
The Best Class in Borderlands 2

Wondering what the best class in Borderlands 2 is?

That’s the question that is on most people’s minds when they start this game — either on Windows PC (such as from Steam or DVD / CD), or via the console path — Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (PS3).

Let us help you out by showing you the pros and cons, the negatives and positives, the good and the bad…of each class!

And after that, we’ll end with our personal opinion on the best overall class, solo class, support class, crowd control class, etc.

Disagree with what we chose? Then please comment below and tell us why. We are open to changing our minds!

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Carl_Shocker4274d ago

I loved being a Siren in the last game, Lilith was awesome but Maya seems under powered. I mean Salvador and Axton can use two guns/turrets but she can't use two Phaselocks at the same time. What I liked about Lilith in the last game was you could go into battle then when things got rough you got phase walk out of there and get your self to an advantage point, I mean she she was weak at the start of the game but if you kept going she turned into an amazing powerful character.

Maya dosen't seem to be doing that...she's a good but I really wish they would of came up with another Phase ability like a PhaseForce attack or PhaseWave where you could force push enemies back and keep a shield round you for a limited time.

benderx4274d ago

I agree that the original Siren ability was incredibly useful. Great for escaping and attacking.

The new siren skill isn't bad though. It becomes even more useful during co-op too.

It's interesting how they've changed the Siren. She has a lot of support skills now, whereas the soldier / commando class now lacks them.

Anyway -- maybe they'll take a hint from everyone's feedback and redo her Phase skill in Borderlands 3 =p

Carl_Shocker4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Well I hope she just returns as an NPC in the sequel and Lilith will be back in the next game as a main character. Maybe they'll dive into a new plot point that her powers grow thanks to Eridium and she'll gain new power. I mean they can bring back three of the old vault hunters if they wanted, for example Brick could easily gun wield.

Thatguyinthesuit4274d ago

I kinda liked the original vault hunters as NPC's and I'm most likely the odd man out but I want the vault hunters here in B2 to be NPC's in the next one. Flesh out their characters as much as they've fleshed out the original four.

Also (BORDERLANDS-2-SPOILERS-I' M-SAYING-THIS-JUST-IN-CASE-PEOP LE-CARED-AS-MUCH-FOR-THE-STORY- AS-I-DID) I want as my dream DLC Dr. Ned to to attempt to revive Roland hacking a New-U station to gain Roland's memories (I mean that's the conept of the New-U stations right putting your memories in an artificial body) but in the process something goes haywire and thousands of Rolands appear shouting "Critical Bitch" left and right.

Nimblest-Assassin4274d ago

I disagree with the both of you... I found liliths action skill near useless most of the time, as the damage output she gave of was minimum at best

Maya, when you work up the motion tree is amazing as well as the medic tree.

Turn almost any enemy into an ally, and all the other enemies aggro him

Much more useful that phase walking

AKS4274d ago

Lilith was flat out overpowered. At a high level with a good elemental SMG, she was a wrecking ball and could tear through anything, plus she could disappear entirely and heal while doing so. The Siren class needed to be toned down a bit.

I think Maya and Zer0 are getting underrated a bit.

There's a phaselock perk that can chain phaselock after phaselock if you kill the trapped enemy each time. Or use Ruin to inflict all sorts of damage.

In co-op, players using Maya are probably going to use more of a support setup, as she's the only character with those powers, and she's great for that, but she's also no joke solo, especially with the Cataclysm skill tree.

Trick the Cataclysm skill tree out, and entire crowds will be registering an array of various types of elemental damage. Then combine with with Motion's Convergence in a high level Maya and really raise some elemental hell. And top that off by throwing a grenade that breaks off into 10 child grenades at your phaselock. You'll wreck an entire crowd within a few seconds.

kingPoS4274d ago

I can't help but notice how that sounded so unlike many other FPS series.

Borderlands+RPG FTW!

Hunter's my favorite class form BL 1
Luv my near auto snipers!

Megaton4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

That's my plan for Maya. Cataclysm all day. Right now my main character is Axton and my turret tears everything up. I co-op mainly with a melee-focused Zer0 who seems to be really powerful, especially when combined with my turret slagging everything.

Mutant-Spud4273d ago

In co-op I manly use phase lock to create some breathing space to revive team mates, the only thing I really don't like about this game is that some of the missions are confusing and not explained very well, the first Bandit arena has me stumped, I'm not sure what to do, I get to the end of the first wave and then nothing else happens, the enemies don't re spawn and the button on the tower does nothing.

4274d ago
Swiftcricket4273d ago

I started to feel the same way coming from playing Lilith in the first one (and nearly switched characters) but Maya just takes some time to realize her full potential. Ruin changes things a lot and then when you get Converge with it it just gets plain nasty.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4273d ago
SavageKuma4274d ago

My character is the Gunzerker and I agree with your points on him being weak solo, but great as a support character. Nice post.

benderx4274d ago

Gunzerker is definitely super fun.

An automatic in each hand is so gratifying =P It rains bullets!

Have you tried any of the tanking skills? They help a bit, but then you gotta ask yourself -- is it worth trading power for defense?

TooTall194274d ago

Gun Lust w/ Overkill and Money Shot is crazy powerful. The only other skill I wish I could have is Yippie Ki Yay.

Thatguyinthesuit4274d ago

I also chose the Gunzerker but I actually like him as a solo especially by the time I reached a high enough level to get the overkill skill in his gun lust skill tree.

Focusing on Gun Lust while wielding a pair of Jacobs pistols helps me kill almost any enemy in seconds and the more of them that come out I can amount up to 50K worth of damage with a single non-critical hit bullet.

I mean yeah he dies rather quickly but as long as I have my trusty Jacobs pistols I'm getting kills as much as I get second wind.

I'm thinking of going for a Zero playthrough soon after I reach lvl 50 with Salvador. Also Jacobs pistols + Badass Bowler head item + Gun Lust skill tree = badass yet classy old west feel.

GrahamGolden4274d ago

zero is the best

escaping any tough situatio via sneak,then one shot backstab or one shot snipe

fOrlOnhOpe574274d ago

Agree totally. Zero's ability (to run away lol) has dug me out of some tight corners so far!
Bit of a slow starter for me (as was BL1) but its really hotting up now.

AKS4274d ago

I think many have misjudged Zer0 and Maya because they are slow starters. They become incredibly powerful as you get to perks at the end of their skill trees.

Bimkoblerutso4274d ago

Only at level 32 right now, but I've been having the most fun with a melee spec for Zer0. Decepti0n together with Execute and Backstab scores some CRAZY numbers.

KidBroSweets24274d ago

Just hit lvl 50 today with Zer0. I maxed out the bloodshed skill tree then did the critical hits and gun damage in the sniping skill tree. I just run around with the law(100% melee damage) and knife enemies in their backs and kill them. It's such a nice feeling to snipe whenever I like and then get some cqc going :)

THESONYPS34273d ago

Everyone picks zero... I rarely hear anyone use Axton but he is probably the best out of all. Just like how the soldier was probably the best from Mass Effect.

ABizzel14273d ago

Agreed those turrets are completely overpowered regardless of which tree you use.

For Co-op I have Dual turrets with rockets.

Single player I run Nuke with rockets.

You can drop them, sit back, and watch as either of them run through just about anything effortlessly.

Maya and Zero are great as well, but they need to reach higher levels to be as deadly as Axton.

Naota4273d ago

I am Zero right now. It sucks that his attack doesn't hide himself when dualing.

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ziggurcat4274d ago

was siren last game, am siren again in this game.

Baba19064273d ago

me too und i think she rocks. i think both sirens are really powerfull and nice to play.

benderx4274d ago

I have a fetish with using the solder / commando / commander class. It lets me be lazy. If I can't see where an enemy is attacking me from, I throw out my turrets and they do the work for me x)

GameOn4274d ago

helps with pesky flying things too

CalvinKlein4273d ago

im the exact same, I throw the turret whenever a stupid flying thing is near.

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jwillj2k4512d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

492d ago
TheColbertinator512d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia512d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim512d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno512d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned512d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle


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adaminoregon550d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.