If this was a male gamer out of nowhere, I don't think people would have made the same knee-jerk responses and would have waited to see them play in a competition."

More or less. If it was a male player, people would still be suspicious (High rank, low level, never in the matchs of other top players, etc...). But I doubt that they would go as far as to try doxing the dude.

rainslacker1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

"If this was a male gamer out of nowhere, I don't think people would have made the same knee-jerk responses and would have waited to see them play in a competition."

Really? Gamers tend to be pretty reactionary to new things that they don't like. The new kid on the block isn't usually greeted with open arms. Heck, even the long standing respected members tend to get harassed to.

Not saying that the female part didn't drive some harassment, but realistically, the online community tends to be pretty crappy to everyone....especially on the competitive circuit level.

If this person, male or female dropped out because they were being harassed, how did they make it so far into competitive scene to begin with? Harassment is normal in online games, and I'd expect anyone who plays at that level to have pretty thick skin by now. Unless this is just some sort of wunderkin gamer who is that proficient at gaming on their first go.

Vits brings up some valid points though. I only followed this a bit through cursory exposure, but seemed that people were asking if this person was legit, because it's kind of rare for really good players that no one has ever heard of to suddenly show up on the competitive circuit, where no one on the competitive circuit has ever heard of them, or their contacts haven't heard of them. It's even rarer that that person can't be tracked down through other means once the whole thing gets big enough to gain momentum in the forums or press.

I do disagree with Vits though that people wouldn't go so far as to try and Dox a male player, based on the other things that don't seem to add up to the typical profile of a high ranking player.

I'm sorry, but the way this all played out seemed rather suspicious. Not that the harassment didn't happen...because as I said, the gaming community can be a**holes. But this seems like more of a set up to manufacture a controversy than anything. They could have quelled a lot of the controversy by just making her more public, but everything was shrouded in secrecy, and it seems rather convenient that the only thing they really release about her is her stats, and that it's a female?

Christopher1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

***But this seems like more of a set up to manufacture a controversy than anything.***

I disagree with this. There have already been other female Overwatch professional mentions before her. I do think it was an attempt to get a gamer who obviously was uncomfortable with being in the public eye and was not well handled by the team or her side to try and meet half way. But to claim controversy as the goal I think is a huge leap.

rainslacker1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

I guess that's fair. Jump to controversy really shouldn't be my first inclination. Maybe I've become jaded in recent years.

But at the same time, why even mention it's a female if they were trying to make her comfortable. Why bring her on board at all if she was uncomfortable with the "public" spotlight. That isn't going to bode well.

While this person had some impressive stats, it's not like there aren't other great players out there who wouldn't mind being on a team like this. In a game played by millions, chances are, there are going to be at least ten to twenty thousand high ranking players to choose from. Otherwise, who would these people play against for the ridiculous number of hours they play each day?

If the problem was that she wasn't comfortable being in the public eye then they weren't ready to be a pro player. They would have been harassed either way. If it's a female, that's going to be the focus of the harassment. But more often than not, the actual harassment isn't because it's a female, it's just that the weak minded idiots who harass others online pick the easiest target to focus on....which in the gaming community, is sadly sometimes gender.

Anyhow, I don't wish to accuse the team itself of trying to manufacture controversy. I really see no reason that would be beneficial to them. But I think we can both agree, that we're going to see at least one article about how gamers suck because of this instance....which sucks because it just perpetuates this belief that gamers are terrible sexist people.

On a side note, I was actually offended(in a general sense) today by a comment I read on Facebook through one of those share things. It said something along the lines of, "Date a gamer. They won't cheat on you because they'll be sitting on their couch playing games". That was pretty stereotypical, and does not actually paint gamers in a good light. I'm offended as a gamer, and maybe a male since there are plenty of males who don't cheat. That came from some twitter thing of what I guess is a female gamer type considering the thumbnail picture.

I'm not sure where to rage about it though, so I just thought I'd vent here. Thanks for listening.:) You're my safe space. Love you.

Christopher1973d ago

***But at the same time, why even mention it's a female if they were trying to make her comfortable. Why bring her on board at all if she was uncomfortable with the "public" spotlight. That isn't going to bode well.***

I think that was the faux pas of the team owner. I think she went in with the understanding that she wanted low key and they went further than she was comfortable with. But, on the other hand, what she wanted as far as low key was way too low key for that sort of position.

rainslacker1973d ago

If that's the case, then I 100% agree with you. Obviously, one day, they'd be more public, and that probably should have been made pretty clear upon recruitment. Female or not. I would also think that a group of people that are accustomed to how bad the online community can be, their first inclination, and really only personal information they release, shouldn't have been the gender of the team member. That's pretty much just asking for trouble. There is no real way to keep someone completely away from any public notice in these conditions....but you don't introduce people with the most contentious thing possible. You let them prove themselves, then do the big reveal....so to speak.

That's a failing of the idiots in the community that likes to harass others, but I still stand by my belief that most don't attack because it's a female, but being female gives them something to attack with. In other words, gender isn't what's being fought....gender is just the weapon being used.

jwillj2k41973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )


let her skills validate her presence. if shes a plant then call her what she is and get her out of here. But for people to say the 'The big issue is if she was real' is asinine. That is a secondary / non issue. One that would play out naturally of people used common sense.

It's like this, people start harassing you for thinking you're going to J-walk. You haven't walked across the street yet, and now you just go back into your house because you can't take the harassment. Then the news comes out and says "The big issue is that we don't know who this man is. When did he move there? His neighbors don't know him". Who cares if the people don't know you! Let's let your actions speak first before judging you.

ginganinja1972d ago

"Really? Gamers tend to be pretty reactionary to new things that they don't like. The new kid on the block isn't usually greeted with open arms. Heck, even the long standing respected members tend to get harassed to. "
"Not that the harassment didn't happen...because as I said, the gaming community can be a**holes."

But why should it be that we have the loudest, most obnoxious part of our community dictate the terms. Why should it be that when a new gamer joins a mp game and gets abuse, the reaction is, 'oh, you just have to laugh it off and mute them.' And who can blame them if they think, 'f**k this for a game of marbles, I came here to enjoy myself.' and go find something else to do.
It's gaming itself that loses out when we let morons decide who is worthy or not of being classed as a 'proper gamer', and the more we can welcome in folks with a more balanced attitude the less toxic the gaming landscape will become.

Cobra9511972d ago

"That's a failing of the idiots in the community that likes to harass others, but I still stand by my belief that most don't attack because it's a female, but being female gives them something to attack with. In other words, gender isn't what's being fought....gender is just the weapon being used."

Someone who makes me think is someone whom I respect.

1972d ago
Epicor1972d ago

Misinformed is misinformed. Let me clarify. There has been very little to none of harassment over the player gender. ONLY “harrasment” has been people questioning his/her gender. There lots more to it than commented above. She has never been on voice chat other than very briefly (few words) sometimes before or after matches, never during. Many people, rightfully so, started to think that it was actually her boyfriend/friend playing during the matches. When asked to stream with video she declined because she didn’t have a good enough camera. People offered to buy her a camera, no response. So you can see why people are puzzled. And now that she was signed to tier 2 OW team people asked a validation for his/her gender. At this point the team announces that the player steps down due to harassment. WTF? So before blindly playing your social justice warrior card, please educate yourself on the matter.

And it’s not like a professional female OW player would be hated by the fans. There is one female player in tier OW team (in Overwatch league, Shanghai Dragons, Geguri), and she is one of the most loved player of the whole league.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1972d ago
Reborn1973d ago

Assumptions aren't a good basis for harassment. So she stayed off the radar, doesn't suddenly enable her to be harassed.

Vits1973d ago

Totally agree. But her master ninja skills played a big part on people going after information about her what did unfortunately resulted in harassment.

Sono4211972d ago (Edited 1972d ago )

I don't know the whole situation, but this article leads me to believe it isn't telling the whole story. There are plenty of pro female Overwatch players, why would this specific one just randomly get harassment? Sounds like the Battlefield V scenario to me, people hated it for multiple reasons, but EA and articles said all of it was just sexism. Poor journalism / agenda pushing is all it is.

jwillj2k41973d ago

The big issue is pieces of shit like you needing to justify someone’s skillset just because she’s a girl. You’re validating the harassment by not acknowledging it as the primary issue. “Is she real?” She’s playing in a tournament you moron.

Vits1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

She have not played in the tournament though. If she did played on one that situation would not have happened. You cutie pie.

jwillj2k41973d ago

She’s was going to if people like you didn’t have inferiority complexes.

Vits1973d ago

Oh my dear you flatter me, but I haven't engage with her in anyway. I only followed this controversy from the shadows like a complex but inferior ninja. /_・)

rainslacker1973d ago (Edited 1973d ago )

I hate to respond since i know you'll be restricted for your comment but....

She apparently chose to drop out. That was on her. While I don't condone those that would have harassed her, they didn't force her to drop out. I find it hard to believe that someone who apparently is so good at an online game would be so upset and phased over online harassment like this. Unless there was some other instance of actual dangerous harassment that scared them off, like they were doxxed and dead animals or some other terrible thing happened off the internet, anyone who's online knows that for the most part, any and all harassment is pretty much contained to the internet. While it likely would have continued, chances are, if she was good, once she actually played in a real tournament, most gamers would be fine with her, and those that would harass either way, would continue to do so.

Chris makes a good argument above....that maybe they were nervous about the public eye. In which case, there are may issues here which are failings on many levels. But it's reasonable to question the validity of a player that comes out of nowhere, that no one has ever heard of, doesn't have anyone attesting to their credentials anywhere outside the team that recruited her, and doesn't have that much of a play history yet is somehow ranked very highly.

The harassment over her being a female was just a weapon that some people used, but if it wasn't that, then it probably would have been something else, because there were things that were odd about their appearance and inclusion to the team, and gamers are nothing if not cynical....especially on the competitive circuits, and their fans are just as jaded and cynical like you see with regular sports teams. We could discuss back and forth why that is good or bad, but it doesn't change how the world is, nor does it make someone a "piece of sh*t" because they accept the reality of the situation. One can do that without condoning such actions.

The question remains despite this drop out though...."is she real?". We don't know, and now we likely never will. Whether it was really a woman or not is rather inconsequential to that question wouldn't you say?

1972d ago
jwillj2k41972d ago


Read the read the thread before responding.

jwillj2k41972d ago


You’re missing the entire point.

1972d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1972d ago
Casepb1973d ago

Overwatch is pretty damn toxic towards males, I can't even imagine just how bad females must get it.

kneon1972d ago

Even the article is taking a subtle dig at her by using an image of Mercy. It says she's a DPS, so why not use one of the female DPS heroes, oh that's right, because girls only play support. They can't hide their sexism, it comes through anyway.

Atticus_finch1972d ago

Yea at least half the population lol.

Atticus_finch1972d ago

It's hard not be when your a guy but I try to be better.

Sono4211972d ago

I truly feel bad for you, must be tiring going through life with such a toxic mindset.

1973d ago Replies(1)
Sgt_Slaughter1972d ago

Fighting sexist remarks with sexism. Smart!

Atticus_finch1972d ago

Not the most efficient but oh so rewarding.

RebelWAC1972d ago

Said the one who get what she deserves

Inzo1972d ago

Its such a mystery why the majority of people think that feminism is a cancer.

Atticus_finch1972d ago

The majority of guys you mean.

carcarias1972d ago

Your avatar is a picture of a male film character renowned for being brave, honest, compassionate and willing to judge every individual based on their own personal merits and actions, regardless of who or what they are. A man admired for his fierce integrity and solemn humility.....

.....and then you go and write that. I assume you're just joking with us :)

Atticus_finch1972d ago

Yea, it's a joke. I'm a guy myself, I thought it was more than obvious.

RyanShutup1972d ago

That type of mindset will get you nowhere especially not with these toxic ass 3rd wave feminists that you're trying to impress. They'll hate you regardless unless you cut your genitalia off. It's like the blind leading the blind. Unless of course you're joking in which case... carry on good sir.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1972d ago
Rachel_Alucard1973d ago

All I'm getting is people put her on a pedestal for being a female who plays comp, and she got pressured out of playing. She literally appeared on the team not even a month ago, and while I believe she's real I just think it's strange to be on an e-sport team and instantly leave the second people start going off. Harassment is never warranted, but people giving you attention for just being a female in a male dominated hobby is unavoidable. People try to force and bitch this fact to be different but until culture changes and more women seek out the scene, then people will continue to focus on the anomaly in their space

GameRant1972d ago

"instantly leave the second people start going off"

Did you just ignore the part of targeted threats and doxxing? Do you even understand how serious that is?

1972d ago
Rachel_Alucard1972d ago

Both of these things are part of harassment. This shit won't stop if people keep quitting when it starts happening to them. You are doing exactly what they wanted by quitting instead of taking it. None of these threats and doxxing ever lead to someone actually committing a serious crime. Men get harassed and doxxed too but nobody ever says or does anything to them. Nothing will change if people quit at the first backlash.

1972d ago
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10 Overwatch Heroes You Would Want To Hang Out With

The world could always use a few more heroes, or in this case friends. Here are some Overwatch Heroes you would want to hang out with.

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I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin368d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan368d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude368d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia367d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09368d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319367d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

98d ago

Activision Shows Concerns Over The Call Of Duty And Overwatch League's Longevity

Activision has admitted that its Call of Duty and Overwatch eSport Leagues are facing challenges that the company might fail to address.

just_looken388d ago

Ha ha these have been in trouble fort awhile so now we talk about it/address it?

How about you explain why you make billions but always have layoff's.

S2Killinit387d ago

Woe is me

These guys come off so disingenuous.

ModsDoBetter387d ago

The timing is strange but COD has been on a nosedive for several years & then followed by the backlash of Overwatch 2.

sadraiden386d ago

COD has literally never been more popular. Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year. Don't know what you mean by nosedive.

ModsDoBetter386d ago (Edited 386d ago )


It has taken a nosedive in quality.
However, as you based your argument on sales numbers, let's take a dive, shall we?

"COD has literally never been more popular"
COD has literally been more popular.

See: MW2 sales numbers estimate to be at 8million copies sold at the end of 2022 (no official numbers released) yet Black Ops (2010) sits at a staggering 31million copies sold.

"Every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year"
Again, not true.

(In release order)
Black Ops - 31 million copies
Modern Warfare 3 - 30 million copies
Black Ops 2 - 29 million copies
Ghosts - 28 million copies
Advanced Warfare - 21 million copies
Black Ops 3 - 26 million copies
Infinite Warfare - 13 million copies
WWII - 19 million copies
Black Ops 4 - 14 million copies
MW2019 - 30 million copies
Cold War - 30 million copies
Vanguard - Unreleased sales numbers
MW2022 - No solid numbers yet, though as above - 8 million estimated as of end of 2022

As you can see "every single year it sells more and more copies than the previous year" is an inaccurate statement with the sales numbers fluctuating, though I do feel MW2022 would sell well over the course of the year.

luckytrouble387d ago

This timing isn't that weird. eSports are notorious money sinks, and organizations have been failing one after another the past few months as funds dry up and popularity wavers. Critical who is one of the runners of his own eSports organization has been extremely candid about the fact that there's really no money to be made, and a lot of suits that had their companies throw money at the concept are just starting to give up and move on.

Profchaos387d ago

Just to coincide with the CMA appeal woe is us

smolinsk387d ago

Wow and they have totally done it to them Self with zero innovation.

shinoff2183387d ago

Exactly. Biggest game in gaming and they crying. Stfu acti

ModsDoBetter387d ago

They really dropped the ball with COD ever since WW2 I’d say.

Year after year it’s just disappointment after disappointment and it only got worse with Warzone and MW2019 - seasonal progression, battle pass, goofy skins, not listening to player feedback, you name it.

merlox387d ago

Call of duty was only good when they were WWII. Activision should go back to how they started. Also, they can make the single player stories longer. Not everyone plays the multiplayer.

porkChop387d ago

A lot of people here couldn't even read the headline. This isn't about the games themselves, it's about the esports leagues.

shinoff2183387d ago

Put the money into it. You have the biggest game in gaming.

porkChop387d ago

Agreed. They can obviously afford it.

ChasterMies386d ago

If people don’t like playing the games as much, then why would they want to watch other people play it?

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