
Have Horror Games Lost Their Touch?

Horror games seems to be lacking that umph! that it use to have back when I was a child. I remember when playing a horror game actually meant something where it leaves you with a lasting impression of being frightened, scared, horrified of what lies ahead of you, but we just don't get that anymore in today's gaming industry and it sucks.

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KiwiViper853334d ago

Your first sentence sums it up perfectly. "when I was a child"

You've become desensitized to horror. We all have.

TFJWM3334d ago

Let me play Until Dawn, then I'll have a better response to this article.

Thou P.T. was one of the most horrifying "games" I've played

Pozzle3327d ago

Not only that, but nostalgia does tend to warp peoples' memories a bit. The 90s and early 2000s had some great horror series like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Alone in the Dark, Clocktower, etc.....but there was a lot of crap too like Darkseed 2, D, Illbleed, Deep Fear, The Ring: Terror's Realm, and Night Trap (the latter was a fine example of the countless awful FMV horror games that came out back then).

People tend to forget that times haven't changed much. Even during the "golden era" of horror games, there were still a lot of crappy horrors being released.

Shazz3334d ago (Edited 3334d ago )

maybe we got spoiled back in the 90s with likes of resident evil, silent hills etc. i personally loved dead space 1 and 2 and evil within, oh and shoutout for original condemned also

SuperbVillain3334d ago

yes they have lost their touch...dead space was cool,but there hasnt been a real significant horror game in a while. PT looked like it was going to be the one,but then,well,konami

Officialxandr3334d ago

Definitely making a comeback. Ps4 is killing it with horror.

DLConspiracy3334d ago

Imagination is a huge catalyst to fear. Our imaginations can concoct all sorts of horrors. Perhaps some of the fear is lost when we can rationalize our way out of a situation or know exactly what we are dealing with. I notice when games/movies reveal the creatures or monsters out so blatantly (like in the open or in the light) it's less scary. If they mask it and leave it in the shadows where your imagination can run wild it's much more scary.

I'm an avid horror fan. I feel that immersion and atmosphere are key to scaring someone. The music or score can creep into you as well to work with them. Jump scares are quick and cheap. While setting a mood or a pace invests the viewer/gamer into chaos and mystery. It immerses you into the horror. A lot of games/movies don't get that part right and instead just throw everything out at you for fear of people losing interest. Which doesn't creep into your imagination or sit in you long after the game or movie is done.

It takes a lot of talent to weave those things in. That's why to me some of the scariest movies/games don't reveal why it's happening at all. Plot sometimes ruins the mystery left to our imaginations.

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Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.


Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer80d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook779d ago (Edited 79d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne82d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.