
In-game XMB? Sort of...Burnout Paradise brings the friends list in-game

TripleTags.com writes:

First of all for those of you who will doubt this; yes, the photo is 100% legitimate, not a "no-name source" sort of deal.

You can check for yourself if you own Burnout Paradise. Simply pause the game at any point, select the "Paradise City Online" menu, and press Triangle. Bam, there's your friends list, just as you remember it from the XMB. You can send and receive messages, change your comment, add, block, remove... anything you could normally find listed under the Friends icon can be found here. Although a few other titles have allowed messaging from certain menus, this is the first time it's been available during gameplay.

While this isn't exactly the full implementation that we've all been waiting for Sony to bring us, it's certainly a step in the right direction, and closer than we've come from a non-PSN title to in-game XMB yet.

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Iron Man 26085d ago

For once I agree with you;)

gamesR4fun6085d ago (Edited 6084d ago )

Had to hit show after I saw kermit5 agreeing

Wonder why they didnt throw in music 2?

@BrianC6234 thx for the info m8

MJY2K6085d ago

Didn't Sony say it's up to the developers to put this sort of stuff in?

Kleptic6085d ago (Edited 6085d ago )

I am confused...

tons of PS3 games have your friend list available in game...hell even FEAR had that, which was a terrible half-assed port...

its in game messaging that people are looking for...and a unified invite system (a lot of games have invites, but they don't make one bit of sense in some cases...and as of now none of them are across different games except for Tekken 5)...as well as the music stuff...

the biggest thing is that this stuff is already obviously implemented...its just not unified for some reason...you can see messages pop up from the notification bubbles during gameplay...its just you can't read it or reply to it...why not?...this "coming soon" stance is 100% BS on Sony's part...it was supposed to be here from the beginning, and they never once bothered debunking any of the FW 2.00 rumors that claimed it would have it...

as far as I am concerned this should be the very first thing they are addressing...I don't know yet how much this has to do with Home...but get both of those things finished first and foremost...I am going on a year with the system, and own pretty much every worthwhile online game the system has...tired of this lack of messaging features; is an understatement...

EDIT: n/m, saw the picture...so its the actual xmb list...not just names from that list in its own window...cool...now give us unified messaging...

BrianC62346085d ago

"Wonder why they didnt throw in music 2?"

I'm listening to Criterion's latest podcast right now and they talked about why no music off the PS3 hard drive. One guy said you can't do it on the PS3 but another guy said that isn't true. They can do it. They're looking into it. I guess the real problem is Sony hasn't made it easy for developers to do it. They need new software libraries I guess to make these features a lot easier.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6085d ago
Relin6085d ago

"... closer than we've come from a non-PSN title to in-game XMB yet."

Sounds like someone hasn't played Resistance.

Korosuke6085d ago

and as far as I know, skate. has same function, too.

TehRadge6085d ago

Resistance dosen't totally offer in game XMB, you can only access it at one point after loading the disc and thats in the online menu, you can't access it in single player or while you're in a party, private room or in multiplayer action. If you're hosting a party and you get an XMB message you'll have to disband your party to read that message.

Skate's FL isn't XMB, you CAN send messages with it but I don't know if they come up as XMB messages. UT3 is like that too.

Singstar offers in game XMB at all moments apart from when you're "performing"

mccomber6085d ago (Edited 6085d ago )

Like Yaster said, Resistance doesn't offer an actual ingame xmb. You can't stop in the middle of the game, online or off, and send and receive messages from your friends. Skate doesn't offer it this way either, but it did offer messaging to friends via a T-mobile sort of device.

DrPirate6085d ago

For anyone that knows... It said it supports all the features of the friends list. Even audio chat?

mccomber6085d ago

Now that you bring it up that option is missing, although the game itself does support it through the online portions when you are Freeburning with friends.

Jeremy Gerard6085d ago ShowReplies(2)
Bathyj6085d ago

If its such a big deal and everyone wants it so much, why dont devs put it in? It cant be that hard. And yes I know, Sony should do it and make it standard but, in the meantime, how bout it.

PS, is there in game music cos this is the sort of game where it would really suit it.

mighty_douche6085d ago

well it all comes down to free moemory i guess, if the developers can spare some then cool, impliment it, but im not sure games like KillZone/MGS have a mhz to spare.

Sonys problem is trying to reduce the OS footprint, allowing for a stable amount of memory to be left to the in-game XMB permanently

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How Burnout Paradise bucked the trend and made open-world racing irresistible

Met with derision from existing Burnout-series fans at the time, Burnout Paradise remains arguably the greatest open-world racing game of all time. Here's why.

SullysCigar502d ago

I don't know why - and I know I'm probably on my own here - but I liked Takedown more. I think it was just 'different' enough to feel fresh. I also loved the destruction.

On that note, a new Motorstorm would be nice! All that mud, dust and car pieces flying everywhere blew my mind on PS3 - imagine what they could do now.

NJShadow501d ago

I loved Burnout Paradise, but Burnout 3: Takedown will always be the best game in the series, for me. Burnout 3 is arguably the most fun game ever made, with the greatest licensed soundtrack ever.

EazyC502d ago

I played through the remaster quite recently. It's not as good as I remember, but I think a lot of that is because the "open world" thing was still pretty fresh back then.

I do think there's a gap in the market for a game like Burnout. With the new gen they could really make car damage a huge selling point again.

BrainSyphoned501d ago

Paradise gave me open world burnout before I knew it was a thing.


Burnout paradise remastered and original are my favorite, i got the platinum trophy for both games the nighthawk is my favorite car

Einhander1971501d ago

Personally don't give a shit for open world racers. Give me a new Motorstorm, Split second, Outrun.

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Ranking The Burnout Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: The Burnout series has plenty of great games to play, but which one is definitively the best? We're here to rank them all.

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waverider1151d ago

I think the crash mode should comeback. Tryng to make the most damage was very cool.

camel_toad1151d ago

That mode was so damn fun. Couldn't believe it when they ditched it.

Flewid6381150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )


Flewid6381150d ago (Edited 1150d ago )

Yeah that made for a good time.

Rebel_Scum1151d ago

Burnout 2 should be above 3 imo. The aftertouch takedown mechanic slowed down the gameplay too much in 3.

Flewid6381150d ago

That's the mechanic that made me enjoy Burnout 3 over the others. It wasn't until they introduced it that I considered the series any good.

Chocoburger1151d ago

I love Takedown, Revenge, and Paradise. Dominator was okay, but it clearly felt like a B-tier game.

After playing those awesome games, I went back to try out part 1 and it was rough. I didn't like the controls (whereas the others felt perfect to me), the elevator music was generic and not enjoyable to listen to.

Finally the game's difficulty was extremely high. I could beat all single player races in Takedown, Revenge, Paradise, Dominator, but could not get first place in the very first race for the first Burnout game. It demands perfection and one slight mistake is all it takes to lose. I have yet to play part 2, but I'm hoping it's more like part 3 than part 1.

ChasterMies1151d ago

Burnout Takedown is my favorite racing game of all time. My wife was addicted to crash mode.

Xenial1150d ago

As soon as I saw Burnout 3: Takedown at #1, I knew the list was legit. lol


EA, It's Time To Bring Back The Burnout Series

No more Need For Speed, it's time to bring back Burnout.

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1280d ago Replies(6)
Marcello1280d ago

Its long long overdue but the problem is its just not a big money spinner. Thats why EA ditched it. Alex Ward has gone his own way with Three Fields Entertainment & made Dangerous Driving but its very low budget.

LucasRuinedChildhood1279d ago

Each game gets closer and closer to being good. It's kind of painful how close they are. haha. I hope Dangerous Driving 2 being open world isn't too ambitious for them and it's a polished, fun 7.5-8/10.

roadkillers1279d ago

Maybe not, but if a quality title in the reigns released now days...People do pay more attention to reviews comparitively

BrainSyphoned1279d ago

Burnout with real life car mechanic costs sounds about right if you want EA to go for it.

isarai1279d ago

Here's the thing, EA is sitting on so many great IPs i would like to return, but at the same thing i feel like modern EA would find a way to ruin it. Besides Respawn, EA hasn't dropped anything good for almost 2 generations IMO.

LucasRuinedChildhood1279d ago

"almost 2 generations" What? Are you talking about the PS3 and the 360?

I agree with the general sentiment that their catalogue of games since the PS4/XB1 has been comparatively terrible to what they used to do though.

andy851279d ago

Absolutely loved these games back in the day. Paradise was good too but didn't quite have the feel of the old games

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