
Nintendo are Opening up to Fans

From GamesReviews:

"Nintendo understands that they are in the uphill climb. The first step to recovery: admittance. Thankfully, Nintendo execs are not just sitting on their gold thrones using their millions of dollars to 'get by' until the next Nintendo console launches. They truly believe the Wii U can be turned around, and all their effort as of late has been to market anything and everything coming out for their systems."

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Bigkurz853670d ago ShowReplies(1)
tlougotg3670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

They are opening up to lack of sales! They need to cut out that narrow minded thinking and give consumers what they want. They need to make a robust and effective online, a system that's advanced and not underpowered compared to competition and invest in innovative new ips. They are too stuck in the past in thinking and software wise and need to step it up.

By the way i cant wait for the next gen Nintendo system, i have a feeling due to these poor sales they will make an affordable but great system that can fight with the best of them. I look forward to its unveiling.

BullyMangler3670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

leave the sales up to sony and microsoft, as that is all they are in it for . . cough cough No Bayonetta 2 support from both Sony and Microsoft cough cough < exposed!!

And yes its true nintendo is opening up to fans . I still remember when Nintendo was like, "if its a rumor, we dont answer", and now, they cant stop inter-acting with anything and everyone. .


p.s. . why is sony even trying to compete with the big N ? when no sony exclusive on any sony gaming machine so far, is more challenging than even DKC: Return, or DKTF ? especially since just 2 hits you are dead ..


tlougotg3669d ago

Your comment is as ridiculous as your blind fanboyism. Every company is in it for sales lol i remember you fan boys saying Nintendo will never do dlc Bcus their so honorable lol u guys kill me because of course now they are. It's a business.

As for quality lol this generation won't be no different from last so i don't know what your saying. Sony will invest in New ips, homerun with some, still push new features on system, have better third party this time around while Nintendo does what? Bayonetta2 wow! And Mario, Luigi, kong, etc and still have last gen features and bs online. They better change their thinking.

There's a reason ps4 sold more units in nine months then Wii u has sold to date. Stop blindly defending you come off desperate. Sony does it all, good hardware, good price, best ips, new ips, best devs, best features, best price.

lunatic00013669d ago

Isn't that what Sony had to do with the ps3 when it launched...thinking that a 600 dollar console will sell because it was PlayStation and when they were doing bad it knocked them of their high horse and now they are listening to the fans with the ps4 so they won't make the same mistakes as they did when the ps3 launched

GordonKnight3669d ago


The fans wanted wanted a DLC for Mario Kart 8 and Nintendo listened.

Thanks Nintnedo for listening!!!!

AdamRoffel3669d ago

"Sony does it all, good hardware, good price, best ips, new ips, best devs, best features, best price."

True Fanboyism at its finest. You cannot have rational conversation with other hardware fans (not fanboy) owners when you make unguided statements like this.

CloudRap3670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

Just ride out the Wiiu this gen wont be more than 4-5 years anyways but put some serious horsepower in that next console.

NattyGraham3670d ago

5 games per year won't cut it

randomass1713670d ago

Their release chart showed a lot more than five games for this year and next.

BlackWolf3670d ago

You mean this?


PS: SMTxFE and Devil's Third are not on the list, so that's two more.

marloc_x3670d ago

Your wit is as sharp as a beach ball..

Scissorman823670d ago

Nintendo needs to play to it strengths. It has a such a great wealth of gaming characters and franchises that are simply not being utilized. Why don't we have a new Metroid title yet? Why do series like Startropics remain a distant memory instead of being revived? Why doesn't Smash Bros. roster feel like a celebration of Nintendo's vast and rich history? There is so much that could be done. Nintendo's 2015 line-up looks great but it still isn't enough.

wonderfulmonkeyman3670d ago

I disagree on the part about smash bros.
Have you even seen the new details about All-Star mode?

Scissorman823670d ago

I have seen the details. And? Is it adding a bunch of new characters that haven't been revealed yet? No, it isn't. Take a look at this image:


From that pic alone you can see that 4 characters are from one singular franchise. As for Pac-Man, I'd hardly call that series representative of the vintage NES or Nintendo experience. I'm just saying that the roster could have been so much more. Little Mac and Mega Man are examples of what I'm talking about.

WECKmaster3293670d ago

We need a new F-Zero, and for goodness sake, I want to see Mach Rider get revived. Although I have never played Mach Rider, it's still a game that I could totally see getting a revive. F-Zero has been too dormant as it has been more than a decade since GX was released. That game needs an HD remake if there is not going to be a sequel yet.

wonderfulmonkeyman3670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

I take it you only glanced at the pic of the article about all star mode?
Because that's what it sounds like, considering you didn't make any mention of the fact that it details the release year of every character and has you fight them in chronological order, as a homage to their history.

Also, how is adding things like Duck Hunt, classic Mega Man instead of X, and giving Little Mac a wire frame costume straight from his arcade days, amongst other things, not a demonstration of celebrating the rich history of the characters?
I don't think you looked very deeply into all the nostalgia references packed into this game...

Scissorman823670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

I know about these references. But if you go back to my first comment I clearly just mention the roster as my main gripe. Of the confirmed characters we have 5 from the Mario universe and 4 from the Pokemon franchise. That's a decent chunk of the roster to be devoted to only two video game franchises.

Would it have been so difficult to cut a Mario character in favor of Mike Jones or Zoda of Startropics? Why not ditch one of the four Legend of Zelda characters (whom have all been in previous installments) and put in an Excitebike Racer as a character? Why not try harder to get more 3rd Party characters in there that were a part of Nintendo's early success? Adventure Island? Bubble Bobble? Blaster Master? Castlevania? Adventures of Lolo? Better still, why not have Bayonetta in the roster?

I appreciate the references but they don't do much for me if the roster is more or less the same tired franchises.

Spotie3670d ago

You're barking up the wrong tree. It takes an act of God for the monkey here to see something wrong with anything Nintendo does.

It wouldn't kill Nintendo to move to other franchises for their character selections. It wouldn't hurt to push something other than Mario and Pokemon as hard as they push Mario and Pokemon. The games may still be quality, but Nintendo relies entirely too heavily on the star power of a handful of faces.

weekev153670d ago

As a huge Nintendo fan, i kind of agree with you. We have had a wealth of platformers recently on both WiiU and 3DS, why don't Nintendo do a next gen Excitebike, Wave Race, FZero. Or go screw MS for smothering the Rare IPs and get some classic 3D adventure platformers a la Conker and Banjo but under a different name.

I do love Mario and DK but variety is.the spice of life it would have been nice to bookend this gen with those titles instead of releasing them so close together.

Smash Roster is ok in my book. Yes theyve missed out on Nostalgia points but im loving the fire emblem, xenoblade, kid icarus attention. Feels like a nod to modern era Nintendo.

truechainz3670d ago (Edited 3670d ago )

Was with you until you mentioned smash. It is very likely that in addition to Pac-Man, Mega Man, Little mac, wii fit trainer, and Sonic it is likely that the roster will include the freakin DUCK HUNT DOG. I find it hard to believe you even ask for more to represent a Nintendo's history when there is even a possibility that Duck Hunt Dog could be in smash. I mean in this roster alone the dream match-up of Mario vs. Sonic vs. Pac-Man vs. Mega man can happen. This roster is the best and most diverse blend of modern and classic characters to really exist for Nintendo. Not to mention the looming possibility of DLC. I mean heaven forbid 2 of the highest selling and widest spanning series have multiple characters too.

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MadLad650d ago (Edited 650d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast650d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper649d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot649d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


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