
Are game reviews pointless?

OXM Editor states:

"I think I have dedicated my life to writing things that nobody wants to read.

When I started reviewing games, it was for a love of games and a love of writing. I still have both. Then I started to take great pride in offering advice - both to consumers who wanted to spend their money wisely, and to developers/publishers who didn't have an objective perspective on their own work. As long as my criticism can be constructive, I feel I'm doing the right thing. But increasingly, the developers don't want to read reviews that aren't positive..."

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SnowViper6028d ago

Then what are we to do if Editors are lying about game reviews. He admits to not playing the whole game, dosen't understand the genre...and he is On peoples payroll...What does that mean? Then he says if they try to prove it he would only lie??
Why would an OXM Editor admit this on his personal blog???

JoySticksFTW6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

I believe that this guy is just being sarcastic

But to his woes, I would only advise that when he gives a score that he truly believes in then he should clearly back them up with well written reasons to why the score was given.

The B$ will always reveal itself... As will the good, unbiased reviewers such as Game Informer.

There is something valid about a particular reviewer not understanding the genre or game though

Remember when Rachet ToFD got a 7.5 for too much variety from a reviewer that specializes in sports games?

Also remember some of those busted MGS4 scores that complained about Rambo-ing through the game when everyone knows that the nature of MGS is to sneak about unnoticed while stealthily dispatching foes if need be. Not to mention the whole "too many overly long cutscenes" fiasco that MGS is also known for and its fans welcome.

But mostly I think everyone should take the time to find a reviewer that shares their opinions and thoughts and stick with them.

As for developers complaining about reviews, just make the best darn game that you can make, listen to the criticism & suggestions(particularly from the fans), and make an even better game next time. Looking at you LAIR... if there is a next time for you.


and Too Human

Idonthatejustcreate6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

Have dosen reviewers and review a game in it's early beta stages. If the reviews are good you keep on developing it like you should but if the reviews are bad then you figure out how to make the game appealing to those that think it's lackluster.

If you can't stop and view your creation from another perspective then use the help of others. Open and Closed betas are exactly what im talking about but it should be easier just to establish some highly skilled reviewers and let them take a look at what you've done and then they either give you a green light or a red light to further development. (But also it's important that the reviewers has to have the balls to say what sucks about the game like Simond Cowell does in Britains got talent)

Of course this would cost some money but honestly im sick of patches coming out post releases of games to fix the crap that a simple reviewer could tell whats wrong with it.

JoySticksFTW6028d ago

I like the idea about reviewing the game while still in development, early enough to make changes for the better. I think some game developers already do this.

And I totally agree that releasing patches to fix the game should not be the norm. I realize that PC gamers are used to this, but with a game like LAIR when the devs were warned about solely using motion control,and not including the option for analog control (which was actually used during development)to preserve their vision of the game - only to release a patch for analog controls later after poor review scores and complaints from fans.

Factor 5 even went as far as to send reviewers instructions on how to properly use the motion controls (as if they were confused) before they just gave the people what they really wanted... the OPTION of analog control

I admit that I became pretty good at using the motion controls for LAIR, but to not include the option of analog seemed stubborn

InMyOpinion6028d ago

Of course he is, but most people probably won't notice that.

"They can't prove it, but nobody has to. And they won't ask me directly, because I'd only lie. Isn't that convenient?"

He's implying that most reviewers are paid off and that it's more or less impossible to prove it.

vadercares6028d ago

So are game reviewers really paid under the table to give good reviews? Why would you even joke like that? Its like working at a bank and joking on your blog that everyone who works at the bank steals...That joke is not to funny!

n4gzz6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

Not only this editor but most of the editor (say about 80%) lie about game reviews. They may not lie 100% about game but hey boost some or downplay some games.

Who is surprised ?
After all they gotta keep their job.

vadercares6028d ago

Do they lie because there are too many games??

Fishy Fingers6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

Exactly, we're talking about these peoples livings here. I'm sure high rated site/mags such as OXM wouldnt outright lie about a game but they may "embellish the truth" somewhat, maybe downplay the negatives or bump that 8 up to a 9.

But like the editor says, it's almost impossible to prove, as much as people claim bias or paid off or whatever, we don't know what happened behind closed doors, what it really his opinion or was he "influenced"? We don't know.

Anyway, reviews are only there to give you an impression, you should always get as much of a mixer as possible, or even better, try the game yourself and apply your opinion of it regardless of what others maybe think.

Either way, there is a shed load of sarcasm in the editors comments, I wouldnt take it 100% seriously.

vadercares6028d ago

I agree he has a tone of sarcasm in it, but why even joke that he would personally lie. Just because he is being sarcastic doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth! Oh well I am just shocked that the Editor of OXM would even say that stuff out loud!

Fishy Fingers6028d ago

I'm not sure, and frankly that's only something he can answer. Perhaps after all the recent internet trend of claim this site is biased or that site was paid off purely because they didnt give it the score you thought accurate (even though most of the time the people claim this havent even played that game) has got to him somewhat.

Either way, it's not the best move on his part, either he is fanning the flames or it's his way of admitting that they embellish the truth.

Who knows, but when you read reviews from official sources (OXM, OPM etc) you have to expect them to slightly lean towards there platform. I'm sure there has been times at school or work or whatever where you have downplayed negatives or focussed primarily on the positives, or dare I say even lied to make your life a little easier?

I've always taken reviews as just an opinion and would always take them with a grain of salt as we all have different opinions and tastes.

SnowViper6028d ago

Fishy Fingers Said:
"Either way, it's not the best move on his part, either he is fanning the flames or it's his way of admitting that they embellish the truth."

I agree with you 100% that was not smart on his part.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6028d ago
vadercares6028d ago

I always thought they had a person for each genre. And why would you even Joke about lying about a game review, or be sarcastic. He calls himself a martyr. I guess I missed the joke of his blog. Why joke and say you lie about your game reviews at all...that just dosen't make since at all!

vadercares6028d ago

Laex why would he post that on his public blog? Would you ever joke about something like this if you had his job? At the very least would you post it on your public blog??

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Is the Console War Finally Over?

IGN - The battle between PlayStation and Xbox has waged for years, but a messy and unexpected conclusion to the console war may already have happened.

3d ago
VenomUK3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Yes. PlayStation has beaten Xbox.

This time next year when the evidence of this is stronger, Halo on PS5 & Xbox console sales have cratered, no one will even be asking the question.

Some die-hard Xbox enthusiasts have shifted their loyalties from the great Xbox console to the company Microsoft - they are not the same thing. Of course Microsoft as a Big Tech company with 3 trillion dollar market cap has significantly more wealth than Sony will likely ever have, but some fans are incorrectly equating this with Xbox success - it isn’t. PlayStation beat Xbox but there will be other wars to come.

The recent Gamertag radio interview with Peter Moore bought back some fond memories of the original Xbox and the early years of the great Xbox 360 era. 🫡

S2Killinit3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

PlayStation won. But while the console war is done, the competition continues. MS has retreated into monthly subscription services and PC and is trying to scorch consoles.

Cacabunga3d ago

War is over with no winner for the first time ever

Flewid6383d ago

Consoles have beaten consoles before. That didn't end the console war. lol.

Lightning773d ago

Xbox console sales are dead last with no hope of revival in sales but they are providing most to the industry right now.

StormSnooper2d ago

“Most” okay. He couldn’t even finish the sentence lest he be found out.

YodaCracker2d ago

The war ended with Microsoft as the biggest games publisher in the world, bringing in more revenue than Sony.

RedDevils2d ago

What I never knew there even a war, cause Xbox was never in it.

darthv722d ago

@caca... the winners are those of us who never cared about petty wars and just bought the platforms because they just wanted to play the games.

I kept saying people should support all so they would never feel a moment of disappointment when one of them decides not to compete. During any platform downtime, I had others to keep me entertained.

The ones who argued... prob only had one, and it was the one they defended most.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
Profchaos3d ago

Nah man don't do Sega dirty like that the Dreamcast 2 is right around the corner 9/9/29

Darkegg3d ago

Microsoft out, Sega in. If video game prices aren't controlled better with less competition, then I'm out. No way will I spent $100 for a partial game which is what they are working at.

Agent753d ago

You look back at the history of Atari, can't really fault their consoles and computers, most of their games didn't exactly meet AAA standards.

Profchaos2d ago

I find it interesting that Atari was inches away from signing a deal that would have given them the right to distribute the NES or at that time the Famicom to all regions outside of Japan.

lukasmain3d ago

Of course it's over. And that Loser with thousands of Alt-Accounts is like some console war veteran who came home and can't function because of a severe case of Gaming Shell Shock. He can't sleep. He trembles at any pro-Sony news and when an Xbox game is rumored or confirmed to be going to Playstation he starts shaking uncontrollably. Flashbacks. Prone to wetting his pants.

-Foxtrot3d ago

It’s weird though because rather than being mad at Microsoft for “betraying him” he’s mad at Sony. If people like himself spoke up more 10 years ago rather than letting things slide then maybe the backlash from their own die hard fans would have kept Microsoft in line more. I just hope people learn from this incase Sony starts getting even more cocky, especially with the live service trash.

It’s even funnier because it’s just towards Sony aswell, with Nintendo it’s like their second champ, unless they see Nintendo as the whole General Hux thing “I don’t care if you win, I just want Sony to lose”

3d ago
pwnmaster30003d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Idk why you guys even acknowledge him/her/them.
They obviously just want attention and excitement because they lack it irl.
Just ignore them and I promise you they will get bored lol

Gamingsince19813d ago

Not much else for them to do as an xbox owner, so they might as well make infinite n4g accounts.

1Victor3d ago

@pwn: “ Idk why you guys even acknowledge him/her/them.”
I. My case is fun to read the blind ignorance and titanic stupidity mix with mental and emotional instability in each of the comments oh and as a bonus finding his alt accounts hard typing been banned after I call them out 🤣.
The console war isn’t over yet as the Xbox is struggling and might release another console if and when they stop pushing consoles or came out officially and say they’re 3rd party then it will be officially over till then they got a microscopic chance to get back on 2nd again

S2Killinit3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

While I understand your sentiments guys, please don’t go overboard because you never know what people have going on in their personal life. Also, besides the alt-guy’s constant harassing PlayStation gamers w his comments over the years, he is actually otherwise a decent guy from what I’ve noticed in his comments about non-gaming issues.

So lets keep our comments non-personal as much as possible.

lukasmain3d ago

I've seen him tell Lies about people and tell people to STFU. I've seen him insult people. Let me ask you, why is it so hard to just make an account and lay off the BS comments? He just can't bring himself to show respect to anyone other than pro xbox fans. It's like he's incapable. His best effort is holding an account for about 3 days before getting banned again. He shows no respect. So I won't respect him in any way.

Elda3d ago

Nope. That mess deserves all the ridicule & shade thrown at them for their immense amount of trolling because of their overkill of love for MS/XB.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3d ago
3d ago
Terry_B3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

The console war was over 10 years ago already. Microsoft fumbled since the xbox one worldwide.

scorpio_20493d ago

I still remember listening to that on my way to eat lunch with my wife. They kept talking about TV and I was just asking what about games. Before that I owned Microsoft consoles. After that I’ve always bought Sony.

Popsicle3d ago

Same. Xbox was my primary console before that presentation. I remember watching it and hoping they would give me a reason to purchase an XOne. They never did and I only purchased a PS4 that gen.

Profchaos2d ago

That was such a nightmare of a reveal I was thinking ok this is the intro still they have to show something a sizzle reel anything but nothing really came I remember feeling like I just wasted my time watching that

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You Can Now Rent a PS5 in the UK—Should you rent or buy?

You can now rent a PS5 in the UK, starting at £11 a month. Power Up Gaming did the math to see if it's cheaper for you to rent a PS5 or buy one.

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or find somewhere that offers 0% apr to buy one etc

Killa784d ago (Edited 4d ago )

makes more sense but I imagine the people looking at this deal dont have access to the best finance.

Number1TailzFan5d ago

£12 a month for disc version is cheap, cheap enough to trial it if deciding whether to buy one. Either that or just put the £12 towards buying one to begin with.

8835d ago

Different I know, but it reminds me of the days of being able to walk into Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and rent a console and games whenever I fancied some game time. That experience actually drove me to buy the original XBOX after playing the original Halo co-op campaign with friends. Good stuff.

jznrpg4d ago

Buy - can always sell it later

Retroman4d ago

Why rent when you can buy it and forget it???


The Game Deflators E330 | Should Sony Release the PS6 Early? Pokémon News + Mega Man 4 NES Review

This week on the Game Deflators Podcast, John and Ryan dive into the hot topic of whether Sony should fast-track the release of the PS6 as PS5 sales show signs of cooling. Is it too soon, or is it a bold move to stay ahead of the curve?
Next, the duo breaks down the latest Pokémon announcements, sharing their thoughts on new game reveals, updates, and everything the Pokémon community is buzzing about.

To wrap things up, they hit you with a retro review of Mega Man 4 for the NES. Was this installment of the Blue Bomber’s saga a groundbreaking classic or just another notch in the series?

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Killa785d ago

No, the Pro just came out at a high price. The ps6 wont sell for more and they wont release a weaker ps6.

jznrpg5d ago

They should release it when they are ready, with games and the console itself. Tech only gets better so why rush it?