
Ark: Survival Evolved Dev Answers Your Questions About Cross-Play, Switch, And More

One of the lead developers on Ark answers your burning questions.

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Community2473d ago
Kribwalker2474d ago

""We have said it before and we'll say it again--we want everyone to play together! While there are no issues with Steam, the main hurdle is Sony's policy against PS4 cross-network play with Xbox. We just don't have the time or resources to make multiple versions of the PC game and servers that support cross play with only one console platform (and it's confusing for end users). When the day comes that Xbox Live and PSN players are allowed to play together, we'll be first in line to support it.""

Good Guy Sony moving the industry forward once again smh...

Nyxus2473d ago

What do you mean 'once again'? At least they're investing in studios and new IPs.

zerocarnage2473d ago

@Nyxus why do you have to try and deviate what the problem is here.

God forbid Sony get any flack for anything they may do wrong in this industry, that's just utter bullcrap, if ms and Nintendo can take heat as they have as of late Sony are certainly going to be accountable for there actions also.

Sony are in that mind frame now, they have the crown so why do anything anybody says or asks of them, it's all good that but eventually when you keep ignoring your followers eventually your followers stop following.

It's all good some Sony followers on here saying they support Sony's decision to stay away from cross play but they do not speak for the other God knows millions that would welcome cross play as a feature and service.

Most of the ones who keep trying to downplay cross play feature do so either because they hate ms, are sour with ms or fanboy pride has gotten in the way of them actually using there brains to a degree they can't see the beneficial possibilities that cross play can bring.

I've said it before, I'll say it again I couldn't care who's in charge and who's at the table having a say to the person in charge so long as an agreement can be made to allow this between all platforms.

Elwenil2473d ago

What a load of shit. ARK is such a poorly optimized mess, it can barely run on one system, so I seriously doubt these worthless hacks could ever get crossplay on multiple systems all work together properly. If I want commentary on various topics in gaming, I'll take them from a competent developer, not a 3rd rate hack that sells an alpha at full price.

zerocarnage2473d ago

Good on you Sony for behaving like the child in the room and holding something back that a lot of developers are now either wanting or working on.

As time goes on the amount of developers will only increase who support cross play, in the end Sony won't be able to ignore it and will cave in.

I think Sony were actually thinking that when they tried to get cross play moving and no one got behind them at the time that this time it was announced that it was just going to blow over like before. It's obvious that cross play is a feature that isn't going away as it did before and as gaming as a whole gets better so to will cross play and the things that cross play can bring with it.

Goldby2473d ago

ever think that sony may be waiting for the next gen to allow that, when every company is on an even playing field.

Remember sony brought this up to MS last gen, Ms on top, they said no.
no sony is on top, and they are saying no. it is no real benifit for them to allow it currently as it will just take away from potential sales.

at the beginning of a gneration though, when everyone is on even playing fields, we will see if either or both parties are still up for it

darksky2473d ago (Edited 2473d ago )

All the devs have to do is allow crossplay between PC and Xbox and leave Sony to it's own policy. If more people move to Xbox then Sony will have to support it or be left behind.

zerocarnage2473d ago (Edited 2473d ago )

For those that think oh I'm only doing this to have a pop at Sony, no that's actually not true. I applaud many things Sony does as a whole and just like I see every other dev out there gaming wouldn't be what it was today as a whole if it was not for the likes of Sony, ms and Nintendo as much as Atari and Sega and all the pc computer developers as well as games devs themselves. That is why I can not figure Sony's stance out on this what so ever, it doesn't matter what anyone says it just doesn't make any sense to at least not give it ago and see how it goes which we all know the answer if they did, they would remain with cross play.

Also people who seem to be blindlessly siding with Sony come out with the fact that up until ms announced cross play this time that no one was interested, yet again that isn't true and I'm glad you can see into people's minds.

I can say from my view when I first entertained the idea of a unified connected set of platforms and I can tell you it was before the ps2 and original Xbox. In fact the idea came around to me while I had my first online console which was the Sega dream cast. However it was just that an idea of being able to play alongside other future consoles or future console would be connected in the future, an idea but a simple one, not to what I think about a bunch of connected platforms to this day and what it could bring. Then I got my ps2, yeh know with the network disc and box you would put on the back, yes to this day I still have them as a memory on how much I would have to port forward games and place the console in a DMZ. Anyway once I was broadbanding away on games like monster Hunter, killzone and star wars battlefront for ps2, the idea of connecting more with a console which was with the original Xbox hit not just me but my friends as well, sure we didn't call it cross play as cross play as a name didn't exist then, we simply reffered to it as just connecting to another console and thinking how awesome that would be. No doubt back then if cross play had of made it, it would of been so simple as just connecting console together but in today's gaming world so much support can be given to make cross play a truly fantastic service, I have thought about it in great detail and seen the possibilitys with cross play.

So you see that is where my first thoughts of cross play came about, and I'm sure there have been many who have also pondered it the same way I have or a little more.

Gamers as a whole, not fanboys and not haters, real gamers who respect the industry truly know what good can come from cross play, know that Sony are making a mistake on this one and there are a lot out there that actually thought about it as a service before PlayStation 2 came along.

Most who want the service do so because we want to see the service evolve. The idea that gamers will benefit from it as a whole will do so and enjoy the fact it only enables us to connect more freely to others and opens up the gaming world and connectivity even more, not because it is a pop at Sony but because it's all about the world of being online together with as many people as possible and being unrestricted to what we are aloud to do when playing our beloved games.

quent2473d ago

Why can't we just have steam on both consoles as a neutral 3rd party app with crossplay support for certain games ?

ONESHOTV22473d ago

funny why don't we have PSN on PC wouldn't that be a better ? since we already have MS

quent2472d ago

Wasn't joking, I also don't prefer to pay to play my games online, you go ahead though


Pax Dei Early Access Q&A - Mainframe Talks Improvements from the Alpha, Monetization and Much More

The MMORPG Pax Dei will enter early access in two weeks. Here's a new interview with the developers discussing the game's current state.

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XDefiant dev confirms release date for upcoming sniper nerf patch

Following a wave of community complaints, XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin has confirmed when players can expect the sniper nerf patch to arrive.

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Community1d 11h ago

"We are the competitors of GTA 6, Forza, The Crew," says TDU: Solar Crown

Amaar writes: "Our recent interview with TDU: Solar Crown's game director reveals their ambitions to compete with titans in the gaming industry."

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Christopher1d 12h ago
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Community1d 12h ago
anast1d 10h ago

So far, it doesn't look like it.

dumahim1d 6h ago

I dunno. Might actually be better than Forza Motorsport 2023 was at launch.

DivineHand1251d 3h ago

You played Forza Motorsport?

dumahim1d 1h ago


Yes. All of the ones on Xbox since the beginning. I even have the original Best Buy demo copy and FM2 limited edition that they didn't even sell in the US.

BeHunted17h ago

Did you actually read the article? They're talking about open world games like Forza Horizon, The Crew, etc. Not circuit racers; otherwise, they'd mention Gran Turismo.

MrBaskerville12h ago

Unpopular opinion it seems. But yeah, Forza Motorsport was the worst game in the series since Forza Motorsport 5. Huge letdown. Did they ever rework it? absolutely hated the campaign progression and the rpg systems relating to upgrading cars. Ended up just going back to 6 and 7 instead, those two also had a LOT more stages.

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Jingsing1d 9h ago

Only a competitor if your game works fully offline and isn't some service.

DigitallyAfflicted1d 8h ago

it sounds like this game is stuck in last generation.

Skuletor1d 8h ago

Personally, I wouldn't want my game compared with The Crew at all, I certainly wouldn't be the one making the comparison either.

ElaBosak20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

How so? It's a very successful and popular racing franchise. Any game entering the genre is competing with racing games including The Crew.

Skuletor19h ago

It wasn't very long ago Ubisoft shutdown the original The Crew's servers, making every copy unplayable. I wouldn't want to be associated with that controversy.

ElaBosak2h ago

Yeah, they shut it down because the community has moved on other entries. And there's no controversy outside of your tiny social bubbles.

gold_drake1d 6h ago

yeeaaa thats a no for me ha

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