
Confessions of a PS4 Fanboy

Why getting and Xbox One S has changed made me give up the console war.

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Nyxus2177d ago

I agree that having multiple consoles is the way to go. But the thing is, I've had an Xbox One since day one, and I just haven't been satisfied with Microsoft's offering this gen, at all. I'm not into services like Game Pass and EA Play, or multiplayer / GAAS type games, and on the exclusive single player front Microsoft just has been underdelivering, especially these last few years. I haven't found a reason to turn on my Xbox One for a year now, and haven't bought a new game for it since 2016.

Neonridr2176d ago

the point is though, as an owner of multiple consoles, you allow yourself the privelege and opportunity to experience all that the gaming world has to offer. How someone can only own one piece of hardware and then judge those of us who enjoy other games or consoles is just pure lunacy. Why narrow your views so much? There is too much good stuff out there to sample.

Skull5212176d ago

Yeah I just own both consoles and a PC. Get to play everything good that way.

Eonjay2176d ago

How you.can judge those who are satisfied with one over two or more is beyond me. There is nothing wrong with choosing not to buy everything in front of you. Same goes for games themselves.

ArchangelMike2176d ago

Not every one can afford to have multiple systems, and not every sees the need for that.

Xx_Pistol_xX2176d ago

You don't really need a Xbox console when you have a PC.

JaguarEvolved2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

Should write an article about the confession of a silly person that would be writing an article on a PC but wasted money on getting an Xbox one when the pc can play all Xbox one games with free Xbox. Might as well write an article about buying another PS4 pro just to play psn games. Even if your video card is updated it would have been cheaper to upgrade it for better performance over a Xbox one

OB1Biker2175d ago

Having x number of platforms doesn't give any more right to 'judge'
I for one am happy with one platform and find a waste of money to have many since, like many argue out there, most games are multiplat.
I also have Nin but only to make my kid happy.

ONESHOTV22175d ago

ArchangelMike----- and that is why you don't bandwagon on a console just because that's the only one you own it doesn't look good the only thing it shows is that you are poor and who would want to be called out for being poor BTW this is in general for any fanboy, not you archangel.

outsider16242175d ago

Not everyone can afford two consoles let alone all three. If i can afford it why not. But i cant. Im not into nintendo games anymore. Enjoyed them back in the days but not anymore.As for Ms, there is nothing on Xbox one imo, that will make me say i gotta buy this console for this game, nothing. And seeing Ms's history of supporting their console in the later stages, i rather stick with playstation.

2175d ago
Neonridr2175d ago

@Eonjay - absolutely, not everyone can afford multiple hardware. But then you shouldn't judge something you don't own. Sadly that happens all the time. PS4 owners on here slam the Switch and say it's garbage, when they haven't even tried the darned thing. Looks silly in the end. Choose what you want to play, but don't put down the stuff you decide not to. Just be happy with whatever you have and move one. Life is too short.

Tres212175d ago

I think the point was more so the constant judging when u only have one console needs to go. Not that you should break u bank 2 get 2 consoles...if u only like 1 system its fine its when you spend time putting down the other system just cause you don't have one and feel a need to put down others who like it

Sayai jin2175d ago

@Neon, how dare you think logically...jk. You should know how this site is. I have been a multi console owner since the 80's. It pained to get NES along side my beloved Sega Master System, lol. Joking aside, this generation MS has not delivered on exclusives and PS4 and Ninty has. I still kept my Xbox to play Ark and a few other games with friends that don't have a PC. I play most 3rd party games on the X. I keep my PS4 for the stellar exclusives they keep launching and PSN. Same for my Nintendos, although I don't use Ninty online service.

morganfell2175d ago

"Having x number of platforms doesn't give any more right to 'judge' "

People are under the delusion that possessing multiple devices engenders some degree of objectivity, knowledge, and wisdom as well as a hall pass for remarking.

It doesn't.

It also does not make you a better gamer, smarter, a humanitarian, or candidate for a Nobel prize.

Personally I see myself as stupid for having given Microsoft a chance and their actions have borne out the futility of my support.

The thing is they have been conducting their business in the gaming world in this manner since they first stomped in and attempted to use money and corporate threats to shove Direct X down everyone's throat. It is an erred axiom too often quoted that competition is always good for the consumer. Gaming would advance immeasurably if Microsoft would simply quit the field, take their overgrown Zune, and go home.

jznrpg2175d ago

It’s easy to judge when they only have a couple exclusive games coming out every year . I could see how it would be hard to keep track of PS exclusives but you only need one hand or a few fingers to count Xbox games and even then if you ha e a PC you can play the 1 or 2 that appeal to you without paying for an Xbox Live account

Soulrakk2175d ago

No idea why you're being downvoted. It's ridiculous and shows the character here on N4G. The article was on point. And we get judged for defending a platform because it doesn't fit a fanboy's agenda. It's pure ignorance. While Xbox One hasn't had the most success in comparison it's had it's fair share of good games that I thoroughly enjoyed. And I've also been priveleged to play on a PS4 & Switch. It's lunacy at it's finest to think it can't be possible to enjoy all of that.

UltraNova2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )


I generally agree with your point of view but you saying that it would be better if MS left the console game leaves me questioning the logic behind it.

What I'm saying is that do you truly believe that Sony or any other company for that matter will remain gamer friendly as they are now if left alone in the hardcore console market?

I find that hard to believe tbh.

Just take a look at what happened this gen where Sony has been doubliny down on what MS refuses to do, i.e spend money on exclusives, SP mostly. MS going after GaaS? Sony removes almost all MT from their Games etc. I cant imagine how would this gen turn out if Sony did not strive to differentiate themselves from MS by doing everything for the gamer that MS wouldn't.

IamTylerDurden12175d ago

People need to stop with the labels. I also see certain people who feel superior because they at this very moment own multiple current gen consoles. I own multiple 360s, PS4, PS3, PS2, Dreamcast, N64, VITA, Wii, DS, SNES, PC, OG Xbox ect ect. Am i not a multi-console owner? Do i have no credibility and a narrow reference point simply because i didn't want to waste money on a console that i felt wasn't worth the investment this gen?

I bought an OG Xbox and advocated for it at the time. I was so hyped for the original Fable, and i loved it. I stood in the rain November 21st 2005 all night to get a launch day 360. Condemned was amazing, Kameo was fun, CoD 2 was impressive, and NBA 2K had incredible sweat technology. I rocked 360 for much of the gen. Oblivion was an event for me. Bioshock, Mass Effect, even Gears 1 and 2. Fable 2 was phenomenal. I played the 360 so often that i either upgraded or replaced numerous consoles. I got the black 360 Elite with the HDMI, i got the newer sleeker 250gb 360 later on. I replaced numerous plug n play kits/battery packs because i wore them out. I dressed up my avatar with in-game rewards, i had GwG early days. Remember when we got Halo 3 and Rainbow 6 Vegas? I played Happy Wars and even tried Harm's Way. The early days of console f2p.

I was a Sega fanboy growing up. I loved NES, SNES, Gameboy ect but Sega was more my style. Genesis, Gamegear, Sega CD, Dreamcast. Sonic Adventure, Soul Caliber, NFL 2K. Sonic Adventure was amazing to me, i even enjoyed the unique controller integration that was almost like a Yamigachi.

IamTylerDurden12175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

Posted my comment 3x. So i erased the other 2.

OffRoadKing2175d ago

I think the concept of 'you must own, else you must not judge' only exist in the gaming world, lol. Not everyone feels the need to own every console, not everyone has to. And lets be real, right now theres not much "privilege" to owning xbox.

Edito2175d ago

There is good stuff yes stuff that most people don't enjoy and don't care.

morganfell2175d ago


I remember when the PS2 was so far ahead it was practically out of sight., And Sony never stopped innovating and pushing that little black box. They never coasted. At the beginning of the PS3 launch they made mistakes and those results are now burned into the company psyche. Now more than ever Sony could not afford to drift were MS to leave. Why? Sony doesn't have 15 other divisions on which to brace the company. It is either the PlayStation division or naught. And the only way in which to keep that division healthy and growing is by adhering to the practices which allowed them to reach this position. I believe that lesson is now ingrained in Sony.

And if it isn't then it will be in the next company.

This isn't 4 generations ago where if a company departs there will be no one. Someone will step into the void with new ideas and lessons learned in their pocket. The failure to adhere to Darwinian practices is always a disaster. Keeping a company on life support because of some outdated business belief or for nostalgia is what is truly evil for the consumer.

Neonridr2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

It's not that you have to own multiple hardware to be considered a gamer, or hardcore. That was never my point. My point was that owning multiple consoles can give you a broader view and thus less biased. If all you own is a PS4 then how can you honestly say the Xbox or Switch is garbage? Hypocrisy at its finest if you are judging something you don't own. That is the problem. If you honestly only want to support one console, due to whatever reasons, then that's fine. But then don't tell other people they are wrong for choosing something else.

UltraNova2175d ago

I see your point and it makes sense but something tells me we do not want to see MS exit the console game to see what how Sony reacts....

RauLeCreuset2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

Some people need to touch the stove to know it's hot. Others don't.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 2175d ago
darthv722176d ago

I too have not been very satisfied with "Microsoft's" offerings this gen but I have been satisfied with all the others who release games on it. I generally pick a platform to be my go to for exclusives and one for everything else. This gen I chose PS4 for exclusives and the xbo for everything else. In fact that is how I have done it since the 6th and 7th gen. PS2 / PS3 for exclusives and xbox / 360 for everything else.

It just works for me and I know i am not alone in that regard.

Nyxus2176d ago

Yeah in that case I can understand. But I chose the PS4 as the main platform both exclusives and multiplatform, because at the time both consoles released, the PS4 was the more powerful one of the two, so games generally ran better on it. Now that you have the midgen upgrades things have changed, but since I stuck with the base consoles that benefit isn't there for me. So I bought the XB1 for the exclusives.

WilliamSheridan2176d ago

I'm in the same boat Darth. I own Pro and an X, but my Xbox handles all 3rd party and exclusive titles, and my Pro is for the killer exclusives Sony has.

A lot of it for is controller preference, and the appreciation for Xbox Live

Kribwalker2176d ago

Im the same. OneX for all MS/3rd party
Ps4 for sony exclusives
Switch for nintendo exclusives

I get to Play them all 😉

jmetalhead778122176d ago

If I had more time for gaming, I’d own a PS along with Xbox. I’m ok with Halo and Gears every 3-4 years and Forza Horizon every other year. I’ve also enjoyed the other MS games that haven’t been exactly critically acclaimed. Then I fill in the rest of my time with 3rd party games. I think the PS exclusive lineup is incredible, but lack the time to take full advantage of it. PS gamers have been well taken care of for sure.

IamTylerDurden12175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

The people who brag about multiconsole ownership and act like they have no bias, c'mon. Everyone has a preference, everyone is biased to a certain extent. You play them all? Really? Is your gamerscore and PS level essentially equal? I would bet they aren't, at all.

If i played Xbox religiously for years, but didn't buy an XB1 because it didn't appeal to me, and you played PlayStation sparingly for years but did buy a PS4 does that make you make you more of a PS gamer than i am an Xbox gamer? Even if i garnered far more achievements than you did trophies? Just because you own it now makes you more legit? Even though i have put much more multiconsole time in over the years?

SixFragz2175d ago

but PS4 is the best console for multiplats and exclusives so...


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2175d ago
GamesMaster19822176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Agree 100% I mean I bought a X1 day one like PS4 because I wanted Dead Rising 3 that was only available at the time on X1, since then there have been a few great games like Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 and such , but Microsoft have really let this system down this gen unlike the 2 gen’s before . Anyone who disagrees must just be a blind fanboy , where is the great games like Alan Wake, Oddworld Munches odd, jade Empire , Fable etc . Truth being X1 is a big letdown sorry but true.

Hardiman2176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

It is a let down and you mentioning Jade Empire, Fable(I was so hyped for that game and got it day one in 04) and Alan Wake(the last M$ exclusive I loved and bought) brought back memories and games like Knights of the Old Republic I and II, Theif Deadly Shadows, Otogi I and II, Strangers Wrath were amazing exclusive games only on Xbox but now it's like a completely different landscape! For the life of me I don't understand how fans who were there for the OG Xbox and early to mid years of the 360 can be ok with this and defend M$ after what has happened to the brand!

Concertoine2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

Very true.

I think MS was toe to toe with the competition with the OG Xbox and the 360 in terms of quality output right up until 2011 when the games just evaporated.

They had a potentially decent line up but the forced co-op, windows ports, and GaaS stuff really slowed their output and led to games being outright cancelled.

Halo: MCC, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, and Gears 4 are the only really solid experiences I’ve had on the console after 3 years with it.

Kabaneri2176d ago

Yup I came back for the X and even then it just for some multiplats. Even with all that power I doubt they will make anything nearly as good as what Sony's been pumping out year after year now.

DarkVoyager2176d ago

“Why getting and Xbox One S has changed made me give up the console war.”

I’m quite the opposite. I tried an Xbox One X out but ended up returning it. I realized none of their games really interest me. I also didn’t really care for the controller and worst of all was the awful dashboard. I absolutely hated using that thing.

Anyhow in the end it’s about the games and PS4 has the best games.

CaptainOmega2176d ago

Yeah. I purchased a One S last Black Friday. Realized none of the games were that great, the controller still needed batteries, and the Dashboard was really bad.. I got lost trying to find things many times..

Returned the S in 2 months.

Bobafret2175d ago

I use my X1X nearly every day, but I get what you are saying about the features. Microsoft seems to be missing the point in that they offer numerous services and great hardware but put the breaks on with software. I mean, what in the actual f#%* are they thinking?

showtimefolks2175d ago

Sometimes it's not about money but time. When with family and work someone doesn't have a lot of time than they pick the one they know they will play

Fact of the matter is the beast features of current Xbox are that it plays older games and that can't be your main selling point

Sooner or later ms will have to deliver or be a distant 3rd to playstation and Nintendo. People look at success of Xbox 360 and assume it did well without looking at overall picture

It came to the market a full year before ps3

It had RROD which for a while MS didn't admit so many had to buy Xbox 360 more than once

Unlike Sony it went with easy to develop for theory

But we all saw once don't started delivering games things changed quick. To ms and to Xbox fans whether you like it or not games matter and games with high quality matter even more

Instead of defending ms maybe you should look around right now there are clearly 2 groups of gamers and publishers


Square Enix

Story driven or single player

CD project red

You can look at the list to see where you belong

And don't cry later when everyone just goes after the highest money maker and we are stuck with Gass moving forward

It's nothing to be proud of when broken unfinished games are supported better than fully polished high quality experiences

DerekTweed2174d ago

If your Xbox 360 got RROD Microsoft fixed it for free, with free shipping.

GravelerMagnitude92175d ago

The Nintendo Switch made me realize that power isn't everything, though i own a ps4 pro and pc. Each one of those platforms have something different to offer and I'm fortunate to own them

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2175d ago

From the article:

"I guess what I’m trying to say is that console wars are ridiculous. There is literally no point being a fanboy if you’re a gamer because each console offers its own merits."

Well there are some people who don't see a compelling reason to own an Xbox One console and that has nothing to do with being a fanboy. That has more to do with not being interested in the games the console has to offer.

DerekTweed2174d ago

You could also exchange "Xbox One" with "PS4" and that statement would still be just as true

BadElf2175d ago

I get ya. I use the One X for all Multi platform games, and I love Multiplayer type games. Then use the PS4 for their great selection of exclusives. Switch as well.
But yeah, I am disappointed with MS. Would love to play some MS IPs. Hoping E3 will change things

rainslacker2175d ago

I like having multiple consoles. But since getting an Xbox, I actually feel more jaded towards MS, because they've failed to live up to the optimism that they built earlier in the gen when Phil first took over. Despite doing some good things in that time, they have completely failed to live up to the most important promise of delivering games with diversity and quality.

CptDville2175d ago

Feel the same way as day one adopter. Bought now a One X just to use it a little bit more, still end up using my ps4 pro and switch more (I'm more like an exclusives guy)

3-4-52175d ago

PS4,XB1,Switch,3DS,PC.......E3 is going to be amazing for me.

IamTylerDurden12175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

I have played everything over the years, but just because i don't own an XB1 i have no credibility? I have put more time into Xbox over the years than many Diehard Xbox fans here on N4G. But MS started declining late last gen and the XB1 didn't appeal to me. I won't be forced to buy a $500 console just for Cuphead and Sunset. I enjoyed my OG and my 360s, and if Xbox starts turning in a direction that appeals to me i would surely purchase their next console. To own a console simply for the purpose of boasting, that's not going to happen. I have a huge background in Xbox, pm me and we'll talk games, but MS has turned me off and the games don't turn me on. With the overwhelming volume of quality games on the PlayStation ecosystem this gen i simply don't have time to resurrect my gamertag to play a bunch of games i'm lukewarm on. There are great PS4 and VR exclusives i haven't had time for, you think i have time for Sea of Thieves or SoD2 just so i can say "i own an XB1, i'm impartial"?

NeoGamer2322175d ago

Totally understandable.

But, to me the ultimate is just having one console and being able to play everything. When I buy a Blu-ray player I can play any Blu-ray, when I bought CDs I could play any CD. I choose Netflix and Spotify over Apple Music, etc.

For some reason a lot of consumers have grown up thinking that exclusion and brands are #1. To me the #1 vendor is the one that allows me to do more and doesn't exclude me from anything. Unfortunately there is no such offering on consoles. If there was I would throw away my many consoles and go to one.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2174d ago
UCForce2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

I did bought Xbox One for Halo 5 and Halo Master Chief Collection in 2015. But it did not worth it. I hate Halo 5 Campaign and how 343 treat Master Chief. I did enjoyed Halo Master Collection for campaign, but the MP was disasters at launch.

Edit : I know Master Chief Collection was launch in 2014. But it is still no excuse why they can’t fix it the MP in first place.

threefootwang2175d ago ShowReplies(2)
isarai2177d ago

Yeah having more than one system is awesome if you can afford it, but honestly out of all of them Xbox one is kinda the most pointless one to grab, ESPECIALLY if you got a decent gaming PC. I mean it just doesn't have many exclusives to start with compared to its competitors, and the ones that it does have like 90% of them are on PC. The only games that make me ponder getting an Xbox one at some point are Sunset Overdrive and Rare Replay.

AceRimmer3022176d ago

And couple days ago Sunset Overdrive was just leaked by rating board as coming to PC

porkChop2175d ago

I really hope that's legit.

FinalFantasyFanatic2175d ago

Oh shit yes! I've always wanted to play it, now we just need the master chief collection and the latest Halo game. I've got my fingers crossed now.

porkChop2175d ago

Yeah I've got a PS4, a Switch, and a high end PC. The only game I want that I can't play is Sunset Overdrive.

Kryptix2175d ago (Edited 2175d ago )

A lot of the Rare Replay games can be played through emulators even on a laptop or Android and even inject high-res textures and the other game I can think of other than Sunset Overdrive is Halo 5.

I also have a mid to high end PC, MSI RX 480 8GB & 1600x CPU, and the chances on getting an Xbox One has become 0, even for the X. Back before building it, I thought of it for Gears since me and my best friend played all the others, especially during high school we would at times skip school and spend that morning and afternoon executing locusts.

Now it's like meh, there literally is no point in it. Most of the Game Pass games I can easily own through Steam sales and not just rent them. Just pick whatever I want and bam, upscale to 4k 60+fps and have the ability to mod them.

PS4 and Nintendo Switch brings out this uniqueness. Whichever one of those you pick would be of more value than an Xbox One.

2176d ago
narsaku2176d ago

Same boat, ever since I got my Xbox a few months back I've been having WAY more fun.

Honestly I just don't like weeb/hallway movies so basically all of PS4's offerings for me are null. Bloodborne is my only masterpiece on that platform and basically the only reason I don't sell it.

But Xbox?.. Fk. Conkers Bad Fur Day Live and Reloaded 4k 60 fps... Chills to my booooone.

Oblivion? Check.
Morrowind? Check.
Mass Effect Trilogy? Check.
Fable Trilogy? Check.
Fallout 3? Check.
Fallout: New Vegas? Check.
Halo 1/2/3/4/ODST/Reach? Check.
Hitman Blood Money? Check.

Backwards compatibility on console has been my most favorite addition to consoles in generations.

Having a ball now. <3

GamesMaster19822176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

Now I know you are just a Microsoft fanboy you say all Sony games are borefests?. Probs because you might think too much talking and story and such, but then you list games that you like on your X1 that have probably the most diolouge in games like Fallout, Mass Effect ,Oblivion . You are the definition of a fan boy you fool. Hate Sony games because they are story based , but every game you listed you like on X are all story based too , you fool

Liqu1d2176d ago

You don't like "weeb" games but you have a "weeb" avatar? Okay. Would've been easier to say you hate Sony and new games.

doggo842176d ago (Edited 2176d ago )

"Honestly I just don't like weeb/hallway movies"

O look, you're Implying all PS4 exclusives are weeb games. Interesting considering the PS4 has way more higher rated AAA games than the xbox one, specifically one's in 90's. Since you went there: Sony has utterly trounced Microsoft these past two years in terms of exclusives. You won't find games as good as persona, gow, HZD nier automata, etc. On xbox. It's just night and day the quality of games offered.

To defend Microsoft at this point and say they have better games than the ps4 is seriously difficult to justify without looking delusional.

Seeing as you hate "movie games" you must hate Quantum break too, but let me guess... It's an exception. At this point the offering in quality and quantity on the PS4 is just plain and simply far better than what xbox one has in my opinion. I haven't touched my xbox one for almost a year now, which is very sad. Sony have just smacked it out the park and left all competition in their path. Yes, everything I have said can easily be backed up with solid numbers and facts too.

doggo842176d ago

Btw: it says a lot about a console's offering when the best thing about it is BC

Eiyuuou2176d ago

Saying you don't like "weeb" games whilst having a Naruto avatar and profile name makes you look like a troll.

Just saying.

bloop2175d ago

You should've saved yourself the cash on the X1 and just picked up a second hand 360 for peanuts with that list of games.

Stogz2175d ago

"Backwards compatibility on console has been my most favorite addition to consoles in generations. "
Either you're like 10 years old or haven't been paying any attention. Ps2 and ps3 had backwards compatibility and not the half assed way MS is doing it now where you get a couple games a month. Full backwards compatibility with all games.

Stogz2175d ago

@threefootwang oh look it's the angriest man on n4g! It's funny seeing your post above telling others to change their hobbies when I think it's you who needs a break.

Yes some of the backwards compatible games are getting slight upgrades, but can every 360 game be played on x1? Nope. Could every single ps1 game be played on ps2 immediately? Yep. Could every ps1 and ps2 game be played on ps3 immediately? Yup. And now I wait for you to move the goalposts.

FinalFantasyFanatic2175d ago


Have you never owned a ps2/3? If you have the disc you can play the game in better quality with no downlaods or updates and it works flawlessly for every game. That was the best form of BC.

gangsta_red2174d ago

Except Narsuku never said that PS2 or PS3 didn't have backwards compatibility. But since you have to defend Sony and PlayStation I can see why you got upset with him.

And it's funny how you're stressing MS's half ass attempt at BC while never even mentioning Sony's no ass attempt at it with PS4.

But hey PS2 and the early ps3's(before they removed it) had it right???

FinalFantasyFanatic2174d ago


You do realise ps3 BC on ps4 is almost impossible without great costs involved right? Blame the Cell processor.

Stogz2174d ago (Edited 2174d ago )

@gangsta_red as usual you speak before thinking, and as usual your reading comprehension is poor as well.
His specific words were
"Backwards compatibility on console has been my most favorite addition to consoles in generations. "
In generations! Can you really not understand that statement? I know you're always in a hurry to find people to talk down to. I know you're quick to attack Sony any chance you get then run quickly to pretending you're unbiased when no one believes you, but I never mentioned ps4. Yes ps4 doesn't have it, but older systems did. But hey, your precious piece of plastic does, so you can sleep well tonight.

gangsta_red2171d ago Show
Stogz2171d ago Show
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
XtaZ2175d ago

Nah Uncharted 4 is the only masterpiece on PS4. Bloodborne would have been a masterpiece if it wasn't for the awful framerate, long loading times and the horrible Chromatic Aberration filter that make the entire game look like shit and cause severe eye strain.

trooper_2175d ago

Nice hypocritical speech you have there.

Realms2175d ago

@ narsaku

In other words you like buggy games got it, half your list is buggy ass Bethesda games. LOL

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
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