
SOE Sell PlanetSide 2 By Calling its Audience "Console Peasants"

Around 53m20s into this year's PlanetSide 2 keynote you'll hear creative director Matthew Higby really sell the upcoming console version of the shooter. After mentioning some of the PC fixes that have come from work on the PS4 version he adds this:

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Abash3553d ago ShowReplies(13)
MrSwankSinatra3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

Just because it's a joke doesn't mean that it's acceptable. A man of business does not insult his consumers. Though as per usual since it's Sony it's okay though? I'll wait for imminent disagree's and the moronic responses of how it was "Just a Joke" and that i'm "Sensitive" or i'm a "Troll" etc. You can't have opinion against Sony otherwise you're a "hater" or "fanboy."

When Phil Fish said all Japanese games sucked as a joke, everyone tore him a new ass****, this guy says a joke of poor taste "Oh man it was just joke." I've starting to notice just how one sided people are around here.

Paprika3553d ago

Take away the "its just a joke" its offensive. You wouldn't say "we are developing this new mmorpg for all the fat PC elitists out there... of course, you're not really fat... just a joke"... lol

Not-A-Cat3553d ago

It's just a joke but it can be offensive to some degree and they are telling it to their own audience in which the game was first playable in pc, Phil Fish on the other side is a douchebag that insulted a whole genre of games.

Spotie3553d ago

Pretty sure Fish was just being an ass. He's kinda known for that, so that seems the more likely interpretation of his words.

On the other hand, is SOE known for insulting people? No? Is Sony, in general, known for cracking jokes? Yes?

Then which one seems more likely?

Of course, anything is possible. Sony could have just randomly decided to insult prospective buyers for no real reason.

It's also possible that Kotaku is being its typical self and stirring shit up. Cuz that's one of the things they do. I mean, when did we start taking their articles seriously again?

JackStraw3553d ago Show
700p3553d ago Show
gootimes3553d ago

I think he is trying to bring back SonyToo, albeit with a bad comparison.

Azzanation3553d ago Show
r2oB3552d ago

I always hear/read people saying that gaming should be lead by fellow gamers and not business men (industry leaders that are gamers at the core), then when you have someone make a comment as a gamer to a gamer (an obvious joke about a gaming related term), people complain that he is not acting like a businessman. Which is it? Do you want people to feed you lies and PR nonsense, or do you want people to relate to you on a similar level you would relate to friends (I.e. Making a joke that you would make in the company of your friends).

Dee_913552d ago

Me believing youre just a sensitive person that can't take a joke has nothing to do with Sony... I didn't even know SOE was Sony before you even said that...

StockpileTom3552d ago

You know, if you stopped after the first two sentences I would have gone with Agree/Well Said. It is the rest of your comment that turns it into Disagree/Trolling.

If you feel that way don't sink to their level, don't even acknowledge them.

ShinMaster3552d ago

That "it's ok because it's Sony" argument is getting old. Stop assuming. Unless you haven't noticed "it's ok because it's Microsoft or Nintendo" is also true, depending in which side you lean towards.

PC master race and console presents started as a joke by Yahtzee. Unfortunately some PC fanboys actually use it seriously.
Do I think he should have said it? No.
But I can't judge because I don't know his intentions or the full context of what and how he said it.

AndrewLB3552d ago

Sounds like someone touched a nerve with this one. lol. The hypersensitivity in today's culture is really getting out of control. People have lost their ability to look at themselves with a measure of humility and acknowledge they're not the flawless human being their mother told them they were all those years growing up. God forbid one of these man-babies going to a stand-up comedy show by someone like Bob Saget (yes... the funniest home videos guy) who has a habit of completely eviserating people in the audience! They'd probably have a complete mental breakdown and go postal.

People really need to get over themselves and quit with the knee-jerk manufactured outrage.

(I'm not directing this at any one person, just people in general.)

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3552d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

Its still an implied joke though.

LackTrue4K3553d ago

Just for fun/joke, they should make this game free for PlayStation 4 users.....hahaha

mixelon3552d ago

.. Planetside 2 is free.

rodelthegreat3552d ago

Planetside 2 is a free game and it is worth every penny imo.

spacedelete3553d ago

were does he say its a joke ? did he actually apologize ? or are you just assuming just like a typical fanboy ?


So you always add 'this was a joke, please don't get mad' after you made one? If everyone would just stop being so heavy-hearted the world would be a much more peaceful place.. with butterflies, candy and stuff.

JackStraw3553d ago Show
Baka-akaB3553d ago

how about you look at the context , and the console demo ? does it look to you as something they'd waste their time working upon for "console peasants" ?

Hello_World3553d ago Show
user56695103552d ago

its only a joke when sony says it. its not a joke when pc gamers say it right. lol ps fanboys, more of their spinning.

i know its a joke and i also know a lot of pc gamers use it as a joke. funny how that works huh

ShinMaster3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

It probably wasn't ok for him to say it and I don't know the full context.
But the difference is, even though the master race and console peasants remark started as a joke, many PC fanboys use it seriously and their intentions are clear. When Yahtzee said it, it was funny. When it's used in a reference it can also be funny. However there are fanboys out there who are hostile and also people with usernames like yours who aren't trying to be funny.

rainslacker3552d ago

Pandering to the audience is probably a better term than joke. Sony is pretty good at that.

"Know your audience" is a pretty important thing when it comes to public speaking.

I'm sure the people there found it amusing, and I'm sure they know that Sony doesn't think of console owners as peasants...thus it's a joke to pander to the crowd.

Not sure why others are having such a hard time accepting that.

Reaper29r3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

@Deadpool the game ran like crap on PC at first because of CPU bottlenecks, it wasn't optimized for multi core processors and instead sucked power out of a single core. So a guy running say an i5 at a lower clock speed would get worse performance than a guy running a higher clocked dual core. The lead engineer for Planetside 2 admitted this himself (look it up) and they started videos called Operation Make Faster Game. I'm getting this on PS4 as well so I can enjoy with my console friends, but don't expect the PS4 version to run at ULTRA 1080p at 60FPS, that's marketing BS. Med-high I can def believe but not Ultra. I'm just being real here because if you've never played it at that setting on PC you won't know any better lol. I have an i5 4670k with a GTX 770 in my rig and I don't maintain a locked 60 frames at those settings. More like low 50s and even 40's during big fights. Still it's an awesome game. And I liked MAG so if you liked that you guys will love this. MAG doesn't even come close in graphics, map size, player count, weapon options, vehicles and aircraft, player customization etc.. really fun game.

sinspirit3552d ago

They said it themselves. It is max settings and 1080p/60fps on PS4. There is no spinning or marketing about it.

sinspirit3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

Since some people want to disagree without any proof of why what I said is wrong...


I MIGHT be wrong about the framerate, and I was mistaken only on that detail. But, regardless it is confirmed to run at ultra graphics settings at 1080p and be a smooth framerate, and that was a while ago.

I just wish they brought games like this to Vita, obviously PS2 itself is a bit too much. Though, I would love Warhawk and MAG on Vita. It's supposed to be a handheld meant to have home console quality games but they strayed too far from that idea and there is little focus on proper RPG's which is something handhelds really strive off of. I really hope they use their current momentum or make it even more accessible for developers to deliver games to instead of letting it dwindle.

Reaper29r3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

Sinspirit we will see. No one here is denying of what the devs said that's why I said it's marketing, where do you think I got it from. Whether they can do it is whats being discussed. The people agreeing with me are the ones that understand that developers will tell you what you want to hear (watch dogs, colonial marines anyone? ) and have probably played the game on PC. Which it sounds like you haven't. Yes the game is free, but you will spend sick sums of money on this game before you even realize how much you've been spending. I myself put $230 in it before I realized it and cut myself off. And that was only on cosmetic items and 1 faction unique weapon. You should see how much some others spend. One guy in my outfit (EXE) has spent over $800. The devs know this, they know there is a large install base on the ps4 so they will tell you what you want to hear to get you all hyped up, specially because they know most of you have never touched the PC version. For all you know that's what it looks like on Ultra. And my proof to my arguemnt is that I've been playing that game since release (StormWolf29r if you want to look my soldier up) with several upgrades, and the fact that my PC still can't pull it off like they claim the ps4 can. And even though mine is not great, it's still miles ahead of the PS4. If the PS4 can pull off a multi platoon bio dome battle at 1080p and stay at 30 frames or above at ULTRA, I'll eat this post lol. You can keep believing in optimization magic sauce if you want (keep in mind it's basically a PC unlike last gen). Look man its still going to look good on PS4 and it's an awesome machine, I love mine, but it's not a super computer. I hope they can pull it off I really do, but I'll stick to my realistic expectations until i have my hands on it myself.

sinspirit3551d ago

Where in there statements could you possible see spinning or marketing? It's simple statements by a credible source that is part of a credible mega corporation.

Why are you going on about spending money on a F2P game?

Where do you get the impression that the console being more PC like affects the amount of optimization they can do? Even if it were exactly like a PC it would still have a lot more potential in those parts than their PC counterparts. I don't know why people keep denying this with PS4 when a PS3, comparable to a 6800GT, pulls off games like God of War and The Last of Us. Not only do these results exist but even John Carmack basically said that the PS4 GPU has twice the potential of its PC counterpart. Of course it takes time to reach that potential. Don't even deny the graphics evolution of Uncharted 1 and 3.

Right.. It sounds like I haven't played this game based on what?

You're sitting here saying that a console, compared to a HD 7850, is not comparable to a GTX 770, while John Carmack already said what many devs and hardware engineers agree with, that you essentially get twice the potential out of parts on a console platform. With optimization it is clear it is going to be quite close to a 770. And, according to what they said, and they are credible, the game is already about that close.

But, you can go on and rant or try and argue against a credible developers word and try and play make believe with doubt. Launch games were already comparable to PS2 in graphics. Your PC specs are not a representation as not only are PC's not optimized in general, but some games skim optimization on PC and leave it up to the users hardware performance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3551d ago
3552d ago
jimjam34423552d ago

well, we kind of are console peasants.


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3551d ago
DVS-Zev3553d ago

Kotaku is like the TMZ of gaming news.
Absolute bottom feeders.

Big_Game_Hunters3553d ago

... Its not like they are making this up.

Ezz20133553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

do you understand what a Joke mean ?!
Do you think Sony will just Bash the gamers who buy their consoles/games?!

kotaku is just being kotaku

LOL_WUT3553d ago

wouldn't surprise me Sony took some action over this guys actions ;)

JackStraw3553d ago Show
Big_Game_Hunters3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

@jack straw thanks for the personal attack.
joke or not the crowd didn't sound happy.
if i'm not mistaken SOE is mostly a PC dev right?!?

gootimes3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

It was a play on the PC elitist thing, they know that on these forums there is a sense of that. They know that people think PC gamers have an elitist mentality and say stuff like that all the time. You honestly think they would seriously call their own fan base names? They were making fun of the "war" between the fan bases. I will admit he is taking a risk though, because many people wont understand that.

whybag3552d ago

They are making up a "story" by trying to sow controversy over a joke. It's like the national news over Obama's "art history major" line, people need to grow up.

rainslacker3552d ago

No, but they are taking it out of context. That can be even more damaging than making stuff up.

Does anyone here really think Sony thinks so low of it's console supporters? It makes them a lot more money than their PC supporters, and I'm sure they appreciate that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3552d ago
tee_bag2423553d ago

Geez relex mate. Don't shoot the messenger.

Majin-vegeta3553d ago


As a console player.I am deeply offended that Kotaku would go out of their way to make something out of nothing when all it was was a joke.IDC what they call me just give me my PS2 on PS4 already!!

shinrock3552d ago

What does kotaku have to do with what a dev said? unless kotaku lied about what they said. Im not a pc gamer so I just don't see the humor in it.

AngelicIceDiamond3553d ago ShowReplies(9)
mysteryraz113553d ago ShowReplies(4)
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They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

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