
Mafia III review: how can a super stylish 1960s shooter be this boring? - Guardian

Excellent script, great voice acting and convincing animations bring the game to life – but they can’t redeem the terminal repetitiveness of the gameplay.

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Community2793d ago
bluefox7552793d ago

So many low-mediocre reviews. From everything I hear, the story, characters, and music are good, but everything else kinda sucks. Explains why they didn't send out early review copies I guess.

warriorcase2793d ago

Seeing on metacritic and the other reviews alot of them are low but there are alot are still high. Playing the game myself about 30 hours in and loving it but I can see where people are coming from. I think this is really one of those titles we see every now and then where it really is spli, it will either grip you in or you will not like it at all kind of deal. Gotta say I really do like the shootouts in this though

nucky642793d ago

I love it. I'm about 25+ hours in.
adding to what you posted: it's why reviews really don't matter - if I'd listened to these reviews, I'd have missed out on a game I enjoy playing.

x_BlackRose2793d ago

Most reviews are scum nowadays, the new way to form an opinion on whether or not to buy a game is to just watch gameplay videos and see for yourself if you would like it.

G20WLY2793d ago

Videos don't tell you everything though, which is why I prefer SharePlay. You can get a proper feel for a game using that and make a more informed decision on whether or not to buy. Reviews are all but redundant to me now.

showtimefolks2793d ago (Edited 2793d ago )


So they are scub bags because they are calli a average game average? So no blam to 2k as a publisher or hanger 13 as a developer?

So much wasted potential with mafia 3

The great things are great and polished and the bad things are way bad

I guess every review so far as been wrong for calling out the game unfinished

You know it's amazing ho every reviewer has mention the same exact pros and cons so you know something is there


story is great in mafia 3(but so was the case with mafia 2)

mafia 2's open world didn't have much to do
mafia 3's open world has same repetitive side missions over and over again

mafia 2 story was about 12 hours
mafia 3's story is 30 plus hours but only 12-15 are good main story missions but you are required to do many repetitive missions to get to the good missions

driving was okay in mafia 2 and is okay in mafia 3(mafia 2 went for realism and mafia 3 arcady feel)

music is amazing in mafia 3

gameplay isn't improved it's on par with mafia 2(atleast with mafia 2 gameplay worked but in mafia 3 gameplay is broken via many glitches)

better i don't think so

i rather take 10-12 hours of very good story over 30 hours of story which is filled with grindfest missions

overall mafia 3 will be around 65-70/100 when all the reviews are in

so this 3 out of 5 is just about right

one thing i will say is with patches mafia 3 can become an excellent game

yezz2793d ago (Edited 2793d ago )

2/5 average? I have no problem when reviewers bring out flaws and this game does indeed have them but all these 3/10 etc. scores are simply ridiculous.

Mafia 3 has a lot better gunplay and driving compared to mafia 2, nice story, great cutscenes, really good soundtrack etc. Despite all the flaws, the game still has so many good things going on that it's 6/10 at worst.

2793d ago
2pacalypsenow2793d ago

Show me one open world game that is not repetitive?

Nitrowolf22793d ago (Edited 2793d ago )

Of course all open world, and in fact basically all games are reptitive. It varies by how much though.

Mafia 3 after the first hour is just mission after mission after mission of the same exact ones just for the sake of getting to a story mission

I named a few in other articles, witcher series in general offers side missions in a large quantity that are vastly different or if not have their own storit's to go along with them.

Grand Theft Auto 5 pad a good amount of side missions that were different too.

This follows the Assassin's Creed template where the main story missions are different but every other little missions are all just repeats of themselves

It's a shame too because the story is very enjoyable but I can't seem to bring myself to complete it because everything else in between gets so boring. And let's not get into some of the technical issues

Lionsguard2793d ago

Of course every open world game will become repetitive sooner or later but the question is "just how much is there to do before it becomes repetitive?". GTA5 for example, had a lot to do. You could do side missions and a ton of other things before you could do the main missions and still be fun. Skyrim today, I have never fiished the game because I love just going off to explore. Red Dead Redemption had a lot of variety when it came to random encounters and of course eventually you'll see them all but you want to explore and experience it.

With that said, I haven't played Mafia 3 but I did play Mafia 2 and Mafia 2 had ZERO variety and a lifeless world. Exploration in that game was completely unnecessary, it added nothing to the world and the story. It didn't make you feel like anything you did mattered.

Another great example of a linear game that masqueraded as an "open world game" with BORING repetitiveness, Assassin's Creed 1. That was another game in which exploration was completely pointless and exploration would have been the one thing that should have been fun. The missions consisted of the exact same 3-4 things Altair could do, eavesdrop, blend in, pick pocket, etc. AC2 solved that and beyond, AC 2 was amazing, they learned their lesson so I guess the devs of Mafia 2 didn't learn their lesson for Mafia 3.

OoglyBoogly2793d ago

Mafia 2 was a wasted world...just like it was with LA Noire. Which is a shame too because Mafia 2 was and still is a gorgeous game. Just wish there was more to do on average. Outside the missions though, yeah, there was nothing.

Lionsguard2793d ago

Yeap, I agree. I loved both the setting and the artistic choice of Mafia 2 and L.A. Noire but those worlds were DEAD.

[targeted towards anon downvoters]
It's sad that people want to disagree but won't offer a rebuttal. How do you people do it? Are you that deep in denial? It's folks like you as to why games can't get BETTER, because you choose to stick to mediocrity. Mafia 3 SHOULD have been fantastic, if the devs had just learned from their mistakes. But nope, let's just give the people bread crumbs and let them pretend it's a whole loaf, it's sad really.

sactownlawyer9162793d ago

I know I'm gonna get downvoted but I am also enjoying the game as well.

2793d ago
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Mafia 3 Deserves A Little More Respect

More people should be making a trip to this bayou.

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Community690d ago
cbuc1125691d ago

Agreed....game was fantastic. Especially as a person of color, I enjoyed the side missions.

690d ago
Kakashi Hatake690d ago

I'm Black myself, which is different from Lincoln who is bi racial. (It's trendy to ignore that mixed people are half White for some reason) What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this? Imagine if people playing God of War were like "Gee, I'm enjoying playing as a White person right now". If we want others to relate to things other than skin color, we have to start setting an example as "People of Color" (That term is so stupid btw)

InklingGirl689d ago

I wonder if this comment will get removed like mine? It shouldn't but I'm just curious.

LucasRuinedChildhood689d ago (Edited 689d ago )

"What would color have to do with enjoying a game like this?"

Skin colour matters a lot in the story and setting of Mafia 3. It even affects the gameplay.

The comparison to God Of War doesn't make sense.

I'm Irish (as in, a person born in Ireland), and I'd probably enjoy a game where you can fight in the Irish War of Independence ... a bit more than the average Brit. lol. Who cares? If a British person "Imagine if ...", I'd just laugh.

LucasRuinedChildhood689d ago (Edited 689d ago )

*said "Imagine if ..."

Also, it is cool when you play an Irish character in a game who doesn't put on a leprechaun accent like Tom Cruise did. "Shannon! Tell me you like my hat!" https://youtu.be/eKrEVWGTuR...

Terry_B690d ago

nah..its mediocre and repetitive.

Demetrius690d ago (Edited 690d ago )

I played it once and it was very frustrating compared to mafia 2 I like to enjoy games not get raged all up 😂😂

XbladeTeddy689d ago

It was repetitive and boring. Not a good game at all.

Yi-Long690d ago

The game looked interesting, and from the trailers it seemed it had a great soundtrack, but the buggy release (AI) and disappointing reviews made me pass on it. No idea if they ever fixed its shortcomings post-launch.

XbladeTeddy689d ago

They could only polish a turd so much. Wasn't good at release and isn't good now.

MadLad690d ago

Weakest game in the series.

AuraAbjure689d ago

People said that about Wolfenstein:Youngblood. I played youngblood and it is a masterpiece and so awesome and entertaining and badass, with ray tracing too. Is Mafia 3 a great game on its own merit? I understand compared to the other Mafias, you feel it's weak.

MadLad687d ago

I respectfully disagree.

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GTA V, Mafia, and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods are dead – and Take 2 Interactive killed them

From VG247: "If you’ve been enjoying either Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V, or Mafia: The Definitive Edition in VR thanks to some handy fan-made mods, we’ve got some bad news. Thanks to a DMCA claim by Take Two Interactive - the parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K - has led development on the most popular VR mods to grind to a halt.

This news comes via Luke Ross - the sole creator of a variety of VR mods for the aforementioned games - who released a lengthy post to his supporters. In it, he claims to have received a DMCA request from Take Two Interactive for his projects and that the company requested that he “remove all their copyrighted works from [his] Patreon page”. This was confirmed by Kotaku who reached out to Patreon directly."

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Community693d ago
Orbilator692d ago

Get the mods on a torrent site and tell the world were they are.

Duke19692d ago

I mean, if he was modding a game that someone else built, and charging for it on patreon - this seems pretty cut and dry for a DMCA.

If he was not profiting from it in any way though, would be nice to let companies let this shit slide more often


Top 10 Mafia 3 Characters

KeenGamer: "Mafia 3 has a huge cast of characters - good, bad, and both - but these 10 characters were the ones who stood out the most. With Mafia 3 set in the 1960's, these characters are influenced by the ever-changing times and the people surrounding them."

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