
Super Trump Wall - Play as Donald Trump and build the wall today!

I (Robin Ek, TGG) don´t normally bring up politics on our site, but just the other day I found out about Scape-IT´s 8-bit arcade game "Super Trump Wall". And it´s really fun!

gangsta_red2836d ago

I've always loved when people say build the wall...especially when most of these illegal aliens come through underground tunnels.

starchild2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

I believe all countries have the right to have and enforce an immigration policy, but I think a physical wall is a stupid idea. It's wholly unnecessary. If you simply enforce the laws you already have the vast majority of people will not come illegally. If you can't legally work, can't drive and can't own or rent a home why would you stay illegally in a country?

If you take away the incentives you won't need to build a wall. And if you build a wall but keep the incentives the wall won't stop people from immigrating illegally.

TGG_overlord2836d ago

I´m not a pro on US laws, but they´ve got tons of problems over there. And something needs to be done for sure.

TGG_overlord2836d ago

Well, they could always add some water to the mix then? (moat)

iceman062836d ago

Not to mention that it's fiscally impractical and almost physically impossible to do so. As you said, wall doesn't keep them from coming. They'll just find a way to get around it. Illegals are a secret (not really) source of cheap, expendable, exploitable work for several parts of the economy. (mostly service and agriculture) Whether the country wants them or not, those economies love them. The economy, in general, loves them because they put a lot of their money back into it.
Personally, I don't begrudge efforts to control immigration. That being said, I'm not going to demonize them as a group either.

alfcrippinjr2836d ago

easy way to stop them from building tunnels is to put sensor explosives down there
that will stop them
or better still make a big hole all around the border area

TGG_overlord2836d ago

That should do the trick for sure :P

AnotherProGamer2836d ago

Or build a large wall UNDERGROUND

thejigisup2836d ago

Let's build the wall and while we're at it let's put in a minefield. Then make a video game about it