
Battlefield 4: Official 17 Minutes "Fishing in Baku" Gameplay Reveal

EA: "Battlefield 4 will release Fall 2013. The "Fishing in Baku" video is shot entirely in-game and is the first glimpse of the human, dramatic, and believable single player campaign in Battlefield 4. Available for pre-order now."

JoGam4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

OMG...... I'm just speechless.

xPhearR3dx4065d ago

Not getting the OMG feeling like I did with BF3. It's just more of the same at this point. Not that that's a bad thing because BF3 was great (On PC at least). But I'd rather see Bad Company 3 at this point.

DeanSanchez4065d ago

I'm expecting a lot from this game, but as of right now...

... sweet Samuel L. Jackson! I want it now

thechosenone4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

That looked beyond amazing, now all I need to see is the PS4 version. If you people don't think that this is a significant step above BF3 then you need to learn how to analyze dem graphics cause that **** blew BF3 out the water. And people are already starting to compare Killzone against this but in my opinion KZ:SF looks so much better.


dat BF4 water

Bathyj4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Yeah, it looks amazing but it seems to quick for a BF4. Id prefer BC3 as well by thats because I want a decent single player campaign.

Then again, this does look like SP gameplay so maybe theyre fleshing out the campaign with this game.

Irishguy954065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

****ing unbelievable...seriously almost looks real

Edit--But whats with the Ultra action route all FPS devs are turning towards?

Both Killzone:SF and BF4 have these mad action sequences you'd only see in the movies..and cod, both of them have ditched their semi realism by now it seems.

NatureOfLogic4065d ago

Seriously, If that did not hype you, I don't know what can. This is coming from someone who's getting sick of FPS. I didn't even buy BF3. the last BF game I bought was bc2. I'm really looking forward to this one though.

NewMonday4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

looks like BF3. but maybe improved water and lighting effects. the important thing is how MP looks and plays.

and I can see the complaints about grenade launcher spam already(not that I mind).

DeanSanchez4065d ago

When you look at this gif ( http://www.thesangreal.net/...

the water in the upper right is actually fluid, dynamic, and even see-through! amazing little details

CyberCam4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Too me it's BF3 with better graphics.

There were no new gameplay elements that stood out at all. No lean, no free look separate from your crosshairs & I love the part were he magically clicks an invisible switch in his left hand & all the opfor's magically have an orange triangle over their heads, saying here shoot me first please!

I must say the lighting & particle effects look amazing but that will wow most only for about week, then everyone will finally start looking at gameplay!

ArmA 3 to me still has better controls & gameplay elements and it's not so hollywood action based, I'm really sick of that now. Best of all, no Origin!

gedapeleda4065d ago

When bf3 was revealed people said they're speechless but when it came out all hell broke loose in the forums.
It's just the way devs play these games, walking around,looking arounds,swaying,slowly progresing forward.In reality you just rush rush rush gota get there shooot shoot shoot,now run there,open the door shoot shoot shoot...

xPhearR3dx4065d ago

I think you guys are missing my point. I never mentioned graphics. The visuals are impressive, no doubt about that. It's the gameplay. It's just more of the same. Like I said, not a bad thing, but I really feel they should have held off on BF4 and went with Bad Company 3.

NewMonday4065d ago



was very hyped for the SP of BF3, after I actually got my hands on the game I couldn't get myself to play it for more than 40 minutes total.

4065d ago
Gazondaily4065d ago

I'm amazed at just how versatile that engine is. It does look more like an improvement on Frostbite 2 than a whole new engine but the effortless manner in which it handles the varying scale, damage, physics and weather whilst keeping the visual integrity intact and so free-flowing. Its incredible.

SolidStoner4065d ago

well this game looks polished BF3, its not a bad thing, since battlefield 3 was and still is exelent game..

BF4 seems to have insane amount of detail and destruction I never seen in games before! And Im sure multiplayer will be great as always... But I very dislike this Single player campain, I will never play it just like all latest COD's or BF, all the same.. just beautiful surroundings and full scripted events, with lots of pointless battles where you are a terminator from the future, since you kill everyone, but no one can kill you... that is soo boring.. and that pointless enemy invasion from all directions, its like they are adding more pointless gameplay time and saving playing space..

I want BF single player campain to be more mature, not just pointless Hollywood style running and shooting with special effects, helicopters flying around, all that looks like bullshit and childish.. all that we already have in COD games, Dice must make it more realistic and show us true war like it is in Online MP BF games... and even there they now are adding arcade elements...

PrinceOfAnger4065d ago

i expect more from bf4 still looks good though but crysis 3 looks better.heres proof

bf4: http://cdn.bf4central.com.s...

crysis 3:HTTP://farm9.staticflickr.co m/8512/8564566045_21f270ea54_o. png




JC_Denton4065d ago

I agree. This doesn't look anywhere near as impressive as Battlefield 3 did back when it was first shown off. By the way, does anyone know if they were trying to be funny during that final slo-mo scene? I thought it was hysterical. If they were trying, then bravo. If not, then I fear for this game. . .

silenius4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

But I will never buy again a game that supports USA nor any other Pro war country.

I'm so sick and tiered to see such a massive recruiting propaganda for the military forces...
Fuck that... you want to be fair EA and Activision?! Then Make a game that you are actually fighting the real terrorists from USA.
Now THAT would be a twist and turn thing.


Just make a FPS war game that DOES NOT HAVE REAL COUNTRIES. But that won't happen cause it kills the real purpose of this game.

Amplitude4065d ago

Guys i agree this is was too similar to BF3. They should have made it an over-the-shoulder puzzle game this is just bs.

MaxXAttaxX4065d ago

It looked pretty good. Hopefully the single-player campaign will be better than the on BF3.
If so, I'm sold.

GuyThatPlaysGames4065d ago

Why change something that is already so great? BF3 was the most fun that I've had with a FPS since CoD4!

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4064d ago
Kingdom Come4065d ago

Absolutely stunning. And listen to that Sound Design.

Absolutely Breathtaking.

CyberCam4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

How long will "Absolutely Breathtaking" visuals wow you... what week at most?

I'm more interested in gameplay elements, that's what will last the entire time you're playing!

Omegasyde4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

It has a black hawk down feeling to it. I do agree the dialogue between the marines(? I think but the flag on the arm might mean these guys are delta).

I like how the call the black guy "Irish". We had a guy in our unit who's last name was McLeod. We also called him Irish hahaha.

EDIT: Yep, this time you play as delta tier 1 operators (call-sign wolf pack)...

I am not a big fan of playing as special forces and I would prefer they kept it like BF3 where you are part of a bigger unit advancing. Usually tier-1(SF etc.) go ahead or behind enemy lines. I rather be in the front lines with 100+ vs 100+ instead of small unit operations. (think Cod4:modern warfare when you assault that desert city before the helicopter/nuke scene. That was epic)

Reverent4065d ago

@CyberCam, call me easily impressed, but I still think Battlefield 3's graphics and sound are unbelievably beautiful.

I think BF4's "Absolutely Breathtaking" visuals will last a tad longer than a week... -_-

Cupid_Viper_34065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

That black dude reminds of Omar from "The Wire". He looks and sounds like him....

The voice acting is pretty good actually. I just hope the single playing is as engaging as this video.

EDIT: I just looked it up and it is Michael K. Williams "Omar" from the Wire. Lol....

That video was intense... Seems like I'm all in when this hit store shelves.

DeanSanchez4065d ago

I'm studying at Gnomon School of visual effects in Hollywood, and I just noticed how there's just so many technical aspects of this game that just blew me away, that most people wont even realize.

Amazing presentation.

pody4065d ago

It might be Omar's face, but it's damn sure not his voice.

Cupid_Viper_34065d ago

@ Pody

It's been officially confirmed that it's Michael Williams AKA "Omar"

"DICE is using real world actors to play the roles of its soldiers. Pac is played by The Wire's Michael K Williams. The soldier's facial animations are exquisite."


Dirtnapstor4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Agreed wholeheartedly! This is going to be epic...holding out for the PS4 version!

iamlegend99994065d ago

I was having a hard time trying to figure out if this was CGI or gameplay. I can't even sleep now? Best graphics so far for next gen

ShabbaRanks4065d ago

Same here its way better then I was expecting and I’m actually looking forward to the singleplayer and dam we all know were getting this for multi :D

IAmLee4065d ago

Using the PC for the gameplay demo... Clever.
Don't think the graphics will live up to that on console.

Reverent4065d ago

Even if not, you can't deny it, it will still look gorgeous.

DOMination-4065d ago

Technologically, the game looked very impressive but the campaign from that trailer looked incredibly stupid. I was hoping they'd have gone for something a bit more realistic after the criticisms of BF3 but it seems like they are still going for this Hollywood all out action affair with set pieces galore. It's understandable and looks fun still which I guess is the main thing.

TekoIie4065d ago

The realistic approach was what ruined BF3's campaign. They basically did the exact same story as Black ops but made it believable which resulted in something that wasn't memorable at all.

BF3 is not an army sim and people need to understand that. You want a realistic experience you need to do a 180 and look at ARMA.

Muffins12234065d ago

Fucking awesome...need a little bit more detailed destruction though 6:30

Braid4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

It looks kind of like a typical cross-generation game to me.

I mean, in some scenes it looks just like Battlefield 3, but after the helicopter chase scene the visuals go crazy. It happens though, when a game is set to be released for both current and next-gen consoles. I honestly think this in no way indicates the graphical prowess of next-gen consoles, as I believe that to be regarded as a truly next-gen game, the product should ONLY be released for the next-gen consoles. I mean, high-res textures are not enough, when there is last-gen involved you can not put too much emphasis on polygonal details of characters and environment etc. If this was a next-gen only game I believe it would look much better, with the power of optimized Frostbite engine rather than this Frostbite 2 variation which I highly doubt would work as great as it does on PCs on the next-gen consoles. Battlefield 5 however, would look absoultely spectacular with a little tweaking.

I still think Killzone Shadowfall looks better than this, and it's a game which is confirmed to be working at 1080p resolution on PS4. The next generation once again will be the generation of exclusives in terms of visuals, I guess. Don't get me wrong, BF4 still looks stunning, but not as near-CGI quality as Killzone Shadowfall does, which is understandable, as it's also going to be available for PS3 and 360.

jcnba284065d ago

I don't understand how people get excited from seeing the same shit year in year out..

CoolBeansRus4065d ago

yea, i dont see what's so exciting. It's the same thing with better graphics. The most exciting thing is if they announce that the PC version and Game Console version will be the same.

_-EDMIX-_4065d ago

@Coolbeansrus....I hope you mean PS4 and 720 cause.....that game will NOT look like that on PS3 or 360, what people are asking of DICE is down right impossible.

If your not a BF fan.....don't worry about it. How can you understand the excitement of a series you don't even fully understand?

WonderboyIII4065d ago

BF4 wowed me. The new KZ PS4 game didn't.

Twinzclipz4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

ah Shut Up Pcelitist

Twinzclipz4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

to be Honest i Love both games

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

It's basically bf3 graphics on pc from 2011 with more bird physics and a better looking single player. Why are you speechless? Also choppers look like they will be annoying.

PeaSFor4065d ago

im playing everything in ultra with aa4x and sry but its far to look like whats in this vid.

honestly couldnt care less about the single player, every bf veteran is already aware that the game IS the multiplayer, to me the single player in tis game is the same stupid idea than theretarded bots in bf1942.

Vladplaya4065d ago

What a freaking boredom fest. BF 3.5, no more, no less...

otherZinc4065d ago

I'm tired of movie games & set-piece games, however, that was nice.

Was that the PC version? I'd like to see that played on the console. Then its a Day 1 purchase.

Also, I didnt like the campaign in BF3, it was terrible. This one seems fantastic!

brodychet4065d ago

Holy hell. That looks so amazing. Didn't think BF had the single player to rival COD's. But with dem graphics?


EVERYONE CHECK CHECK... BF4 is being run on PS4. Look in the upper right coner on the video during the gameplay.

0neShot4065d ago

Nah, this gameplay can easily pass as another trailer for Moh W or BF3. It is really starting to look so common or so generic.

user76939584065d ago

it looks good.. like most current high end pcs..
not PS4 quality jet... well the lighting does look on the PS4 level

3-4-54065d ago

Never played a Battlefield game but that just sold me. lol

FunkMacNasty4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

It looks great, but I really won't be overly excited until I see this running on the PS4. Obviously this is PC footage, and obviously it will look insane on PC... but show us some PS4 footage NOW PLEASE!!!! XD

Flipgeneral4064d ago

Beautiful looking game, but god damn I am so tired of war games...

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4064d ago
itzlugia4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Not getting that HOLY CRAP moment over here...

Only my opinion but, kinda looks like Battlefield 3. I also hear the same sounds, like the M4 reload, vehicle sounds, etc...

Im sure the MP will be amazing though.

Elwenil4065d ago

Do you really expect the sounds to change? Are they supposed to make an M4 sound like an AK74 just for the sake of variety?

BALLARD324065d ago

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

RyuCloudStrife4065d ago

yeah I bet this guy sometimes wishes a rocket launcher would sound like an AK47 just for the sake of variety

FriedGoat4065d ago

I can't believe they used the same footstep sound effects, I was at least expecting them to change it to fart noises.

4065d ago
JoGam4065d ago

How much are the tickets? Im trying to get on.

SideShort4065d ago

I know a guy who knows a guy, I got you an e-ticket for the name of JoGam. Just walk up to the booth and they should have it waiting. See you on board! anyway,


4065d ago
TekoIie4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Im getting two seats. One for me and one for my popcorn stash ;)

r214065d ago

Your avatar...its lacking Doritos pope hat.

Reverent4065d ago

I normally mark people for "off topic" for comments like that... But damn if that didn't make me legitimately "laugh out loud".

Bubbled up +Funny

Snookies124065d ago

Jesus, this is like Uncharted or something with all those crazy things going on lol! Looks freaking beautiful too...

peowpeow4065d ago

I swear the animation got very smoothed out! It's looking spectacular O_O

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot776d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250775d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface775d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop775d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno775d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel776d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps776d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888775d ago (Edited 775d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33776d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888776d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH775d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad791d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

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KingofBandits883d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"