
Naruto: Powerful Shippuden - Geimaku review

"The show Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals is a honestly insanely good show. It takes the characters of Naruto and puts them in insane situations that require the most insane solutions. If the main show was like this then I would watch it. Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals is pure fun and I think more anime needs to be this weird.

The game gets half of this right."


3DS Weekly Deals: B1G1 %40 Off all 3DS Games, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate $20 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Nintendo Store & eShop, Amazon, Toys R Us, Frys, eStarland, Best Buy, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

jacobvogel3862d ago

Time to pre-order Pokemon X and Sonic Lost World for $64 :)

Mrgolden793862d ago

Man! I just preordered Pokemon x and y a couple days ago at GameStop... Hopefully they'll let me cancel it.


3DS Weekly Deals: 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y (+20GC) $199.99, Sonic: Lost World (Pre-order) $34.99 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Nintendo eShop, Amazon, Frys, eStarland, Best Buy, Gamefly, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

jacobvogel3869d ago

Is it true that Pokemon X&Y bundle doesn't include the game?

Apollo13869d ago

It doesn't come with a copy of Pokemon X and Y. Those games won't be out in stores until October 12th in North America and the rest of the world.

Starbucks_Fan3869d ago

No. It is limited edition though. I have the red one and it's sweet. Nice glossy look.

ShadowHarp3869d ago

It's not a bundle. And it cost as much as a regular 3ds xl.

timothyckeegan3869d ago

I preordered Sonic Lost World, $5 off is always good.


3DS Weekly Deals - 3DS XL $180, Naruto Powerful Shippuden $20, 2DS Pre-Order $125 & more

3DS weekly deals and sales at Amazon, eStarland, Best Buy, Gamefly, Walmart, Cowboom and Newegg.

edgarohickman3883d ago

For only $55 difference, it is better to buy a 3DS XL.

timothyckeegan3883d ago

For only $10 difference, it is better to buy a 3DS XL (Compared to 3DS :P)

--Onilink--3883d ago

well a $55 difference to someone who doesnt care about 3D is a big difference, like 2 more games if you know where to look big difference.

I myself do prefer the XL though