
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - PC System Requirements Will Make You Dizzy

And here comes a new challenger for most demanding title of 2014. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor’s Steam page has gone live, revealing the PC system requirements for this new action RPG LOTR title.

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Wingsfan243710d ago

Don't know if that's official or not, but recommended 4.0 GHz is nuts.

US8F3710d ago

The has unoptimizeation written all over it

Sethry1013710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Very similar to the Watch dog required specs. Its more a case of badly optimized games then of being the best quality.

BlackWolf123710d ago

This is just the typical approach towards PC games.


UltraNova3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Yes definitely unoptimised. Since when are recommended specs in the high end of the spectrum?

With those specs you can run Crysis 3 at high (1080p)with almost all bells and whistles on at 45 FPS at least!

Gamer19823709d ago

Seems this may become a trend as if you port direct from Ps4 to PC without much optimization it will take a few months but specs will be silly like this. PC to PS4 would take long but PC would need less demanding hardware. Just glad I got a PC upgrade before PS4/Xbone launched so i'm all set with my haswell top end gaming machine and ps4 combo :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3709d ago
RedDeadLB3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

That's the FX8350's stock clock. And it's on par with recommended specs for other games. Watch Dogs has the same spec recommendation.

It's really just a console port, and because both consoles have 8 cores that's where the recommendation comes from. Still, optimization will definitely be better than what we had with the PS3 and 360. The PS4 and Xbone are basically PCs.

Chill. Even if CPU requirements are that ridiculously high, DX12 is coming. That should fix it.

I'm worried more with the HD7970 being recommended. That's crazy, only a handful of GPUs are better than the 7970.

Lon3wolf3710d ago

Yeah I agree that's an expensive card for sure. I am using 7870's in X-Fire fingers crossed they will stay good for a while at least. Looks like a CPU upgrade is not far off as well (I use the 8350) if this keeps up.

RedDeadLB3710d ago


Well, it's not like there's a CPU out there for you to upgrade to. Not yet at least. Even people with i5 CPUs are perfectly fine, me being one of them. It all comes down to API limitations, and DX11 is one big limitation. The game will probably run just fine on any hardware, probably even dual cores and i3s.

System requirements only tell half of the story anyway. You still can't beat just trying it yourself.

Lon3wolf3710d ago

Very true, the only way I could upgrade is to the 9 series chips but at 220W no ta. I should be able to O/C the 8350 a bit for anything future wise once I get a decent cooler. Wonder when AMD will actually announce a new socket and chip?

ATi_Elite3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Total B.S.

Most games can run Low on a GTX270 in DX10 as GTX8800 is finally being phased out BUT even still so many games today an run on that.

needing as gtx560 is CRAP for a game that looks NO where even close to Crysis 3 PC.

Granted this game has no Dx10 compatibility so a GTX460 should be able to run this just fine in DX11 mode.

Graphics aside this looks like like a very fun game, I'm gonna spend money on this. Looks like a Great PC game to kick back on the couch and use a wireless controller of MY CHOICE with.

PC Gaming from the couch with a controller, OMG imagine that. lol

Dark113710d ago

I really hope this game end up being good.

Are_The_MaDNess3710d ago

unoptimizeation yes, still have more than enough power for it :D

SteamPowered3710d ago

My rig meets the recommended requirements exactly. Which is kind of scary. I may need the 880 sooner than I thought.

Are_The_MaDNess3710d ago

i know what you mean. my GTX 580's dont cut it anymore i feel. hey Nvidia! where is that 800 desktop series of GPU's?!

candy_mafia3710d ago

Can someone (sensible/non biased) explain to me as to why most PC games have a much higher system requirement than their console counterparts?

My only understanding is that the overheads are lower for consoles, but surely it isn't that simple is it?

Are_The_MaDNess3710d ago

alot of it is lazy porting from the devs side. they can do alot better in performance if they really tried for once.

N311V3710d ago

FYI, a lot is two words.

imagineash3710d ago

.....I don't know what the chances are of seeing a comment from a old friend , It's been ages buddy literally sat here reading comments and noticed that id. It's "Some-Legend" And I agree.

Vegamyster3710d ago

It depends on the optimization, BF4 min specs only require a ATI 3870 & 2.8 ghz dual core.

candy_mafia3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Thanks guys...so it basically comes down to laziness as indicated by the other comments on this page.

I bubbled you up as 'helpful' Vegamyster, only because Are_The_MaDNess & SteamPowered already have more bubbles than you do. But I did hit agree for you both instead :)

SteamPowered3710d ago

Pc's also have to be optimized for a billion configurations. Consoles have that specific hardware for developers to work with, as well as the Dev tools from the publisher. But The Madness got it right, a lot of it is lazy devs.

Are_The_MaDNess3710d ago

you know there is a thing called API standards right?
its a DirectX game, so it have to get optimized for the DX platform. then there is optimizing for Nvidia and ATI, aswell as Intel and AMD.... there is not much more too it. most of them use the same drivers from the same makers..... not much else too it.

starchild3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Well, it's two things. One is that the PC versions are usually pushing higher graphical fidelity in certain areas than the console versions. Second is the fact that the console APIs are currently lower level than DirectX is on PC (but that is soon going to improve a lot).

Still, my HD 7950 beat my Ps4 in every multiplat so far and my new GTX 770 is even better.

christrules00413710d ago

Every ps4 or xbox one is the same. So developers can optomize to squeeze every last ounce of juice out of them. It's like when new consoles launch they come with some good games. But the devs learn how to better optomize for them so games will get better for the next year or two. On pc there is so many different configurations they have to make the game work with every pc out there.

There is also things like consoles run 1080p and we here it all the time. But there are also things that we don't hear about. Like on pc texture quality goes from ultra, high, medium and low. There is a whole list of options in the game usually. Just can't remember them at the moment. Lol

Another thing is consoles do some anti aliasing in some games which takes away some jagged edges. But on pc it goes to a crazy msaaX8 and that takes a lot of power.

On some games particle effects happen on consoles but they get aren't as many as what happens on pc.

I guess you could say there is a whole bunch of things that happen on console but not to the extreme like pc does.

kevnb3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

The requirements aren't a 7850 or 7790 , recommended would be for better than console settings

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10 Open-World Games That Feel Empty After Just A Few Hours

Unfortunately, the open worlds in games like Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Halo Infinite, and the original Assassin's Creed do more harm than good.

MadLad336d ago

I legitimately loved Halo's switch to open world. They made traversal of the map entertaining, and everything involved just tied into the (what I consider) awesome gunplay.
The entire time I really felt the slow takeover of the map, and all the little steps forward felt satisfying.

I don't know what more people really want there, considering the setting and story. A handful of soldiers hunkered down on enemy territory; slowly trying to win the battle.

giovonni335d ago

I agree I liked the switch to the open world, it was large with beautiful land scapes. However, it did feel a bit empty, and wasn’t as action packed as I would have liked. A lot of the bases felt like fillers instead of something of wonder. Let’s see what 343 under new management does from here cause Halo needs some updating

archibold335d ago (Edited 335d ago )

I'm surprised they scrapped the Slipspace engine. I thought the graphics looked great, the sandbox physics were as good as ever, and the AI worked well. Clearly a lot of work went into it and it appears to have been optimized for the new generation of GPUs. The only issue I had with it was the lack of environments, would have been cool to have different biomes on the ring to explore. A bit more variety in missions would have been nice, maybe some timed events where you have to manuever a banshee through forerunner architecture or some mongoose speedruns would have spiced things up.

CrimsonWing69335d ago

I think R* are the only ones who have made compelling open worlds. I can’t stomach most open world games and how boring they are with busy world. It’s like a flex to make this massive environment, but it’s extremely boring to traverse and play in. GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 blew me away with how incredible their worlds were. Elden Ring was the only other game to give me that sense of awe.

giovonni335d ago

GTA V and unfortunately, Saints Row the original have had some of the most aggressive open world features where the world doesn’t feel so bland. To me what makes GTA V so special is the way the characters react to the world around them vs how the world reacts to them. For example, in GTA when you switch to Franklin and he walked past an attractive female he responded “ damn you fine” or in Saints row you can run up in the pawn shop flash a gun and watch them respond by raising their hands in the air, or they press the silent alarm making you have to run away from the cops. Halo infinite doesn’t have those kind of moments that make you feel apart of the world it just feels like it’s there.

bloop334d ago

Trevor talking to random vegan npc: "You suck c*ck, but you don't eat meat.... It don't make sense to me "

Classic. Such a shame we won't get that humour again now that R* have gone all in on virtue.

Abear21335d ago

AC Odyssey with the next gen patch is pretty incredible, especially if you like a sea shantie. Lol.

Abear21335d ago

I’m back on an open world kick after Horizon. I don’t know what clicked in me but exploring the map and seeing the detail work has me loving open worlds again. Playing AC Odyssey on hard and really enjoying it and the map. Reinstalling RDR2 tonight because damn, that map is just incredible for sightseeing.

Sonic1881335d ago

Halo Infinite felt off. It's like the developers didn't know what they really wanted to do

Demetrius335d ago

Depends on which open world titles u play, most of em are shitty AF, but I honestly admire open world genre, sometimes to just take a break from fighting and missions you explore n see details you haven't noticed before cause you were too busy body at first, then boom finding some dope equipment or things to sale

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10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22483d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87482d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Best Games Based on Movies

GF365: "These are the best games based on movies. Every entry on this list will be a great video game adaptation of popular movies."

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HeliosHex511d ago

Best game based on two movies that were never made goes to robocop vs terminator.

Owlbert510d ago

Did you play RoboCop Vs terminator... pretty sure it was on the mega drive) genisis.

HeliosHex510d ago

Yes played it on genesis for the blood. Snes had a version but I think the blood was censored not sure. I just remember genesis being the go to system for games with blood.

Owlbert510d ago

Alien isolation...ftw,it is definitely one of my top games,I played it again a few months ago ✌️