
Crimson Dragon priced at $19.99, trailer introduces the planet Draco

Crimson Dragon, the new rail shooter from the creator of Panzer Dragoon, will cost $19.99 when it launches alongside the Xbox One on Nov. 22 in North America, publisher Microsoft Studios announced today.

OC_MurphysLaw3911d ago

$20 feels about right from what I have seen. I wonder if $20 will become the new $15 price point of premium arcade/download games?

Knux3911d ago

Wow, $20 is pretty reasonable! Whenever I buy a Xbox One, this will be one of the first games that I buy.

Volkama3911d ago

I will make "riding the crimson dragon" a synonim for pmt.

Also, good price. Will buy.

from the beach3911d ago

Space Harrier.. After Burner.. Rez.. Panzer Dragoon.. Sin and Punishment.. Thunder Blade.. Child of Eden.. StarFox.. Time Crisis..

Skate-AK3911d ago

House of Dead, Resident Evil Chronicles, CarnEvil.

Convas3911d ago

This price point guarantees that a large swath of day one or launch window customers will end up buying it.

Here's hoping that by 2016, we see that fully-fledge RPG set to follow this game!

Mystogan3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

I'm hoping for the same daammn that would be awesome. I really hope they do it.

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Xbox One Exclusives that are Still not on PC

Will these Xbox One exclusives ever release on the PC platform?

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anonymousfan2002d ago

I would love some Halo on PC...

stefd752002d ago

i would love the whole Master Chief collection on PC

oasdada2002d ago

Halo 5 was a dissapointment

oasdada2000d ago (Edited 2000d ago )

Yupp cuz it was like 5 hrs long and riddled with micro transactions.. Yeah defend ur crap thats why u deserve it

jagermaster6192000d ago

Aww poor guy... You sound upset!

TheUndertaker852002d ago

Rare Replay is actually some good fun too. There’s a lot packed on it.

Teflon022001d ago

All I want is rare replay. I'd Pay $100 for the games bundle. I just want the Banjo's, Conker and Kameo titles. The rest I'll pass on, maybe keep battle toads though the only battle toads game I really liked was the Double dragon and battle toads title on SNES

Kiwi662002d ago (Edited 2002d ago )

Hold on a sec but didn't some people on here on say that all xbox games are on pc and therefore there is no need to own an Xbox One

iplay1up22001d ago

Not only that, but how many people have PCs that can run. Microsofts games better than they run on X1X. Also Red Dead 2 says hello to PC gamers!

Teflon022001d ago

You need to rethink this one. That made no sense. Microsoft games, not RockStar games, also a PC would run RDR2 better than a console. Don't get how you mention running better then go on to run from a comparison. Games just run better on PC, it's just that simple. Don't gotta be a blind fanboy.

CurbStompin2001d ago

I do. And I have Pro, X1X, and gaming pc. I don’t discriminate, a good game is a good game.

rainslacker2001d ago (Edited 2001d ago )

There are literally 4 games on this list. All of them from the first couple years of the gen.

Personally, I don't think the author tried that hard. Surely there are more than that.

I'm sure you understand generalizations though.

Kiwi662001d ago (Edited 2001d ago )

So he mentions only 4 games that aren't on pc but it doesn't change the fact that there are people who say something like "all you need is a ps4, switch & PC" or " there's no point in owning an Xbox One as all its exclusives are on pc" now does it

rainslacker2001d ago

Doesn't really change that no. But if one has a variety of consoles, 4 games isn't really going to be much of a reason to buy a new console. That's typically the context by which people use the expression.

Personally, I think it's kind of dumb, as I don't think that PC and console gamers overlap that much. But I do feel that if one has a good enough PC, and isn't adverse to using it for gaming, then the X1 becomes fairly superfluous, while other consoles have more to offer in said scenario.

Teflon022001d ago

4 games and 2 are halo. 2 titles are also just rereleases of older games in a comp. So it's really 2. No one is worried about 1 and the other is one weak ass excuse for a Halo title. Reason no one talks about it no more. So yes, when that statement is said, it's right.

Kiwi662001d ago

So how does what you said refute how people claim that every Xbox exclusive is on pc

Gority2001d ago

Kiwi it's a generalization. It's not literal man.

2001d ago

The 8 Most Disappointing Xbox Exclusive Games of all Time

Since jumping into the console market with the Xbox on November 15, 2001, Microsoft has become one of the gaming biggest gaming giants. With an array of exclusive titles such as Halo and Gears of War, the Xbox console has gained a notorious following. However, while there are a lot of great games to have come out on Microsoft's consoles there are also many disappointing titles. Here are the most disappointing Xbox exclusive games.

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RainbowBrite2194d ago

I think Quantum break was quite disappointing, but Sea of Thieves already looked terrible from the first day, it was fictitiously hyped by "ambassadors". Halo 5 is a 343 game so it is ok, you don't expect much... they don't deliver... Ryse was a new IP, it was ok for a new IP

Johnyra2194d ago

I really liked sea of thieves,i thought it was an awesome and unique game........for the first 20 hours then it got beyond repetitive and it is a pity cause it had potential in my opinion

-Foxtrot2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

Quantum Break should have just left out all the live action TV crap and focused on the main stuff...you know the actual game.

Halo 5 had an awful story for the single player but it also 343 trying to change Bungie's formula to make it a 343 campaign just like what they TRIED to do with the multiplayer in Halo 4.

If people want a squad based single player game where people online can join your game and take over one of the story characters then we have Gears of War for that.

rainslacker2193d ago

I was actually interested in SoT since it started getting the dev diaries. I never really wanted to play the game, as I'm not into the MP stuff, but I liked what I was seeing. What it came to be in the end wasn't all that impressive.

Obelisk922193d ago

So I'm not the only one to think Sea of Thieves looked bad from the very first day.

I don't know how that game can be enjoyed honestly. Almost no content and feels totally uninspired...

But that's just my opinion of course.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2193d ago
2194d ago Replies(4)
OMNlPOTENT2194d ago

Halo 5 wasn’t bad and there are still a lot of people still playing it. The campaign definitely wasn’t the best but the multiplayer is really fun.

Razmiran2193d ago

People in denial still play it I guess

UCForce2193d ago

Halo 5 Campaign is the worst and most misleading marketing campaign. People don’t have a problem with Halo 5 MP, it’s the MT in Halo 5 that people have problem with it. It was just gambling and you don’t feel special about it.

maybelovehate2193d ago

Agreed, game still going strong after more than three years. Bring it to pc 343

Cajun Chicken2194d ago

BS. Quantum Break was great and Halo 5 was average. Problem is, Halo games AREN'T MEANT TO BE AVERAGE, so Halo 5 really stands out like a sore thumb in the series in that regard. I can't judge Super Lucky's Tale, but I really want to pick it up sometime.

Aceman182194d ago

QB was such a damn disappointment I sold it, and my system right after finishing the damn game. You could just spam the samn damn moves to finish the game lol.

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Amazon May Month-End Digital Sales: Save Up To 81% Off

Amazon strikes again, with digital deals on hit titles. They just updated their video game section with new digital deals on PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. Right now, they're offering up to 81% off on several Sony and Xbox consoles titles. The details are shown below:

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