
Gaming Trend: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Preview

GT writes: "With the completion of the Spider-Man movie trilogy, you might think that Activision would be out of games to produce based on the property. Since Spider-Man is a comic book property with decades of history, Activision is able to take that back story and create new games in the Spider-Man universe without the release of a movie tie-in. Treyarch has been assigned to the task of the next Spider-Man game and they are bringing that to us in Web of Shadows.

In Web of Shadows, the city so nice they named it twice is being attacked by the symbiote population. At first the city seems normal, but Spidey has noticed the crime rate has gone up. With the help of a few friends, and a couple of enemies, Spider-Man discovers that symbiotes have disguised themselves as thugs. Eventually they take over the city and Spider-Man will need every trick up his sleeve to defeat the symbiote presence and restore New York back to normal."

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TheTimeDoctor5731d ago

this game is coming out at the wrong time. i'm not saying its good or bad but it doesn't stand a chance.


This 2008 emo ‘masterpiece’ makes Spider-Man 2 totally redundant

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a hotly anticipated game, and one that I'm desperate to play, but why wait when you can play Spider-Man Web of Shadows right now?

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Nitrowolf2313d ago

What's up with all the hate for the Sequel lately.

BehindTheRows312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

Typical with Sony sequels. Pay it no mind - the game will release to great reviews, break records, and articles like these will prove their irrelevance once more.

z2g312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

just more of the same for me honestly. it doesn't even look that different than the last game or version. like they upgraded some textures etc, made some new story points and swapped out the characters, but it pretty much just feels like the same game. also - personally speaking, I'm pretty sick of Spiderman, and I definitely have superhero burnout.

thats honestly why im looking forward to starfield so much. not because its an xbox game or whatever reason the internet will tell you is the only reason, its actually because it is just something new. its not superheroes, its not marvel, its not medieval magic stuff, its just straight up space sci-fi proper RPG and that just feels so refreshing imo. There are certainly other ps5 games that I am looking forward to more than SM2. Not hating tho.

ApocalypseShadow312d ago

Yeah. It's because it's an Xbox game. You play this same game about other Sony games or VR. No one is fooled.

Star Field looks no different than what people are doing in No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen. Play those and you'll have basically played Star Field.

Many sequels are going to play similar to the first game. Super hero games are about being super. That's the point. To be that hero kicking some ass.

Extermin8or3_312d ago

We had 2 spiderman games in like the last decade that were worth playing and you are burned out in spiderman? Wtf. Yeah what a load of bullshit.

KyRo311d ago (Edited 311d ago )

I agree with the first part about superhero burnout as great as Spiderman looks but that is happening in and outside of gaming but how can you say you're not looking forward to Spiderman but then in the next paragraph praise Starfield when everything they've shown so far looks like yet another Bethesda 6 or 7 out of 10 game which the media will praise to high heaven, award GOTY, whilst scrutinizing other games for the same problems all Bethesda games have. Baffling

Hypertension140311d ago


You must hate every sequel ever made then.
Its crazy to me that this is what it has come down to, it's just shows how amazing playstation exclusives are if thats the best excuse you got.

All of the complaints I've heard from fanboys are also an issue in other games, but it's bad if Sonys games do it? Are Sonys games more special than others according to you guys?

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chicken_in_the_corn312d ago

Hating on new games is what gamers do.

ThichQuangDuck313d ago

web of shadows had more unique fun ideas for it to me. spider man 1 and 2 wiil surely be cool though

312d ago
Inverno312d ago

Ultimate is overall better. Web of Shadows had an interesting idea, but the mission structure in the first half made no sense.

Vengeance1138312d ago

No Man's Sky existing makes Starfield totally redundant.

GotGame818311d ago

No Man's Sky didn't have the story Starfield will. It also didn't have the combat both on the ground and in space Starfield does. I am cautiously optimistic about Starfield.

You spewing hate for a game that hasn't released yet, and is being released by one of the best gaming developers out there is funny. It has the potential to be fantastic.

IRetrouk311d ago

Nms had a story at launch, ground combat and ship combat at launch too...

Not saying starfield is gonna be crap, cause I don't believe it will be, but its certainly not doing anything we haven't already seen in other games.

Hypertension140311d ago


"One of the best developers" funny most people used to hate them and would've made fun of you for making that comment, but suddenly many people act like that always loved them now why is that?
Is it because your favorite company buys them and all is forgiven? I'm seeing the same with Activision, I cant f**king stand fake people like this.

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Every Spider-Man Game EVER Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Marvel's Spider-Man games have spanned decades. We've ranked every game from worst to best across consoles, handhelds, PCs, and mobile."

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darthv72714d ago

2600 Spider-man was the first I ever played. So many memories of that and Superman game. I didn't play another SM game until the Sega CD Spider-man vs the Kingpin

Yui_Suzumiya712d ago

I guess 6 people don't believe you, lol

ClayRules2012714d ago

Spider-Man 2018 (Insomniac’s game) is the absolute worst…I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The absolute BEST Spider-Man games to date!

1. Spider-Man: Miles Morales “ “Insomniac”
2. Marvels Spider-Man 2018 “Insomniac”
3. Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions.
4 Spider-Man 2.
5 Spider-Man (I forget the name) but I played it when I was about 10 or so, back in school. I thought it was the coolest game (which was a side scroller) and believe it or not, I felt like I was playing Spider-Man lol. If only I knew what the future would hold for technology, the talent of artists in these studios in the future, my eyes and brain would melt outta my head haha.

Seraphim713d ago

Ultimate Spiderman is definitely #3 on my list and a gem of the PS2/XB/GC era imo.

I can see an argument to flip 1 and 2 but I think the improvements Insomniac made to Miles Morales does technically put it a step above the original. Because it was Miles it was something refreshingly different too.

ClayRules2012713d ago

Nice! I’m glad you enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man. I forgot about that one. That was a good one!

Yeah, I can see that argument to clip 1 and 2 as well but the improvements added in Miles Morales for me definitely put it above the original, which is why I put it as my #1. I absolutely love both tho!

ZeekQuattro714d ago

The first one I played was on the Game Gear called Spider-man vs the Kingpin. Definitely one of the worst Spider-Man games but I loved it as a kid. My favorite Spider-Man games include Spider-Man PS1/64, Maximum Carnage, Web Of Shadows, Shattered Dimensions, ASM 1 and the two Sony recent Sony exclusive ones. Edge of Time and ASM 2 get honorable mentions because though I did enjoy them both felt like step back from the previous titles.

gunnerforlife714d ago

Still hold amazing memories of spiderman 2! What a game!

SavageFlamingo714d ago

They absolutely nailed the physics in that game. No game has ever come close.

Silly gameAr714d ago (Edited 714d ago )

Spider-Man The Movie, the game will probably be my favorite SP game ever, with the nostalgia goggles on. I doubt it would hold up at all today. Shattered Dimensions was great too.

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Top 5 Female Villains in Video Games

Asura Kagawa from NoobFeed writes - They are insidious, cruel, and dreaming of wreaking havoc around. Behind their stunning appearance lie dangerous villains that dream of enslaving the world. Protagonists are forced to overcome incredible obstacles in order to unravel the sinister intention of these girls. Sometimes they act alone, but in most cases, entire armies are behind them. These top five female villains in video games are proving a brute force is not always a pledge to world domination.

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