
Spiral Knights Update Adds New Danger Mission: Heart Of Ice

Three Rings has released a new update for free-to-play MMORPG Spiral Knights, which owners of the game can download now on Steam. This update adds a new danger mission, Heart of Ice, including three new monsters.

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Kids Friendly MMOs and MMORPGs

A list of MMOs suitable for the whole family! Some great intro MMOs for kids.


MMOs - Spiral Knights Review

Spiral Knights review with screenshots, videos, and the official soundtrack.


5 F2P Games That Should be on Consoles

Free-to-play games are a godsend for the gaming community: not only do they allow for a larger established userbase, they also allow players to become as invested as they want to be. While this system is well-established on PCs, developers are still experimenting with the formula on consoles. However, if these five F2P games receive a transplant, they could very well flourish.

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GodGinrai3484d ago

Hawken and firefall. Thats what I want to see on console.

derkasan3484d ago

Hawken would be nice too. Mechs tend to go over well on consoles.

GodGinrai3484d ago

"Mechs tend to go over well on consoles"

Especially, with me! And firefall is like destiny...only better. I have logged a stupid amount of hours (80 hours) on that game. and Ill do it all again, if it comes to XB1.

Hawken, I play with an x360 controller. So I know that game would translate well to console.