
Unity Engine 4.0 Is Now Available

DSOGaming writes: "Following Crytek’s announcement about the free SDK version of CryEngine 3, Unity Technologies announced today that Unity 4.0 is now available for download. Unity 4, announced in June, will consist of a series of updates designed to improve the product through an extensive improvement of existing tech and the rollout of new features."

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PiccoloGR4216d ago

Nice set of features. Seems that Unity Engine 4 could very well rival any modern-day engine

Dee_914216d ago

SWEET!!! ...... how do I use it?

r214216d ago

Sooooo this is free to use right? Cause if it is, I may have something to make during months long holiday :D

ChickeyCantor4216d ago (Edited 4216d ago )

It will be free to an extend ( some features are disabled ).

Not sure how many components come right out of the box. But if you really want to build something substantial, you do need some javascript, boo or C# knowledge.

I love the fact that components are directly compiled to properties for designers to play with just by dragging and dropping it onto their objects.

Their new Animation tool looks damn delicious.

r214216d ago

Cool, thanks for the info :D

SilentNegotiator4216d ago

Definitely learn Javascript for Unity development; Of the 3, it has the best balance of ease and versatility.

ChickeyCantor4215d ago (Edited 4215d ago )


I find C# cleaner and more typesafe. JavaScript is easy to use, but in my experience the people using it make an " easy " mess out of it.

But to each his own.

SilentNegotiator4215d ago


Just so you know, I didn't disagree. Programming is very preferential. Obviously C# is a more specific language, being so related to C++ (I know C++, but I haven't really used C# in anything).

SilentNegotiator4215d ago

I'm more on the art and design end of things, so I'd rather use an easy language any day.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4215d ago

Someone has created an amazing Death Stranding VR Tech Demo in Unity Engine

DSOGaming writes: "It appears that someone has decided to showcase what a VR version of Death Stranding could look like in Unity Engine."

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Elda1515d ago

Graphically it looks nothing like Death Stranding.


Unity Technologies' Field Engineer explains the performance issues of Unity 4-powered games

DSOGaming writes: "As you may already know, a lot – if not all – of games that were powered by Unity Engine 4 were plagued by performance issues, even on the PC. That something that really troubled us and according to Unity Technologies’ Field Engineer, Mathieu Muller, this was mainly because Unity Engine 4 was a single-threaded engine."

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mattkelly19912926d ago

As a Unity developer working on a title right now, I truly believe that the best course of action for performance issues is to upgrade to Unity 5. Unity 4 was great for the time, but 5 really strives to put it up to par with the modern specs. In Tactics Quest Arena, the game I am working on, we have gotten it to run beautifully on mobile with no problem on almost all devices.


Valve Partners with Unity to Bring SteamVR Support to Unity Engine

VRFocus reports on the news that Valve has partnered with Unity to bring native SteamVR support to the Unity Engine at the Vision VR/AR Summit. Gabe Newell comments.