
E3 2017 – The overview and the angry mob

"Now you've had a week to let the dust from E3 2017 settle, and I've had a week's time to eat up reactions to E3 from all over the world. So let's talk about reactions shall we? So here's my take on E3 2017 Vs the angry mob" - Lee West, TGG

Littil_Devil2541d ago

Gamers are a tough crowd to please :P

TGG_overlord2541d ago

Well, we pay a lot of money for our gear and software. So I think that we got the right to be a "little" tougher than the rest ;)

TGG_overlord2541d ago

For most part, yes. However, I think that we all can agree that EA and Bethesda's event sucked pretty darn hard.

Littil_Devil2541d ago

I kind of get where his coming from, but E3 2017 wasn't exactly an "awesome" experience either (Nintendo and Ubisoft pretty much saved these years E3 from being a total disaster of a show).

TGG_overlord2541d ago

True, and I think that you could toss in Devolver Digital and MS into that mix as well.

The 10th Rider2541d ago

I think E3 as a whole was pretty good, it just lacked any huge surprises outside of Metroid Prime 4's confirmation. (However even Prime 4's announcement was underscored by the fact that it was just a title and a confirmation that it's in development.) Ubisoft has a history of some of the clingiest E3 shows, so there's was pleasantly surprising this year. On the flipside EA failed to impress by playing it about as safe as could possibly be imagined. Other than that everyone did about as well as expected.

You're spot on with the criticism you have of Beyond Good and Evil 2. You sound a bit more enthusiastic about the game than I do, but saying that it felt like they were trying to force the games maturity is a great criticism. In trying to make the game appear more gritty and mature they actually made it feel a heck of a lot more juvenile.

TGG_overlord2541d ago

The "Beyond good and Evil 2" part actually made me wonder if someone had messed around with Ubisoft's E3 trailer. As I never in a million years thought that I would ever get to hear so much swearing in that game.

Simon_the_sorcerer2541d ago

I still don't get why Ubisoft had to turn Beyond good and Evil 2 into a GTA-like game with a lot of F words. Imo, the whole thing felt so over the top and over done. As for the two new Metroid games, I couldn't be happier.

TGG_overlord2541d ago

I think that's what most of the Beyond good and Evil fans thought as well. So I truly hope that the whole game won't consist of a lot of swearing and pop culture crap.

Poli_Games2541d ago

This year everyone played it relatively safe.

Simon_the_sorcerer2541d ago

Which games and events did you like the most?

TGG_overlord2541d ago

So much so that a lot of the events were pretty boring to watch...

The 10th Rider2541d ago

I think most stayed pretty far away from being boring. Nintendo's was so quick. Ubisoft brought a lot of surprises. Microsoft and Sony largely just put out trailer after trailer. It was pretty much EA and Bethesda that were boring. The others were all interesting enough.


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