
Microsoft Clarify's Family Pack and It Sounds Interesting

You'll be able to link other Xbox Live accounts as having shared access to your library when you first set up a system, and will also be able to add them later on (though specific details of how you manage these relationships is still not being discussed). The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time. All in all, this does sound like a pretty convenient feature that's more workable than simply passing discs around amongst friends who are actually in your area.

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wishingW3L3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

no it does not. X(

xHeavYx3980d ago

I laughed when I saw the name of the website. Yeah, they are not biased at all

malokevi3980d ago

It is literally copy-paste from Xbox.com...


Bias much? HA! Pot... kettle... black... I think you get the idea.

NatureOfLogic3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Simply put, MS made a complicated restrictive console that takes away your current freedom of trading your games. They tell you what to share, when to share and how many times you can share. Something I currently don't have to worry about with any of my purchased physical content.

JokesOnYou3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

The source of the info is the official xbox website so its not like their making it up.

-KingElixir its NOT complicated they just f-up the message, it was stupid really, they should have yelled this from the rooftops when asked about drm restrictions, Yes you can only sell your game at participating retailers or to someone on your friends list for 30 days but:

"Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One."

-This does not tell you what to share or when to share it and of course their not going to let you share it a million times, don't be ridiculous, who shares their games with more than 10 people? Despite the drm this is a good thing about X1 no matter how much you downplay it.

0ut1awed3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Biased or not it still points out some good thoughts. It's funny how everyone can't even read a article about the ps4/xbone comparison without immediately hating on the xbone. How is that not biased?

Now I'm not saying microsoft has been doing some stupid shit with the xbone. I mean I currently have not one, not two, but three ps4s on pre-order. I have ZERO Xbones on preorder...

Still, learn some critical thinking skills before commenting on a article. One of the biggest rules is go into the article unbiased. Actually reading the article past the title shouldn't even need to be said...

dcbronco3980d ago


This is N4G. You're talking crazy talk.

0ut1awed3980d ago

LOL bubble for you sir.

medman3980d ago Show
Army_of_Darkness3980d ago

Nelson of ms eplained everything very clear about the 10 family sharing mumbo jumbo. He said that you are able to share up to 10 people, but just like a library, only one person out of those 10 people can play that shared game at a time. (Drops mic and walks away).

safsaan3980d ago

@Army_of_Darkness so just like a disc. no difference, except its with 10 people and noot unlimited and without the disc being transported physically to your friend.

JokesOnYou3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

omi25p its 1 at a time, watch Major Nelsons interview for clarification

-but damm anyone who says that's not a great deal is lying, with this policy basicly you and a friend can go 50/50 on FULL RETAIL GAMES, or potentially 10 people can chip in, unless you want to play multiplayer together....and basicly I can now let my 2 nephews who live on the east coast borrow all my games. This is going to save me hundreds of dollars that I spent last gen sending them games.

Saigon3980d ago


I don't know why you do not open your eyes and see the fud that MS has presented, though you are entitled to your own opinion. You are preaching that they relayed the message bad but that is not the case. MS initial plans was to be heavily restricted on how games was to be shared or even played on their console. Only just recently have they back peddled and opened their system up to allow certain features, which they are still doing based on the results of E3 and from what it seems like this article. Sad part is that a lot of MS fans are praising these moves as though they are futuristic in sense when technically they are not.

The world is not ready for an always online console; and I hate that most people are sitting their saying well, my phone is always on line; not realizing that it is different technology. Same situation with the iPad and all other tablets, its different technology. People need to realize wifi and mobile connectivity are two different wireless signals. Just because you can receive one signal does not mean you can receive another and people need to know the difference.

I have two (3 not counting the PS3) blu-ray players at home. One is connected to the internet the other isn't, by choice. That made me realize their are many people out there that do not connect their standard devices to the internet. Mainly because it is not used as much for online activity. Or maybe they have other devices that already provide the online functionality and they just want a basic player for use.

In MS case, I cannot have one system for constant use and another for backup or emergency use. Meaning one online and the other offline. Both devices would need to be connected in order for me to use either one.

This family thing sounds cool, but with the restrictions...i don't think it will be the best idea.

SilentNegotiator3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

So we used to be able to buy multiple Gold subs at a discount rate, and now we have to pay full price to allow multiple people to use at once? Awesome?

Up to 4 brothers want to play each other on their separate Xbox 360s = $100/yr

Only 2 brothers face each other on separate Xbox Ones = $120/yr

Xbox Live Gold didn't get more expensive, but multiple persons is now exponentially more expensive.

4Sh0w3980d ago

Silent I don't know what you mean the price of xbox Gold membership hasn't changed, why do you assume there won't be any discounted deals on Amazon or through other retailers just like now? And whats even better is now users on the same X1 can share gold membership.

"Xbox One lets households share one Xbox Live Gold subscription across multiple accounts"

3980d ago
SilentNegotiator3980d ago


Of course there might be sales from retailers. But not anything official from Microsoft.

And I don't know what the point of your link posting was. Like I said, the problem is the inability for multiple people to play AT THE SAME TIME, unlike with the family pack that Microsoft used to offer.

bviperz3979d ago

I said it before and I'll say it again. Microsoft will end up changing their policy. The game sales will stink if only a few people need to buy a game and then rest can share the library with up to 10 people. That's just a dumb business model. I believe that's why, at this point, it's still not very clear on how exactly this is going to work. They want folks to buy the consoles first before you realize the true restrictions to 'game library sharing'.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3979d ago
omi25p3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Yes it does.

person X can have 10 people in his shared list.

Person X buys Battlefield 4. Any of those ten players can play Person X's copy of battlefield 4 completely free without having to pay for it.

That means singleplayer, Multiplayer anything.

So if you were to buy Battlefield 4, you and you're best friend could play it together from other sides of the world off of one copy of the game.

Now to me that sounds brilliant.

It could be worked so if ten people all had each other in there shared list. 5 of those players can buy Battlefield 4 or any other game and the other 5 can play with them for absolutely nothing.

Which will be good for saving people money.

If it works out to be as good as im hoping then i can kind of understand the ridiculous 24 check in period.

SaffronCurse3980d ago

I Highly doubt Publishers will allow users to share their games without paying, especially games with multiplayer such as Call of duty.

NatureOfLogic3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

"Person X buys Battlefield 4. Any of those ten players can play Person X's copy of battlefield 4 completely free without having to pay for it."

You really think developers would allow their games to shared so freely like that? That would mean that one copy of the game would really be two, which would be a major exploit, and one million times worse than used games or pirating. I don't think so. MS's solution to trading games wouldn't be a flawed system that could so easily be exploited and abused. They would lose almost all of publishers support.

omi25p3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Well so far its been confirmed. If it turns out to be true then great.

But i understand where you're coming from with developers, Especially from the likes of EA.


Actually it says the original owner of the gamer and ONE person from the shared list can play it.

Also Neither the PS3, PS4 or the Xbox 360 have this game sharing feature.

@ Yo mama

Oh i just reread this bit

"person A owns 10 games. person B owns 5 games. person C owns 15 games. person D owns 10 games. if person B is playing a game on person's A list of games, person C and person D cannot play a game from person A's list. however, that means person C can still play the games from person B, person C or person D"

Yeah you are right but still its a pretty good feature.

If two games come out on the same day one person buys one of those games and the other person buys the other. You both play through the game you bought, then switch over to the other game your friend bought.

XabiDaChosenOne3980d ago

"So if you were to buy Battlefield 4, you and you're best friend could play it together from other sides of the world off of one copy of the game"
Uh..did you read the article buddy? ONE AT A TIME!
"The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time."

And you can do this on the PS4 except its not limited to ten people :-/. Why are Xbox fanatics getting over a feature that was available on the 360 except on a broader scale?

thechosenone3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

two people can not play the same game at the same time!

Major Nelson has confirmed.

Yo Mama3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

@ Omi25p

WTF are you talking about? It specifically says that each shared game can only be played on ONE console at any given time. Reading comprehension fail. Jesus Christ, some people....

"The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time."

Bimkoblerutso3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

I'm with SaffronCurse on this one. If it's true then sure, that's not quite as bad as it could be, but at this point that explanation sounds HIGHLY suspicious.

Most publishers are not known for their charity and goodwill.

Edit: Oh man....Yo Mama is right....no that still sounds terrible.

malokevi3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )


""So if you were to buy Battlefield 4, you and you're best friend could play it together from other sides of the world off of one copy of the game"
Uh..did you read the article buddy? ONE AT A TIME!
"The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time.""

One at A TIME???? OMG!

Your probably one of those people who complained endlessly about how you can't share games with a friend.

And, lo and behold, now that theres a perfectly good way to do that, sans disk... ITS A SHAM! ZOMG 10 people cant play 1 game simultaneously, somebody get an MS rep in here so that we can kick him to death!

Think about it... you wan't to play your game on the primary console, feel free. AND, any time, whether your playing or not, one of your buddies/family/acquaintances can dip into your games library and play whatever they want.

Sounds absolutely incredible to me. Anyone who says otherwise is approaching this from a... how do I say... "limited" perspective.

LightofDarkness3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Ok, Malokevi, now explain to me how there's any advantage to Microsoft's method if only one person can play the game at a time, just like before. There is none. There are only disadvantages and limitations.

Baka-akaB3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Why are you so hyped ? Two persons (and it used to be five ) can freely share digital content AT THE SAME TIME on ps3 .

And an INFINITY of friends could borrow your disc , and only be able to use one copy at the time likewise , but without number restrictions at least .

Sounds to me you guys are trying to turn PR bs into a positive . So you 10 folks shared battlefield 4 , or even a single player game . Then what ? you're gonna have a schedule and calendar for who gets to play ?

To each their own , i'll keep truly sharing stuff in both the physical and digital realm

Irishguy953980d ago

That is not how it works...You and your best friend can play it...just so long only one of you are playing it.

ThanatosDMC3980d ago

Nope only one person at a time could use it sadly.


Even better, what if you and a friend both want to buy Ryse, you could split the cost 50/50 and get the game for $30 bucks. With not being able to play at the same time, maybe the person who pays the tax gets to play the game first.

fr0sty3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

This is much like PSN's current policy allowing a game to be installed on 2 different devices before one of the machines has to deactivate their copy in order to install on a third machine. They just kept the same policy but let you choose between a list of 10 people that can download your games vs. 2 at a time. They still kept the 2 at a time being allowed to play the game at once, however.

malokevi3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )


2 at a time buddy... 2 at a time.

"limitations"? If infinite access to your friends games, and vice-versa, is "limiting", then the sky must be red and pigs walk on the ceiling.

Any excuse to complain...

this just makes it easier to share the love. Certainly don't have this on my existing Xbox360.

Who cares if you can share a physical copy? This is WAY better!

I'm completely done with physical media as of this generation. I see no point in it anymore. My games exist in perpetuity on the cloud, and that sound absolutely dandy!!

And I quote (to clear this up...):

" You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.""

tarbis3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

"Also Neither the PS3, PS4 or the Xbox 360 have this game sharing feature."

This is where you're wrong. At a time PS3 and PSP was able to share a digital copy of a game up to 5 PS3s or PSPs and play it at the same time. And that digital copy of the other 4 are not rent either. They own it. However, it was reduced to 2 PS3s/PSPs only. This is I'm sure due to complaints from publishers who are not getting revenue from free sharing of games. Imagine 4 other people get free games. That's $240 potential revenue. Many complained when that happened, me included.
And you think this will sit well with publishers and developers? Don't make me laugh. I won't be surprised if this feature is taken down immediately. They're losing $540 potential revenue there and especially when they know who are on your "family" network. They can easily use this as an advantage by blocking whoever is in your shared family network and force them to buy when they decide to change policy on the fly.

kickerz3980d ago

@ kobe
so you really think your going to lend 1 Ps4 game to more then 10 people? heck in the last 5 years ive maybe lent 2 or 3 games to my brothers or friends and that was after I was completely over that game. people are making a MASSIVE deal about this. I personally think the only thing PS4 has over XB1 is the $100 cheaper price.which is huge for some people i get it, BUT I have a job and stable internet so I will be getting XB1 on day 1, cause i prefer their games. If Ps4 starts to get amazing games i would like later down the track i will get that too. easy.

ShwankyShpanky3980d ago

Bu... bu... but I thought the game industry was in trouble from used game sales and people playing games without paying the publisher/developer and the Xbone DRM is going to save the industry by reducing used game sales. :P

Xbone DRM announced: "Yay! Publishers will get paid for their work!"
Xbone sharing announced: "Yay! Eleven people can play for the price of one!"

JokesOnYou3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )


I actually partially agree with you, I think they mean anyone can access/play the game at separate times not 2 people playing the 1 copy at the same time, that would be stupid because that would be essentially be at minimum 1 lost sale per copy....that wouldn't make any kind of financial sense or this would be a huge exploit in favor of consumers, also I think the 2nd user isn't going to have access to multiplayer, I mean as much as I like xbox, I know Microsoft/publishers aren't crazy why the hell would you introduce DRM, only to allow a even bigger exploit/loss of sales due to sharing?....still even being able to share a game with 10 friends on any console is a very, very nice feature.

malokevi3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )


"Xbone DRM announced: "Yay! Publishers will get paid for their work!"
Xbone sharing announced: "Yay! Eleven people can play for the price of one!""

Xbox One DRM announcement: "Shwanky: "what? I cant share my games? LIFE IS MEANINGLESS!!"

Xbox one sharing announcement: "Shwnaky: ...Xbox One is totes lame."

stuna13980d ago

What you wrote is false! And I won't even debate it! I'll just let you hear it for yourself.

Google Angry Joe's interveiw with Major Nelson, it'll be all answered with that!

tiffac0083980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Actually you can share digital games/content that you purchased with the PS3, PSP and 360.

You simply need the account of the person that has the game in your console and download away.

This was the modus operandi of the members of PinoyPSP.com where they shared alternate accounts (which they put the exact amount of money on the alt accounts wallet to buy games/content) then share it around the community. After you're done deactivate the account and pass it along. That's why this account share feature was reduced on the PS3/PSP.

If I am not mistaken this can be done with the 360 with your Live account.

Edit: You can even do this on the Vita the only hassle is you need to reset your Vita to factory setting to change the registered PSN ID or buy an extra memory card for the shared account.

NeoTribe3980d ago

Sorry but your wrong. keep trying though, its funny to see people try to justify such a god awful product.

ShwankyShpanky3980d ago

@malokevi: Nah, I could tell it was "totes lame" well before the share announcement. I don't really share many games, but that doesn't mean I favor forfeit of my consumer rights. I also don't own a gun, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to forfeit my right to do so.

So anyway... which is it? Is A) baked-in DRM good so that publishers and developers can maximize their profits, or is B) sharing good so that 11 people can all play the same single purchased copy of a game? (Especially release week for games, where there wouldn't generally be used copies available, but why buy a new one when you can both play your buddy's copy at the same time? Sounds like a lost sale to me.)

If A is true, then doesn't B negate it? If B is true, then what is the point of A?

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3980d ago
wastedcells3980d ago

This is bull$@&? Just let us do whatever we want with our games or sell new releases for way less then $60.00

ALLWRONG3980d ago

I'm not one for the new Xbox but the plan does sound pretty damn good. Too bad about everything else though.

callahan093980d ago

Wait, so Person A's library can only be accessed by 1 of the 10 family members at a time? Not 1 game from Person A's library, but the entire library? If my brother is playing my copy of Halo 5, then nobody else can play my copy of Fable 4, so Fable 4 just has to sit there being lonely and nobody can play it?

That's stupid.

Just recently I loaned my copies of Uncharted 3 and Dark Souls so my brother and a different friend. They were regularly online at the same time playing those two respective games. You're saying that on Xbox One, that scenario is now impossible? I buy a lot of games and loan them to my brother and friends a lot. They wouldn't like this new system where they can leech off me anymore haha.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3979d ago
NatureOfLogic3980d ago

For the causal market they're after, It is quite complicated.

Heartnet3980d ago

Tbh it sounds complicated but with the right menu system this could be a breeze with a walkthrough setting it up.

IF lets say there was a "Sharing" Menu where you could see the 'family' members and just click to see what games you Could play of theirs at that time then it wouldnt be complicated at all.

Especially if all you need is a gamertag and the other persons approval to set it all up.

JokesOnYou3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

Whats so complicated? you set up your friends list, then any 10 of you can play a game from each other library at 1 time, hell it wasn't to complicated when sony did a similar sharing structure with vita/ps3....NOTE, only 1 person can play any 1 game at a time but he that's a pretty awesome feature.

kneon3980d ago

The xbox site says

"You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time."

So you and one other person can play your games. So if you have two or more kids and you want to play as well then you're screwed. This wording is per LIBRARY, not per game. Unless they change this there would be little point to owning more than 2 xb1's no matter how many people want to play

yewles13980d ago

"Microsoft Clarify's Family Pack and it sound worse."


ltachiUchiha3980d ago

The problem with this feat that makes it suck is that if your a 24/7 xbl user this feat will only benefit with single player games which isnt what the xbox one is about. Always Online is made to play games with friends which most likely this feat is completely useless since only one user can use it at a time. What if all your friends want to play together in a halo game? U cant just use that one account to play with everyone else which sucks. Atleast with ps plus you can have 1 account & if other accounts are created on that system, they also have access to ps plus with their account, now thats an awesome feat.

Heartnet3980d ago

This is why they can allow this feature to exsist though.

By making multiplayer fun and making others wish to play with friends they can allow ease of minds to publishers that this feature wont be easily exploited and in turn create a confined economy of people selling 'family' status on an account with tons of games.

and fyi ur example of accounts also created on taht system also mean that only 1 player have access to ps plus as you can only use one account on ps3 at one time (as in u cant simultaneously play 2 games on ps3 using 2 differnt accounts).

And whose to say single player isnt what Xbox one is about? Online aspects can easily be incorporated into single player games.

3980d ago
inf3cted13980d ago ShowReplies(1)
Show all comments (163)

Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72169d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai169d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ169d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil169d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces


Xbox Live Is Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary Today

It's been 20 years to the day since Xbox Live brought online play to consoles.

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darthv72540d ago

I remember when Live turned five and they had special edition controllers made and everything. Kind of wished they would do that again for the 20th.

Orchard540d ago

Happy Birthday. OG XBL (and later 360 XBL) really revolutionized online gaming on console.

Crows90540d ago

Never understood the obsession with live...but I was gaming online on PC so not sure too much of what live did that the PlayStation didn't.

Profchaos540d ago

I had a PS2 and it's online experience was fine but it didn't have the same level of polish voice chat never worked for me but I was trying to play from Australia where not many people played PS2 online to the point where many devs simply dropped the online mode from the pal version.
That's not all PS2 games mind you there were plenty that worked perfectly but it was more on the dev and not the platform

During that era I also played a fairly large amount on online PC games and they were undoubtedly better than both systems. PS2 from functionality and Xbox because it was free

Playing my friends original Xbox it was a really polished experience it felt robust yet simple things just worked there was zero config.

Crows90540d ago (Edited 540d ago )

Yeah but the time ps3 came the experience was the same on both based on what I played...not too much online though to be honest. But I do think that the xbox did help bring online into the console space a lot. As well as PC games to consoles.

Profchaos540d ago (Edited 540d ago )

Today would of been the perfect day to drop halo 2 the original bc version free on gwg.... If only


Original Xbox Live 1.0 set to be revived via free third-party servers

Xbox Live 1.0, the first instance of online servers for the original Xbox, is set to return via Insignia, a free third-party service that's currently compatible with 20 titles, such as Call of Duty: Finest Hour and Counter-Strike.

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Blashted563d ago

Lobbies, Matchmaking, Leaderboards, Voice Chat, Content Downloads, Friends Lists, all set to return

Blashted563d ago (Edited 563d ago )

Halo 2 set to come later as it requires additional services to run online.

Beta sign ups available now with beta launch of 11/15/22. Certain features of XBL will roll out over the future.

Father__Merrin563d ago

How will this be playable on Xbox?

TheColbertinator562d ago

Let's tune in back to Crimson Skies HRR

Bnet343561d ago

Rainbow Six 3 and Phantasy Star Online Ep1&2. Things were so simple back then :'(