
Capcom's Software Development for Sony to Focus on PS3

Capcom President Haruhiro Tsujimoto said in a recent interview with Jiji Press (Japan) that the company will place more emphasis from next year on the development of software for Sony PlayStation 3, rather than the more popular PlayStation 2.

Tsujimoto also said Capcom plans to follow the industry trend of multiplatform development and to support both Sony PS3 and Microsoft Xbox 360, in order to maximize profits.

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squallsoft6313d ago

...that capcom is developiong multiplatform games. that means more money for them, and higher quality titles for all. XD


gunnerforlife6313d ago

more money yes

higher quality no.

DemiseofPandas6313d ago

This should at least debunk the MS buying Capcom rumors.... for now -.-

mighty_douche6313d ago

capcom will never sell out to a company and become exclusive, the only reason companies do this is to recieve a nice load of cash. Capcom dont need M$'s money they have enough of their own, infact if anyone could do with M$ money at the minute its M$ themselves.

SL1M DADDY6313d ago

Now let's hope that they do not fall victim to the typical delays for the PS3 versions while the other versions come out on time. I just can't wait for the devs to fully graps the PS3 hardware. I think at that time we will see them ship game on time. It is good to see them offering up the love for Sony. *thumbs up*

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Mike Fischer, advisor at Krafton, on gaming landscape and 2025 expectations

GWO: "We continue our review of 2024 together with top managers and experts from the games industry (and related fields). Up next is an interview with Mike Fischer, Professor of Interactive Media at the University of Southern California, Advisor at KRAFTON."

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Resident Evil 4 GameCube is 20 Years Old

The classic Resident Evil 4 GameCube release, the title that redfined the hugely popular series, debuted 20 years ago today.

Zeldafan6412h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Bought it the day it came out. Probably the most graphically impressive GameCube game.

cammers199511h ago

Resident evil 1 remake looks better.

Zeldafan6410h ago(Edited 10h ago)

It looks great but it's also pre-rendered backgrounds in tight, enclosed spaces. From a technical perspective RE4 is more impressive.

Agent759h ago

I'd say Resident Evil Zero which was canned on the Nintendo 64 and ported to the GameCube.

Neonridr5h ago

I still give it up to Factor 5 with Rogue Squadron 2 and 3. Those games look amazing still today. They squeezed a lot out of that box.

RE4 was no slouch either though.

Tacoboto5h ago

I think I'd give it to Metroid Prime and Echoes. 60fps with all those particle effects, and Samus' reflections.

The Remaster on Switch and Trilogy version on Wii are actually missing certain graphical effects.


Palestinian indie dev says video games are best way to tell the Palestinian story.

Can video games be the best medium to convey tragedy? One indie dev thinks so.

LG_Fox_Brazil1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

Movies, books, music and all other forms of works already do that, so it's fitting that games do the same

LeonhartX19h ago

I fully support them, games created from real tragedy often have the potential to deliver truly authentic and emotional stories.

TheKingKratos5h ago

The idiots giving you disagree are the worst

DaniMacYo19h ago

Will they tell the events of October 7th? Or just pretend they are a very peaceful nation.

DarXyde19h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Because everything started on October 7th.

I swear...

EDIT: Funny you should wonder if they are a peaceful nation. They don't have a nation. Bad actors that hold disproportionate power in the UN make sure of that.

LeonhartX18h ago

Exactly, all the atrocities committed before October 7th are magically forgotten. Selective memory


mkis00712h ago(Edited 12h ago)

On October 7th atrocities targeting specifically civilians on purpose happened. We know this from recordings by the perpetrators themselves. You don't get to take your ball and go home just because you called a timeout under a school. If they cared about their own people they wouldn't be below the school. Disproportionate force is the only avenue left when one side wants to eradicate the other... Israel made peace with Egypt and Jordan...so it's not on their end where the problem is.

Feel free to tell your own story though. I'm sure it will be as unbiased as anything else.

blacktiger5h ago

How far do you want to go, when they over took Israel or just Muslim settle at palestine,

DarXyde2h ago


You do know that Hamas was pushed by Israel, yeah? Ask yourself: why would the Israeli government prop up and endorse those who would be a problem? To manufacture consent? Could be. Netanyahu allegedly had knowledge of the impending attack a good while before it happened.

But let's take your point that innocent civilians were targeted since that's unforgivable (and yes, it is clearly a humans rights violation). Let's do some math:

~46k dead Palestinians. Worth noting those numbers undercount Palestinian deaths because the number has been stuck here for a long while. The Lancet places the estimate much higher (41% if I recall). Estimates have the total number of HAMAS militants (Total, not currently) at 20k. Worth mentioning that the administrators are also HAMAS, so people who don't even fight are included. Somehow, the IDF, the "most moral military in the world", seems to have the worst aim and lack of precision. Must be those human shields...

A brief reminder of the things this "moral" and "precise" military did:

- The IDF killed Rachel Corrie, a non-violent Palestinian rights activist by bulldozing her, commemorating the occasion with pancakes.

- Though they deny it, the IDF killed Shireen Abu-Akhleh, a Palestinian journalist and they beat the people carrying her casket at her funeral.

-Torture on civilians continues to be perpetuated using animals and metal rods.

-The IDF routinely broadcasts their atrocities on TikTok.

- The IDF, for some reason, is now in Lebanon and the ungoverned Syria because *reads notes* security concerns.

-The IDF is supposed to be letting in 350 aid trucks to Gaza daily and have failed spectacularly, turning them away for nonsense reasons.

-The IDF has killed nationals of other countries supporting Palestinians (I.e., international aid workers).

-The IDF routinely goes into Palestinian settlements to "mow the lawn", prior to 7 October.

Nevermind the West threatening to invade the Netherlands on behalf of war criminals, or the west refusing to arrest war criminals if they set foot on their land, or the payment then-president Trump took to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, or the payment soon-to-be President Trump took to eventually annex the West Bank (no HAMAS there, btw—wait and see on this one), or the statement from a head of state that "there are no innocent Palestinians", or the illegal annexation of the Golan heights (Syrian territory).

The Israeli government and the power-holding Zionist west is largely interested in creating "Greater Israel" to fulfill biblical prophecy. It's the entire point of the occupations and annexations.

Let me ask you: if you're internet access, water, housing, curfews, etc are controlled by an occupying force, at what point are you entitled to self defense? And even then, how do you do it when you're not allowed to have a military?

We should absolutely condemn the actions of HAMAS, but your framing of the issue is absurd.

But if you're interested in my sources, all it takes is some curiosity and the ability to interpret scientific, political, and UN literature. International work is my wheelhouse. So sure, my biased sources are experience in international affairs and publications.

S2Killinit29m ago

Well, I wonder of Hollywood ever told the Palestinian side of the story… I’ll wait.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 29m ago
MeteorPanda18h ago

We witnessed a fofa instantly for starting a war. They could reform, kick the terrorists out of their community and be better but why do that.

Ppl act like israel had the dome for years for giggles.

spicelicka7h ago

I take it you don't know of the events spanning 50 years prior to Oct 7th?

7h ago
TheKingKratos5h ago

Drop the victim card

You want the world to forget about all the war crimes committed in their own country by the colonists who robbed them of their lands and only focus on 7th October

What about the West Bank ?! Which happens way before that or all the bombing on Gaza and many more

StormSnooper36m ago

Israel, a nation offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.

Oschino19074h ago(Edited 4h ago)

They could base it off their classic children's show "Tomorrow's Pioneers" and have the main protagonist be the iconic Farfour the Mouse.

notatallsurprisinggg1h ago

You know it’s ok to get your news from places other than 4chan and Fox News right?

StormSnooper38m ago

Riiight because 75 years of oppression didn’t have anything at all to do with it right?

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Mapai18h ago

The Palestinians during the 1940s were an Axis faction and Nazis. This is no exaggeration.

The leaders of the Palestinian armies in 1948 were all in Berlin during WW2 and involved in the Nazi regime - Amin al-Husseini, the head of the Arab Higher Committee; Hasan Salame, commander of the Holy War Army; Fawzi al-Qawuqji, commander of the Arab Liberation Army.

>It is the duty of Muhammadans in general and Arabs in particular to drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries ... Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution [endgültige Lösung] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world

- Amin al-Husseini

Just like all Axis factions, they paid dearly for being on the wrong side and lost land. Germany lost a major part of their country, with millions of civilians killed or displaced in the process. However, no one would entertain a video game presenting the Germans as the victims in WW2.

Christopher8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

"The only difference is the journey Rasheed is trying to take us on, touches on the real world tragedy playing out in the Middle East right now."

Do you realize they're not talking about the 20th century but modern day?

I support their right to make a game to tell their side, everyone has that right. I may not agree with it. But it's not like they don't have the right to tell a story just like others are doing in the real world. In the end, there are no 'good guys' here, only innocents suffering for the power of the few.

MeteorPanda18h ago

I thought a game like that exists already, Rust.

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