
Unity Engine Wins 'Best Engine' at Develop Awards and 'AlwaysOn Global 250' at AlwaysOn

DSOGaming writes: "Unity Technologies, provider of the Unity multi-platform engine and development tools, is thrilled to share that Unity was awarded top honors in the Best Engine category at the 2012 Develop Awards. Additionally, Unity Technologies was recently chosen by AlwaysOn as a winner for both the AlwaysOn Global 250 and OnMobile Top 100."

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Sephris4345d ago

I just wrote something up for City of Steam that uses the Unity engine and it is pretty amazing. Definitely comparable to Havok which has been one of the biggest names in the industry. It's nice to see Unity getting the attention it deserves.

Kurylo3d4345d ago

I think your a little confused. Unity is awesome, I use it myself. I just think your confused about what it is. Unity is a game engine. Havok is a physics engine. You dont really compare the 2.

Sephris4345d ago

Heh heh..I wasn't confused, just tired and not thinking strait. I was thinking Quake but my fingers obviously wanted to make me look like a dork. Thanks for pointing that out to me and helping me save a little of my dignity. :)

R_aVe_N4345d ago

Very solid engine if you ask me. I have worked with it a few times on some projects and it always goes very smoothly.

isarai4344d ago (Edited 4344d ago )

100% deserved, the engine is a godsend for newcomers to the development industry like myself. Instead of making everything automatic is just makes things very simple so you actually learn while you're freely creating. tried UDK and sucked major ass at it and wasn't making much progress, then i got into unity and after a few months on it UDK actually became easier to understand and use. Although honestly i think Unity has a LOT more flexibility in terms of what you can produce


Someone has created an amazing Death Stranding VR Tech Demo in Unity Engine

DSOGaming writes: "It appears that someone has decided to showcase what a VR version of Death Stranding could look like in Unity Engine."

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Elda1520d ago

Graphically it looks nothing like Death Stranding.


Unity Technologies' Field Engineer explains the performance issues of Unity 4-powered games

DSOGaming writes: "As you may already know, a lot – if not all – of games that were powered by Unity Engine 4 were plagued by performance issues, even on the PC. That something that really troubled us and according to Unity Technologies’ Field Engineer, Mathieu Muller, this was mainly because Unity Engine 4 was a single-threaded engine."

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mattkelly19912931d ago

As a Unity developer working on a title right now, I truly believe that the best course of action for performance issues is to upgrade to Unity 5. Unity 4 was great for the time, but 5 really strives to put it up to par with the modern specs. In Tactics Quest Arena, the game I am working on, we have gotten it to run beautifully on mobile with no problem on almost all devices.


Valve Partners with Unity to Bring SteamVR Support to Unity Engine

VRFocus reports on the news that Valve has partnered with Unity to bring native SteamVR support to the Unity Engine at the Vision VR/AR Summit. Gabe Newell comments.