
Far Cry Primal's unique language was created by historical linguists

In order to tame the beasts in Far Cry Primal, you’re going to need to communicate with them. And what better way to do that then with a historically accurate native tongue, created by historical linguists, that promises to correlate with what early man might’ve been saying at this evolutionary stage.

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spicelicka3059d ago

That's pretty neat! Their portrayal of culture is always really cool.

BLAKHOODe3059d ago

How could anyone possibly know or even study how people would have spoke 7000 years ago? Even if you based it on the environment at the time - if that would even come into play, you would still not know the words they used and for what they were used for. It's not like there are any actual recordings in existence of these people speaking, unless someone invented a time machine without us knowing about it.

TheCommentator3059d ago

You would have know how human language has evolved from it's first known spoken origins up into modern times. That's why Far Cry is using historical linguists. From there, you would have to regress into an even more simplified version of human speech by using known characteristics of the evolution of language as a model for that change. These people don't actually know, but can make very educated guesses that will sound like a real language as a result.

Linguists like this are also responsible for writing fictional languages in many Sci Fi and Fantasy films as well.

3059d ago Replies(1)
TheCommentator3059d ago (Edited 3059d ago )

I'm glad to see that they are putting a lot of effort into making this game something besides a Shangri-La ripoff from Far Cry 4.

BLAKHOODe3058d ago

Still looks like a bargain bin game to me. The 'Far Cry' name might help, but I'll be amazed if it sells well.

TheCommentator3058d ago

After finding out about multiplayer and coop, I tend to agree.


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VivaChe773d ago

These are ok and all, but the real jackpot is the AC Antiquity Pack - AC Origins + Odyssey for under $25.00. Now that's a deal.


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Chronological Order of All Far Cry Games

From Xfire: "The Far Cry franchise is one of the most well-known names when it comes to video games, thanks to its exotic settings and lunatic (yet lovable) villains. The chronology of the main series is pretty straight forward, they're set in the year they were released in. While there isn't a lot of confusion surrounding the timeline of Far Cry 1-6, the stand-alone expansions and spin-offs make the chronology iffy."

iplay1up21182d ago

Playing Far Cry 4 on my Series X. It was on my backlog of games played, but never beat. The gameplay is so much better at 60fps. I am liking the fact some games I own and like are getting a free boost. It gives me a reason to go back and play them more.

DaleCooper1181d ago

Trying this tonight. 60fps Far Cry sounds great! (I don't have a gaming PC, so this is the only way I'm going to get 60fps with this game.)