
Decaying Dark Souls and an interest killed with kindness

Joystiq: "It's easy to say I fell in love with Dark Souls, yet weeks have passed and I haven't played the game at all. Though my time was focused on other games for review, I wondered why the urge to delve deeper into From Software's complex world had subsided after my gushing editorial. What I've come to realize is that kindness is to blame."

NeoTribe4063d ago ShowReplies(6)
nugnugs4063d ago

You, sir, are a fool of the highest order. The other reasons for loving this game are the atmosphere, customization, the unique online aspect, the history and characters, the need for skill rather than hacking away aimlessly, so many elements combined to make an awesome whole.
I still don't get how loving this game makes me a retard?

GameSpawn4063d ago

In regards to the article and not the comments above, the author's issue stems from the fact that he lost desire to keep playing Dark Souls because another player "gifted" him lots of equipment and items, thus removing much of the challenge from the game by 1) not getting those items on his own and 2) not progressing through the game with much lower level equipment and bringing the equipment up to higher levels himself.

This is why I'm playing Dark Souls offline. This is why I played Demon's Souls offline. I understand that people online are trying to be kind and help, but I want the whole experience the game has to offer as far as story and difficulty. Also, it is much easier to control certain things offline (World Tendencies in Demon's Souls) and you also don't need to worry about being invaded and forced into a PvP fight that you may be overly ill-prepared for.

brish4063d ago

Try this:
- get summoned in burg
- give a new player a fully upgraded weapon
- let them solo Havel, or the black knight

It's very likely the player will die. For new players the game is difficult even with the best weapons and armour.

If you leave white signs down you will find a lot of players with good equipment struggle with the game.

In the burg some players won't go down into havel area after they open the door! A lot of players don't go near the black knight. Some players won't cross the bridge until they shoot the firebomb throwers with arrows. Some players die to the undead just after the bridge.

Even with fully upgraded weapons capra will destroy most players.

When I put a summon sign near O&S it's common for host to wait for 2 summons for the fight. Some hosts die on the way, a lot die during the boss fight ... that's with upgraded equipment. Don't even let me get started with the archers on the ledge!!!

I've been summoned to help people with 4 kings at sl150 in new game because they couldn't beat them. Again, that's with upgraded equipment.

Try putting down white signs so you can see other players in the game. Experienced players like getting good weapons because it makes building their character quicker. New players really really need any help they can get!

ZoyosJD4062d ago

I plat'ed this game months ago, without ever summoning anyone.

I initially beat it around SL 80 with 90hrs in.

BTW, the archers in Anor Londo are just cheap. Even having a Demons Souls plat and knowing the game mechanics damn well, it still took me 5 attempts.

And how is giving a noob an OP weapon like a fully leveled Drake Sword going to help? All that does is promote button mashing.

GameSpawn4062d ago

Yes, weapons alone won't make the game instantly easier, but like you said it does give you a hell of a head start versus not getting the equipment in the first place. Also, once you gain a few levels, high level equipment scales pretty damn fast due to bonuses gained off the STR, DEX, INT, and FTH stats ('till LVL 40-50 in each stat - bonuses become less apparent beyond those levels).

Also, for truly "noob" players internet wikis were created for a reason and do WONDERS to understand a game and its mechanics and really help you to take the game cautiously and strategically (something very important in Dark Souls and Demon's Souls).

So that being said, for ANYONE new to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls:
Dark Souls wiki - http://darksouls.wikidot.co...
Demon's Souls wiki - http://demonssouls.wikidot....

Study Game mechanics and look into weapon and armor combinations that will fit your play style and also the areas you will tend to venture into.


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phoenixwing69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

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Father__Merrin97d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up